Elder in Bosaso: ''Our system should be tailor fit for us and our society''

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John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
Do Hawiye even have elders though? The only one I remember is that Axmed diriye fool always going on radios threatening clans. No wonder Baraxley to xamar is a mess.:meleshame:

Do you realize that hawiye aren't the only people who live in the south. All clans have elderly men with diabetes who dress up in costume it's nothing special.
@Magan They dont understand how Elders are crucial for reconciliation between clans. Elders have an important role. This is why south is a wreck while PL and SL have had stability coexistence & governance. They dont even use xeer down south.

This thread wasn't even about elders it was more about one elder i interviewed making a good point in seperating clan from politics and giving its own space where we can deal with such related matters. That way we can avoid clan being used as an agent in wrong doings.


Your superior
@Freebandz you are spot on, way too many qabils in the south and each of them mixed together. We need not to function like clan enclaves.

This odeys stifle the economy as well and are part and parcel of the corruption.

Lool what clans are you talking about sweetheart. dir darod hawiye and Raxanwayne who are sidelined
They exist in the north too dir isaaq darod and what you guys call zero point five.

The reason why you guys are in war is because northern culture and southern culture is too different


Your superior
Do Hawiye even have elders though? The only one I remember is that Axmed diriye fool always going on radios threatening clans. No wonder Baraxley to xamar is a mess.:meleshame:

I only heard of hawiye elders and they were calling for war against puntland and dir
Do you realize that hawiye aren't the only people who live in the south. All clans have elderly men with diabetes who dress up in costume it's nothing special.
I really believe this dhaqan is very new to Somalis in the south. Your elders are useless and until recently you guys had none this is why no one listens to them. Even when Yusuf Ali set up his sultanate in Hobyo these people had no elders this is the truth. This is why elders in the south have no sway with the people and these charlatans are in it for themselves.

Our elder traditions go back centuries passed on from father to son and it's been working for us Alhamdulilah.

@Geeljire this culture is new to them and I feel like the south always tries to imitate what we do. I honestly believe all this dhaqan came from Darods.:pachah1:

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
@Magan I'm dir so I don't know about hawiye elders, shaydanka iska naar and stop the alflaagado. Sheesh I thought this was about elders not a obsess about hawiye and everything they do/don't do.
The best to happen in Puntland was the sidelining of the Issims. They are a bunch of illiterate, shortsighted old men who are out of touch.
Now, they see how elders in Somaliland have some political representation and want something like that. It will never happen, these old men must be stripped of all but ceremonial power, their time is over.
How have they been sidelined. Your telling me Islaan Bashir is xukundoon now? @Air Jalam come get this neef.:mugshotman:


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
Hawiye have had famous traditional elders going back centuries, way before some clans were even known in the peninsula, kulaha "they have no elders". So who is Imaam Cumar? Ugaas Faracadde? Malaaq Showri? Ugaas Faarax etc

The truth is, there is a colonial legacy that has affected the clan dynamics in the country. The British empowered the ceremonial Northern elders, especially since it was they who signed off the treaties. In the South, the Italians handpicked representatives and did not allow the elders to settle disputes, effectively taking over their role.

Plus in the south, there were communities which transcended the tribes such as the business community and the scholarly community, they were represented without respect to their qabiil background. That's why Xaaji Faarax the HG deputy of SYL was elected from Marka district in the 60s. His family were business people who owned land and property in Shalaambood.
Hawiye have had famous traditional elders going back centuries, way before some clans were even known in the peninsula, kulaha "they have no elders". So who is Imaam Cumar? Ugaas Faracadde? Malaaq Showri? Ugaas Faarax etc

The truth is, there is a colonial legacy that has affected the clan dynamics in the country. The British empowered the ceremonial Northern elders, especially since it was they who signed off the treaties. In the South, the Italians handpicked representatives and did not allow the elders to settle disputes, effectively taking over their role.
The elders had the power in the north while in the south they were nobodies. You said it yourself how can the Italians not allow your elders to settle disputes. They were nobodies back then too Kkkkk. siilaanyolaugh

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
@Mckenzie are you from mudug/galgaduud or from the south?

The south has literally hundreds of qabils each cannot demand representation, these odeys and qabayalaad in general are not a feasible way to govern a country, especially in 2016.

There's more than one way to skin a cat, you just have to think outside of the box.
Elders are useless. They should shut up and drink their shaah. They're only about advancing their clan interests.

The younger generation can and will do a much better job than them. They are more interested in serving their country rather than their clan
@Mckenzie are you from mudug/galgaduud or from the south?

The south has literally hundreds of qabils each cannot demand representation, these odeys and qabayalaad in general are not a feasible way to govern a country, especially in 2016.

There's more than one way to skin a cat, you just have to think outside of the box.
The south should stop using this system since its foreign to them. Why should we compromise our culture for a foreign system that has been proven it can't work in Somalia.

It's only the south that has used this system the wrong way. Who the hell cares for malaq and all the garbage. Their people don't even know their names.:camby:

Islaan Bashir

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
@Geeljire are you keeping up to date with the ongoing disaster known as federalism, especially in hiiran/shabelle dhexe, jubbaland and south west state?

You can't fit a round peg into a square whole.
@Geeljire are you keeping up to date with the ongoing disaster known as federalism, especially in hiiran/shabelle dhexe, jubbaland and south west state?

You can't fit a round peg into a square whole.

Whats up with you guys do you even hear people out or just argue for the sake of arguing , just read the study it wil give you an understanding, this is no attack against any clan or region.
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