Egyptian doctor butchers Somali family

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Suicidal men adore me.
I saw a very sad image today, I won't share it because you might say something other than Ilaahey ha u naxariisto.

A Somali family, a mother, two small children and their father were found with their internal organs removed. All of them. And stitched back up in the most mediaeval manner possible. The stitches looked like something from a horror movie. The image was the saddest, most horrific thing I have ever seen. They did not even leave the babies. The family were on tahriib to Italy together and have been identified.

can you please pm me the link or photos? This is so sad. Did this happen in egypt?


Come on now!
Somalis are economic migrants, everyone knows that.
Those that left for safety are minority, the rest just want to money tbh
I don't see why a boy/girl from SL, Puntland would risk their life for an uncertain future
But I do agree with you that Qabyalad is bad when it interferes with the government, not getting a job because of your Qabil not your lack of qualifications

Somalia the failed state with endemic violence, almost no qualified professionals and little in the way of food security is safe place? You're whipped by SL and PL booto they can't provide for anyone and have almost no opportunities. Everything you see is built by and for diaspora. I won't sat anything else I might explode.
WTF are you posting pictures of dead children on here for?

Fucking . Have respect for dead and remove their sawiro.
WTF are you posting pictures of dead children on here for?

Fucking . Have respect for dead and remove their sawiro.

Close your eyes little one, these pictures are results of your tribalism watch them carefully before next time you cheer for mum ethopia that meddles in Somalia affairs
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