Egyptian student beaten in UK dies of wounds

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So much depends upon a red wheel barrow.
إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ

Islamophobic or not, that's sad fam.
Disgusting pricks.
Her death is also on the hospital's hands.
It was preventable.

Could you imagine if it was a blonde woman beaten to death in Egypt?
Wouldn't leave the news for months, I tell you.
What did I tell you guys, Blacks in the West, especially of Caribbean stock are highly violent!

I was racially harassed by one just the other week!


She was an expat student. Her parents sent her to study in the UK only for the news of her death to reach them. They followed her on the bus and attacked her

Damn, this is among the worst of news a parent can receive concerning their child abroad. Nightmare level devastating. I can only imagine the grief her parents are going through rn; they'll most likely never fully recover from the loss but I hope they get some justice &, eventually, peace of mind. R.i.p Mariam.
Bus drivers need more training to handle these situations, and to get some fucking empathy.

Both drivers failed her and the pregnant Muslim lady in that video.

And it sounds like hospitals can't be trusted either.


The Qadr of Allaah ta’aala is always in our favor.
No. Just no. For the hundredth bloody time WE ARE NOT BLACK!!!!!!!!

Allaaha uu naxaristo.... so sad wallaahi.

How are we not black? We are. Tf :farmajoyaab:


Make Hobyo Great Again
These brainwashed girls are trying to convince me that these two men are from the same race.




Make Hobyo Great Again
Innaa lillaah :dead:

war Caucasian ah hahaha:pachah1:

You’re a self hating supremist doqonyohoow. Just because your nose isn’t like someone from Uganda doesn’t mean you’re not black.
I am a supremacist I am the furthest thing from a self hater. If anyone is self hating it is you. Stop trying to claim something that you are not. Language, appearance and DNA have answered the question of our race centuries ago.
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