Egypt and Somalia defence agreement


Let him cook
lol all these reactionary deals popping up out of the blue because of somaliland MoU. Somalia becoming snack to foreigners like Turkey Egypt UAE
hungry fat bastard GIF
Can people stop bringing up egypt not helping Palestinians. Egypt is a proto-colony of America. Mubarak used to let them do their torturing there, once the Islamic brotherhood (people who would have backed Palestine) came to power they were toppled immediately by the west via Sisi.

anyone who thinks Egypt wants to help Palestinian is delusional. Saudis, Jordan, Lebanon Egypt and the rest of the Arab world have no intention of supporting them and just use vague platitudes. Ethiopia however is no Isreal.

and of course Egypt wants to use us, we want to use them. Where was this deal when we got along with Ethiopia under Farmajo?

I swear there should be a ban on Somalia giving their opinion, bunch of retarded cretins only capable of emotional thinking.

I can recommend some good books on Egypt’s current situation for people who want to be more informed.
They’re a bunch of imbeciles they think countries do things out of the kindness of their heart lol.


Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty
They’re a bunch of imbeciles they think countries do things out of the kindness of their heart lol.
its not imbicility when your race is facing extermination in their own land lol. What can egypt offer us lol. You think they will treat you well :drakelaugh:

They aint helping us from the kindness of their heart lol. These folks are watching a genocide in 4k, name me a ethnicity who saw that and didnt fight back. They have tainted the faith with their cowardice. If they cant even get 2 arms and a leg out of gaza, tf do you think they will do for us.

A war between ethiopia and egypt will be catastrophic, especially for somalis. We will cease to exist as a people due to our already langaab weakened state along with mass influx's of ethiopians or horn africans coming to somalia lol.

Name me one thing egypt has done for us that will help us get on the international stage lol.

beggars can be choosers in this case that your chooser is also a fucking beggar


Anti Qabilist - Somali Patriot
its not imbicility when your race is facing extermination in their own land lol. What can egypt offer us lol. You think they will treat you well :drakelaugh:

They aint helping us from the kindness of their heart lol. These folks are watching a genocide in 4k, name me a ethnicity who saw that and didnt fight back. They have tainted the faith with their cowardice. If they cant even get 2 arms and a leg out of gaza, tf do you think they will do for us.

A war between ethiopia and egypt will be catastrophic, especially for somalis. We will cease to exist as a people due to our already langaab weakened state along with mass influx's of ethiopians or horn africans coming to somalia lol.

Name me one thing egypt has done for us that will help us get on the international stage lol.

beggars can be choosers in this case that your chooser is also a fucking beggar
Your right in a sense that nations don’t have friends only interest. In saying that, equating Egypts refusal to help the Palestinian cause to that of cowardice (although it is) is ingenuous. Egypt in essence is a banana republic, their state is a western backed client state. Their government, economy etc is quite literally dependent on the west. Egypt is the largest recipient of American and western aid on the African subcontinent, and top 10 global aid recipients worldwide. All this economical and military aid that they enjoy, is literally for Israel. If Egypt were to get involved in Gaza, or break their peace treaty with Israel, their nation will loose all these luxuries they currently enjoy. Hence their refusal to get involved.

When it comes to Ethiopia, Egypt has no such hesitation. They are in a desperate situation, they need “allies” and they have the military capabilities, funding and the western backers to achieve their objectives. Somalia needs to take advantage of this opportunity to put their national interests first, if they play their cards right that is. Somalia can easily secure their objectives without getting involved in a regional conflict with Egypt and Ethiopia.
343 Million Arabs don't care about the suffering of the Palestinian people. Their own people.
They shed crocodile tears at the tragedy in Gaza. Anyone here thinks anything positive about the Egypy 'defence agreement' is IQ68.

Arabs are a wretched people.