'dudes who marry back home got no game'......... thoughts?


I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
lmao, as expected, a bunch of emotional and sensitive faaraxs throwing out insults directed at me and my opinion, when all i wanted was discourse. as i said before, emotional responses come from an emotional place which resonates with you one way or another. a secure faarax in the west woud not get as mad as yall and fart out assumption foqol assumptions due to my opinion.

please tell me what is there to be jealous of? xaalimos back home? jealousy falls into the court of you guys, as you bear witness to the bountiful amount of options somali women have, as oppose to the limited you guys do. u can disagree all u want, but its true. thats not to say we aspire to explore all these options, we stick with faaraxs mostly, but if you guys were as fawned over as other black men, i assure you you would not return the favor.

but on the topic of marrying back home, i actually feel faaraxs back home better suited in some ways, theyre not abroad dying over zip codes or drinking themselves silly. stop acting as if women back home and diaspora men are the cream of the crop.
You call madows as options?! Whites?! Sand niggaz? Pakis and Indians?! Do these ethnicities seem suitable options to you?!

We all aspire to have a gorgeous pious Somali wife that can teach her offsprings our culture and language. Ideally those women are abundant back home, don't hate the guys for looking out on their lineage and the future of their children.
I don’t know why anyone cares about who someone marries. If Somali men feel more comfortable marrying from back home then congratulations to them, I really don’t care. :manny:


King Of NSFW

Shmurda admits to sleeping around and using drugs he is in no position to criticise others. He needs to focus on improving himself before thinking of marriage instead of falsely accusing women of what he does.
he can do what he wants, but i dont understand the need for grown men on here refusing to have healthy conversations without the need to jab low. its like some of them dont even talk to actual humans the way they spew bs, assuming theyre the same on here irl.

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Lol I'm emotional all I said was girls over here are too easy and you guys exploded like a time bomb

When I posted that I meant that majority of them are too easy obviously there are good girls over here. Regardless if the shoe fits then ... :manny:


King Of NSFW
Some females are snake asf they give evil eye to xalimos from back home that marry western faraxs. If a fob farax married a xalimo from the west wallahi all the men here would turn up and be happy for the dude


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Some females are snake asf they give evil eye to xalimos from back home that marry western faraxs. If a fob farax married a xalimo from the west wallahi all the men here would turn up and be happy for the dude
Exactly why dont they marry from back home. It shows we love our country deeply. We are happy for fellow Faaraxs why cant they be the same and be happy for their fellow Xalimo?


Stay away from women here. They are not suitable for marriage. Only a few are. I married a woman born and raised here but she is pious and understands her role in the diin and she is the same as women in Somalia. Most need to be called for what they are: degenerate. But it makes me happy that they will never get married. They have lost their human right to reproduce. I am happy no man wants them and they will die alone and then be punished by Allah for their wickedness. They are a liability to the Somali people. We also must protect the good women and not put them in the same category as the 99% filth.

You all care too much about what a random woman does with her body and not enough about your men killing each other on the streets and overdosing on drugs every other day while also being the sexual degenerates you claim to hate.
I personally don't know any successful young guys in the west that got married back home. Its either dhaqan celis, fobs or older guys looking for a second wife. Either way xalimos are not disadvantaged by this pattern.

Also I've been wearing hijab since childhood and noticed most faraxs give more attention to non-muslim or scantily clad xalimos. Most guys will be very friendly to them and in most cases do not even say salam to me. But yet xalimos are soo westernized , don't dress modestly and rude etc.

The thing is men will defend each other until their last breath even though they are in the wrong. So the idea that they are done with westernised xalimos when they much more likely on average to smoke,drink, fornicate and get into crime is all nonsense.

When they turn their life around they expect a religious, educated sister to accept them. We are more educated and should not settle for bums. I know of many women who have and have only single motherhood and heartbreak. These guys will never appreciate you for settling and they will mock you for it one day.

The xalimos back home are also catching on to their mess and I have family members back home that are looking for successful guys in Somalia and not interested in guys from the diaspora. They are lied to and told they will save up and bring them over soon but get divorced after a few years and left to raise the children alone.

The deadweight from the community need to fix up and own up to their wrongdoings and not blame women for their shortcomings. Its not our fault or responsibility.

End of story!

Omg you’re soo spot on, I don’t know what these men here are talking about but wallahi not only do most Somali men date promiscuous girls, they marry them too. Most Somali guys in my area are married to women who have been around the block. I’m yet to see a western born somali guy willingly marry from back home too.


Those Western Faraxs marrying fob Somali women are increasing the Somali diaspora as many countries have started to cut down on asylum claims coming from Somalia. Only way for fobs to enter the West is through marriage nowadays. Also, those fob Somali women tend to have significantly more children on average than diaspora raised Somali women. It's a good thing in the long run.
They believe women back home are purer than the Western ones with religious, cultural values, and whatnot. Can you really blame them? What do you see when a western Xalimo gets called out for any action she does that is a clear sin in Islam? A swarm of other Xalimos defending her stating "only allah can judge her". This argument is used for everything from Zina to smoking Shisha. Now, what do you expect when Western Somali men decide to marry back home? :pachah1:

Obviously not all Western Somali women are like the above, just giving an example of why some cabdis rather marry back home. :manny:
And then they get mad when we bring up the fact that they be marrying out 5x more than us. Females are special needs sometimes
Absolute brain dead. They praise each other when they marry out to another ethnicity. But it’s frowned upon to marry another Somali with culture back home. Can Halimos explain to me why interracial marriage is supported but this is frowned upon? Why does it bother you.


Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary
Do these women understand the meaning
of what "having game" is. I don't think that they actually do. The concept of having game means to come up with sleazy pick up lines and other deceitful tactics in order to seduce a girl into sleeping with them either by lying or being manipulative to them. It's how these pick up artists, players and f*ckbois in the west manage to have sex with so many different women without actually marrying or getting into a long term committed relationship with them.

If these are types of men that women in the west deem to be worthy mating partners then it's no surprise as to why these second generation western born and raised so called "loser men" as you correctly put it, pack up their stuff and go back home to their parents country to marry a more pious and religious female who doesn't have like 30 bodycounts to their name.
This whole post is out of insecurity. A lot of western Somali women resent Somali men for marrying back home because deep down inside they know they can’t compete with the women back home. The naago in Somalia are more religious, cultural, feminine, much less likely to be promiscuous etc etc etc.

Why do you assume that if someone marries back home it’s because they can’t bag shordies in the west? That’s makes it seem like you’re forcing/pressuring western Somali men to be with you (western Somali women) instead of Somali women back home.

Another thing I noticed about your flawed argument is that you implicated Somali men always expect their parents to help them find a spouse which is obviously not reality.

Since it obviously gets under your skin that Somali women back home are more of the ideal spouse, why don’t Western Somali women emulate them instead of continuing the behavioral patterns/traits that get them cancelled in the first place?
No reasonable man would marry these westernised xalimos who’ve seen more trains than Waterloo station. No thanks.

Well said akhis you're all spot on

x z

±somali supremacist, anti-inceI&queen in the north
You call madows as options?! Whites?! Sand niggaz? Pakis and Indians?! Do these ethnicities seem suitable options to you?!

We all aspire to have a gorgeous pious Somali wife that can teach her offsprings our culture and language. Ideally those women are abundant back home, don't hate the guys for looking out on their lineage and the future of their children.

the only llong term suitable option for me is somali. i dont even consider it an option, its a must.

im just saying, somali women are not just wanted by somali men, and there are some somali girls who are insecure in their somalinio and fawn over ajnabi approval. but then there is people like me, who acknowledge our exclusivity and desire simultaneously. i dont give in to weird fetishes.

maybe i worded it wrong by saying options

but the guys in here are emotional asf and cant have no productive conversations.

x z

±somali supremacist, anti-inceI&queen in the north
At the end of the day they are Somalis getting married to Somalis.

@x z we have this option too. Educated men back home are great tbh. They are funny and hard working.

i see myself with either or tbh. as long as these 4 criteria are met: deen, looks and lacag and dhaqan. the ones back home tend to tick three except the lacag part, but as development goes on, im sure they will meet that standard.

x z

±somali supremacist, anti-inceI&queen in the north
Absolute brain dead. They praise each other when they marry out to another ethnicity. But it’s frowned upon to marry another Somali with culture back home. Can Halimos explain to me why interracial marriage is supported but this is frowned upon? Why does it bother you.

who supports interracial marriage? Im indifferent, but my opinion is somalis with somalis is the best way forward. stop assuming things, along with all the other niman in this thread.

im not frowning upon this either, its just my opinion. marry who u want peoples

x z

±somali supremacist, anti-inceI&queen in the north
Money comes and goes. You can build something together As long as he is ambitious and hard working in shaa Allah.

inshallah. i understand money comes and goes, but i dont want struggle love. i want us both to be comfortable enough to deal with the tribulations of the dunya whilst working on our afterlives destiny too. i dont want a rich person, otherwise i wouldve said lacaglow, i just want them to be self sufficient as a bare minimum, but be able to provide too


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