Egypt and Somalia defence agreement


That means that a strong Somalia is in their interests, which makes them better than any non-Turkish country
Our issue with Ethiopia when it comes to rivers is OUR river. Somalia first, that should be our slogan. Why should Somalia care about the nile? If Ethiopia says they'll stop messing with the shabelle and juba rivers in exchange for political support for their stuff in the Nile we should support them. Egypt is trying to use us so we should use Egypt as long as it's in our interest, if they stop being useful to our issues we should ditch them.


egypt is langaab lol. Cant even spend 2 dollers on palestinians yet wants to use us against aidsthopians. f*ck em.
how can u trust these langaabs after whats unfolding in gaza
Why are you so pissed off on Egypt? 😂 Somalia needs help from anyone to rebuild their army.


Why are you so pissed off on Egypt? 😂 Somalia needs help from anyone to rebuild their army.
Bro Egypt and Arabs got their ass kicked by Jews who were just coming out of the Holocaust, they can't give any advise on building an army . Our own army in 1977 battled three countries ( Ethiopia, Soviet union and Cuba) together and almost one while they attacked Israel in mass and lost not once , not twice but three times . You want us to get military assistance from them? I don't like turkey but they are way more efficient in training our forces. Arab countries don't know how to fight, some random macwis wearing Somali reer baadiye is more efficient and brave than Egyptian soldiers


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
This dowlad is incompetent, There is NOTHING to be celebrated. Ill be interested when a new proper government comes


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
egypt is langaab lol. Cant even spend 2 dollers on palestinians yet wants to use us against aidsthopians. f*ck em.
how can u trust these langaabs after whats unfolding in gaza
Egypt is scared of helping Gaza because of potential repercussions from Israel, Israel 🇮🇱 is a powerful nuclear armed country

wtf is Ethiopia 🇪🇹?


This is a Muslim issue but also an Arab issues Senegal and Indonesia are not Arabs and they don't share a border with Israel , also they aren't complicit in the occupation of Gaza like Egypt is.
Arab countries have more responsibilities to deal with what's going on in Gaza , they are the ones who were supposed to free Palestinians, they are the once who got karbashed by Israel and they are the ones who were cucked into deals with them .
what exactly can egypt do ?

Can it defeat USA, France, britain ?
Egypt are just using Somalia. They want us to die defending their nice river.
We been dying for the last 35 years for no reason. 30 Somalis die Everday in clan wars and other 500 die from Disease If Egypt gives the call-labayk ya Misr! Let me find my copy of the Futuh👀
Egypt is scared of helping Gaza because of potential repercussions from Israel, Israel 🇮🇱 is a powerful nuclear armed country

wtf is Ethiopia 🇪🇹?
It isn’t even fear. The West, Israel and Arab countries all colluded to overthrow the democratically elected president Morsi and install Sisi. Morsi would have had a more pro Gaza stance and is one the reasons he was disposed. The elections in Sudan were delayed by the West as they didn’t want a pro Palestine, Ikhwan influenced goverment taking power.

They are complicit in the Gaza genocide and want Hamas gone. Same for Jordan and a host of other Arab countries. Thats why a western diplomat told the media the Arab countries say one thing to the public and another thing behind closed doors.

The least Arab govs could have done is exerted some diplomatic or trade manoeuvres like the Arab kings did in the 70s. Nowadays they don’t even expel the ambassadors of countries implicated in the genocide. Instead, some of them are arresting pro Palestinian activists. The issue is not fear, my friends.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Its obvious egypt is using us for the nile but if we play our cards right (most likely we wont) we can use them as well for our own benefit against the commom enemy cause think about it ethiopia jist started their 5th filling of the dam and egypt that has majority of their people living on the nile are getting desperate they have no one else but us and some rebels in ethiopia, sudan is in civil war, south sudanese are busy with their own issues and definitely wont help so that chalks it down to only us we can either both benefit or we both lose and suffer.


They have a huge amount of arms stockpiled and can produce abrams tanks.

don’t forget we defeated Ethiopia with Egyptians rifles in the 1960’s
And we lost to the Ethiopians in 1977 when the entire soviet world supported them
That’s what would happen to Egypt if they fought israel, entire west would fight them just like how they’re backing ukraine now
Egypt is scared of helping Gaza because of potential repercussions from Israel, Israel 🇮🇱 is a powerful nuclear armed country

wtf is Ethiopia 🇪🇹?
This. Ethiopia is irrelevant and poor so Egypt wouldn't have any issues helping us against them, especially since they already have major tensions over the dam. Hell, Trump even said the Egyptians should have blown up the dam so even he isn't on Ethiopia's side.


Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty
Why are you so pissed off on Egypt? 😂 Somalia needs help from anyone to rebuild their army.
What can they offer us 💀. They can't even help Palestinians which are a 20 minute walk away from them. If they can't even help these people, how can they help us. Once pressure hits their follicles, they will stop caring about you
What can they offer us 💀. They can't even help Palestinians which are a 20 minute walk away from them. If they can't even help these people, how can they help us. Once pressure hits their follicles, they will stop caring about you
They don’t want to help them. That’s the truth. Why do think Sisi is in charge and Morsi is dead?

niggas on here really comparing Egypt which produces military hardware and Ethiopia which can’t feed its people.

We are beggars, we have to take what we can. It’s all posturing at the end of the day, Somalia wants to go back to the second rounds of talk with Ethiopia with some new developments.
Can people stop bringing up egypt not helping Palestinians. Egypt is a proto-colony of America. Mubarak used to let them do their torturing there, once the Islamic brotherhood (people who would have backed Palestine) came to power they were toppled immediately by the west via Sisi.

anyone who thinks Egypt wants to help Palestinian is delusional. Saudis, Jordan, Lebanon Egypt and the rest of the Arab world have no intention of supporting them and just use vague platitudes. Ethiopia however is no Isreal.

and of course Egypt wants to use us, we want to use them. Where was this deal when we got along with Ethiopia under Farmajo?

I swear there should be a ban on Somalia giving their opinion, bunch of retarded cretins only capable of emotional thinking.

I can recommend some good books on Egypt’s current situation for people who want to be more informed.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
They have a huge amount of arms stockpiled and can produce abrams tanks.

don’t forget we defeated Ethiopia with Egyptians rifles in the 1960’s
Yeah the hakim semi automatic rifle was a very reliable standard gun for the armed forces I think they gave out reserves of the rifle when we standardised the kalashnikov.

I wish I could shoot one of these it's beautiful gun. :ahh: