Educated Somali Men marrying from back home

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Most marriages in the west end up in divorce whereas marriages back home always last cause the woman knows her role and likewise so does the man so they complete eachother instead of competing.


Most marriages in the west end up in divorce whereas marriages back home always last cause the woman knows her role and likewise so does the man so they complete eachother instead of competing.
What if you don't want a woman who just knows her role but a woman who is as productive as me and is doing shit with her life. I'm not trying to sustain her if she isn't educated enough to have an income of her own and isn't bringing anything to the table other than cooking and cleaning which I can do myself.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Nah bro not demeaning them. A girl from the west can have her culture and deen anyways you're the one generalising western halimos
You use the way rd fob as a diss but really it's a compliment cause a fob is someone who's still has their culture intact so you're free to call me a fob in sha Allah.

I don't take about girls in the west, tell me one post I made about westernised girls?
Also another noticeable trend I'm seeing is educated somali guys with a uni degree marrying somali girls with no degree since they want the housewife type which most educated Somali girls would refuse.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
What if you don't want a woman who just knows her role but a woman who is as productive as me and is doing shit with her life. I'm not trying to sustain her if she isn't educated enough to have an income of her own and isn't bringing anything to the table other than cooking and cleaning which I can do myself.
You're westernised you should settle with a westernised female and I am a fob so I want to stick with my own kind.


You use the way rd fob as a diss but really it's a compliment cause a fob is someone who's still has their culture intact so you're free to call me a fob in sha Allah.

I don't take about girls in the west, tell me one post I made about westernised girls?
The way you worded it by saying the girl I called a fob has her culture and deen implies that western girls don't which is a generalisation. Anyway I think it is too much of a culture Flash to marry an educated chick from wadanka but if she's educated and SMART then that's a different conversation. My British halimos will do just fine.


Another thing is that these guys often can't get girls from the west as they are too shy or too religious or just aren't able to draw gyal in the west so they go home where girls flock to them because they have money. It's really a last resort moves for pussies.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Another thing is that these guys often can't get girls from the west as they are too shy or too religious or just aren't able to draw gyal in the west so they go home where girls flock to them because they have money. It's really a last resort moves for pussies.
Do I come across as shy:comeon:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Probably in real life that's why you overcompensate on the internet by starting arguments with everyone (just an observation). Most keyboard warriors are social degenerates anyway.
Kkkk I'm a proud fob Alhamdulillah let's agree to disagree mr western way of life.
Let's be honest the ones who go to Somalia to marry are either losers or fat, balding, short men. Either way good riddance. Successful western xalimos need a successful man who is also financially handsome, yes I've said financially handsome. Deal with it!!!
But the truth is xalimos mostly end up with a revert with chains of crime history who mostly can't even support himself let alone a family so I wonder what education and financial you talking about lol
Most marriages in the west end up in divorce whereas marriages back home always last cause the woman knows her role and likewise so does the man so they complete eachother instead of competing.

Of course fob Halimos aren't looking for a fight, That's their ticket out of the country! :hemad: In the end, they get a green card to Europe w/o dangerous taxrib so they count their blessings :sass2:

Fobs have great senses when it comes to losers so if you are one with no passion, ambition, etc they will smell you out like a rat and leave you as soon as they become citizens :hemad: good on them :qri8gs7:


cismaan maxamuud
Listen its the most economical option, why waste 40k on one here when you can acquire 4 for the price of one back home,furthermore the women in somalia are more homely and know how to really take care of a man and respect your influence in the household.All these women in the west know how to do is whine about everything and they are also self-obsessed.
-Ps if shit doesnt change over here in the west im marrying from back home as well
Most of them who go home for a wife are ugly tho lol so that probably pays a role as well besides them wanting girls who aren't indepdedent.


Translation: I'm too autistic to find a girl in the west so I'm going back home to find a fob girl that will be my slave:hillarybiz:

If I could I would gas the somali guys marrying back home, they're ruining our rep as males. :bell:


Most of them who go home for a wife are ugly tho lol so that probably pays a role as well besides them wanting girls who aren't indepdedent.
How do you know that they are ugly? You have seen most of them? :camby: Maybe they prefer something else than intersectional feminists.

@Meek Mill Stop simping adeer. :stopit:
The guys I've seen marry abroad are regular schmoes. One of them was forced into it by his father.

TLDR: Somali women forced Somali men into hood culture.

Got it. Let me try not to laugh.

There is definitely an element of truth in this, obviously not all somali men into hood culture can say it was the fault of somali women but a lot of them who got into this type of thing did it because they wanted attention from girls when they were in high school. Back then all the somali girls used to thirst over the one guy who either rapped/was the star basketball player/big time drug dealer or hoodman. The girls eventually realize that none of these guys can guarantee them a stable future so they begin looking to the educated guy but by the time this happens a lot of these boys who only turned to this lifestyle to get a girl's attention can't get back on track.
Why is this surprising? How you find your spouse reflects your lifestyle, it makes sense for more traditional individuals that would meet people through family networks (that may span across countries) to marry someone from elsewhere even if that means back home.

I actually know of more women who married back home then men but that just may be me keeping in touch with some childhood friends.

To each his or her own, I don't get the stigma but meh. I guess sometimes people project their own issues.
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