Egypt and Somalia defence agreement


Guul iyo Gobanimo
This harun maruf guy reposted it. There's 0 info. It's spreading now

What I found;

The Somali Cabinet approved a defense agreement between the two countries during an extraordinary meeting on Friday evening. This agreement, which was signed in January, is designed to bolster defense cooperation and strategic collaboration.

The approval comes as part of Somalia's broader efforts to enhance its security framework and international partnerships. The agreement includes provisions for joint military training, intelligence sharing, and collaborative defense strategies, aiming to address common security challenges and strengthen regional stability.

Somali officials have expressed optimism that this agreement will not only fortify defense capabilities but also pave the way for deeper bilateral relations between Somalia and Egypt. The move reflects a commitment to fostering stronger ties in the realm of security and defense.

Internet Nomad

Somalia also has a defence agreement with Ethiopia :snoop:

At these point you can wipe your ass with these useless defence agreements :deadmanny:
Somalia is 1000iq in a fake portrayal of being incompetent they are actually playing all sides trust the plan.


Somalia also has a defence agreement with Ethiopia :snoop:

At these point you can wipe your ass with these useless defence agreements :deadmanny:
It means nothing unlike the turkish agreement which the cabinet and then parliament approved.

@Internet Nomad
We got the emiratis to cover the training and equipping costs of over 10,000 troops and switched to the turks after their presidential elections. See the article I linked below

A year on, the Somali parliament is still yet to ratify the agreement to formally complete the constitutional procedure.

In contrast, MPs swiftly approved a similar defence and commerce deal with Turkey over a few weeks last month.


Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty
egypt is langaab lol. Cant even spend 2 dollers on palestinians yet wants to use us against aidsthopians. f*ck em.
how can u trust these langaabs after whats unfolding in gaza


egypt is langaab lol. Cant even spend 2 dollers on palestinians yet wants to use us against aidsthopians. f*ck em.
how can u trust these langaabs after whats unfolding in gaza
So true. It's one of the most cucked countries in the world and their political weight isn't that much .
Of course they need us as a pawn against Ethiopia for the Nile controversy probably to get some assets in case they need to fight against the Xabashis.
egypt is langaab lol. Cant even spend 2 dollers on palestinians yet wants to use us against aidsthopians. f*ck em.
how can u trust these langaabs after whats unfolding in gaza
The whole world is scared of Israel-USA. It’s unfair to blame Egypt only. Muslims from Senegal to Indonesia are watching what’s happening in Gaza unfortunately.


The whole world is scared of Israel-USA. It’s unfair to blame Egypt only. Muslims from Senegal to Indonesia are watching what’s happening in Gaza unfortunately.
This is a Muslim issue but also an Arab issues Senegal and Indonesia are not Arabs and they don't share a border with Israel , also they aren't complicit in the occupation of Gaza like Egypt is.
Arab countries have more responsibilities to deal with what's going on in Gaza , they are the ones who were supposed to free Palestinians, they are the once who got karbashed by Israel and they are the ones who were cucked into deals with them .


Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty
The whole world is scared of Israel-USA. It’s unfair to blame Egypt only. Muslims from Senegal to Indonesia are watching what’s happening in Gaza unfortunately.
indonesians and senegalise have their own back garden to worry about. This has gone beyond a religious war, its a full on race war. And as of now, its only arab folks getting killed. What can indonesia and senegalese people do, they are halfway across the globe + they arent even arabs. Senegal cant even feed its fucking people. arabs themselves are sleeping with yahuuds too lol. What can you do when misslies fired at yahuudia are shot down by arabs lol :deadpeter:

You cant be 700 million and still cant fend off a handful of jews and whites. Arabs are cursed people from what we can see. They have no back bone. They went from conquring persia in 2 days to now not even willing to open a boder crossing and evacuate 2 gazans and a starving cat. The day somalia moves away from these people, we can breath fresh air. f*ck egypt lol. what can they do for us? once pressue mounts on them, they will backstab you before you can even say Wa alaykumu salam
indonesians and senegalise have their own back garden to worry about. This has gone beyond a religious war, its a full on race war. And as of now, its only arab folks getting killed. What can indonesia and senegalese people do, they are halfway across the globe and arent even arabs. arabs themselves are sleeping with yahuuds too lol. What can you do when misslies fired at yahuudia are shot down by arabs lol :deadpeter:

You cant be 700 million and still cant fend off a handful of jews and whites. Arabs are cursed people from what we can see. They have no back bone. They went from conquring persia in 2 days to now not even willing to open a boder crossing and evacuate 2 gazans and a starving cat. The day somalia moves away from these people, we can breath fresh air. f*ck egypt lol. what can they do for us? once pressue mounts on them, they will backstab you before you can even say Wa alaykumu salam
True, Egypt is langaab in the 21st century


indonesians and senegalise have their own back garden to worry about. This has gone beyond a religious war, its a full on race war. And as of now, its only arab folks getting killed. What can indonesia and senegalese people do, they are halfway across the globe + they arent even arabs. Senegal cant even feed its fucking people. arabs themselves are sleeping with yahuuds too lol. What can you do when misslies fired at yahuudia are shot down by arabs lol :deadpeter:

You cant be 700 million and still cant fend off a handful of jews and whites. Arabs are cursed people from what we can see. They have no back bone. They went from conquring persia in 2 days to now not even willing to open a boder crossing and evacuate 2 gazans and a starving cat. The day somalia moves away from these people, we can breath fresh air. f*ck egypt lol. what can they do for us? once pressue mounts on them, they will backstab you before you can even say Wa alaykumu salam
Don't be to harsh on Senegal bro , they are poor but not that poor. Senegal is also in general much more stable than Arab countries, they are mostly Muslim (90%+) but they respect their christian minorities, they are very welcoming people and embody the values of the Deen better than many Arabs.
Senegal has issues but in general it's probably better than Egypt which is over crowded and has thousands doing tahrib go Europe. Media don't talk about this but most of those who do tahrib nowadays are Arabs from northafrica


Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty
Don't be to harsh on Senegal bro , they are poor but not that poor. Senegal is also in general much more stable than Arab countries, they are mostly Muslim (90%+) but they respect their christian minorities, they are very welcoming people and embody the values of the Deen better than many Arabs.
Senegal has issues but in general it's probably better than Egypt which is over crowded and has thousands doing tahrib go Europe. Media don't talk about this but most of those who do tahrib nowadays are Arabs from northafrica
yh, my take on senegal is very dumb. They are in better shape then most african countries. Its growing very fast too. Need to visit inshallah
Egypt are just using Somalia. They want us to die defending their nice river.

What's stupid HSM doing signing anything with useless Egypt. We will get nothing out of signing a defence pact with Egypt; nothing.


yh, my take on senegal is very dumb. They are in better shape then most african countries. Its growing very fast too. Need to visit inshallah
They had some political issues recently but the people are very good. I won't disclose which country but I live in a place where there's a lot of them , of course they have bad apples but most of them are trustworthy people and they like somalis a lot.
Egypt are just using Somalia. They want us to die defending their nice river.

What's stupid HSM doing signing anything with useless Egypt. We will get nothing out of signing a defence pact with Egypt; nothing.
That means that a strong Somalia is in their interests, which makes them better than any non-Turkish country


That means that a strong Somalia is in their interests, which makes them better than any non-Turkish country
It's not. Strong somalia means we can bring Ethiopia to the table , we can tell them we are neighbors and that they shouldn't f with us , after that it means we can have a deal with them to stop their dams in the shabelle river . In that case we shouldn't care what they do with the Nile and how it affects Egypt. It's none of our business.
No arab country wants a strong Somalia, they want us as a pawn, us being strong goes against their interest