Elder in Bosaso: ''Our system should be tailor fit for us and our society''

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We star in movies NASA pay to watch
The elders had the power in the north while in the south they were nobodies. You said it yourself how can the Italians not allow your elders to settle disputes. They were nobodies back then too Kkkkk. siilaanyolaugh

It's better that way. Besides the Italians bringing a Mafia style system, elders should only be referred to for wisdom and nothing else. How can you accept hereditary leadership? Just because a person was born into a family you think he is entitled to be politically superior to you? You seem to forget that all over the world there are countless Republics because nobody wants a monarchy. People with the right skills deserve to be in the right positions.

I can't see what the elders did for Northern Somalia between 1960-1991. They were and still are, a minority.

P.S to say they were nobodies is historically incorrect, it was the Abgaal Imaam who helped end the HG-Abgaal war of the 90s.
Through traditional clan based governance and conflict resolution, Somaliland and Puntland achieved success in terms of peace and development. The two regions broke away from the rest of the country and now operate independently. In the process of their formation, clan elders in these regions held conferences in which clans reached agreements to form non-conventional governance which is based on customary laws and modern institutions For example, Somaliland formation originates from the Burao and Borama conference which was held by clan elders in 1991. At this conference a constitution was written which led to lasting peace in Somaliland. As Michael Walls notes “However imperfect, the process of conflict resolution, peace building and state building in Somaliland in the periods up to and including the conferences in Burao and Borama offers a clear demonstration of a form of consensus- based democracy in practice” (389). The methods used during the Borama conference shows the role of customary law in conflict resolution, and the traditional authority of elders.

Similarly, Puntland state was formed following the conference of Garowe which was held in 1998 by traditional clan elders. After several years of civil war in Somalia, clans in this region who share common ancestors decided to move forward in building their own local administration based on customary laws. Puntland state had four successive government elections since its formation. The process of government formation follows in these steps: clan elders of Puntland select members of parliament, then parliament elect president who will appoint his ministers. The result of Borame and Garowe conferences shows the need for traditional authority mechanisms in the process of modern institution building in Somalia. As Bereketeab argues, there is a need in balancing between traditional institutions and modern institutions in in Somalia when it comes to restoring peace and political stability. Bareketeab argues that “that the problem with the state-building project in the Horn of Africa (Somalia) is the absence of functional harmony between the competing constitutive institutional elements... the pre-colonial indigenous institutions and the colonially transplanted foreign institutions are two component parts that have to find ways and means of coexistence”(376).

This is the link @Geeljire posted btw.obamadatazz
It's better that way. Besides the Italians bringing a Mafia style system, elders should only be referred to for wisdom and nothing else. How can you accept hereditary leadership? Just because a person was born into a family you think he is entitled to be politically superior to you? You seem to forget that all over the world there are countless Republics because nobody wants a monarchy. People with the right skills deserve to be in the right positions.

I can't see what the elders did for Northern Somalia between 1960-1991. They were and still are, a minority.

P.S to say they were nobodies is historically incorrect, it was the Abgaal Imaam who helped end the HG-Abgaal war of the 90s.
Listen if something works for other people doesn't mean it will work for us. This is who we are and were not going to abandon our traditions. We were fine before these filthy gaalo came to our lands. We weren't even a country sxb but clan enclaves. I'd rather clan enclaves over the never ending status quo.
@Mckenzie between 1960-1991 the elders in the north were completely sidelined except for Muse Boqor who had some influence. Now tell me what happened when we sidelined our elders? kkkkk 25 years of non-stop violence in the south.:camby:


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
I was just correcting some false statements you made. Couldn't give a damn how these elders rule themselves or anybody else for that matter.

Lol @ Muuse Boqor, wasn't he the MJ dude who was arrested twice, released and then killed by Siad Barre. So much for influence lol
I was just correcting some false statements you made. Couldn't give a damn how these elders rule themselves or anybody else for that matter.

Lol @ Muuse Boqor, wasn't he the MJ dude who was arrested twice, released and then killed by Siad Barre. So much for influence lol
Lol @ killed Hawiye boy your people are savages now scram.:camby:


سلطنة مجرتين
A good example on how PL elders solve disputes and end wars they are also behind the establisment of PL. The elders is the main pillars without them it would have been caos.
what kind do you, is it like the one already existing?
An elders senate kind.
I mean seperating clan from politics and giving its own institution seperatly where clan related matters can be discussed. You read what the elder in Bosaso was saying that such institution might stop Qabil from being used as an agent to carry out wrong doings.

Right now we have corrupt elite who facilitate for us to be robbed & ripped off, anyone who denies this needs to get their brains checked.


سلطنة مجرتين
PL has that already with the warsangeli garaad being the spokesperson and been functioning since the state was established.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Hawiye elders are way different than our elders. When Caydiid and Cali Mahdi were fighting, the two fractions went to this Xawadle elder they deemed impartial.
Instead of giving a clear verdict on who is right he said Caydiid gar leh, cali gar leh. Caydiid is right and cali is right xagaas sheekada ku dhamaatay ans they went apeshit on each other :lol:


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
As for the topic elders play a huge role in our civil society but they should stay clear of politics. Through their role in civil society they can direct the political landscape.


No dictator can imprison a population forever.
Elders are indeed useless. In modern state it is completely irrelevant. What we need are competent people, economists, business men, industry etc. Not a man who's only accomplishment is grey hair. Something like 70% of Somali people are under 35, we need to look to this demographic for the future, not old ass niggas that messed up the country in the first place. Imbedding clan in to government would be a major set back, all modern states got rid of tribes, it is a primitive mindset that will keep us down
@SomaliSteel How when they're the reason PLand SL are peaceful even though both are technically still part of Somalia. I think you meant to say elders are useless anywhere south of Galkayo. Did you even read the report @Geeljire posted? Refer to the second page.

Right!! @SomaliSteel should also read this. No one is saying that elders should be high ranking politicians or professionals since they are not but they play a role of keeping the peace between the clans.

Abdulrahman Osman ‘Shuke’ describes how local peace processes draw on traditional practices of negotiation, mediation and arbitration conducted by clan elders using customary law as a moral and legal framework.

'' Neither Puntland nor Somaliland would have survived their internal wars without the constant support and involvement of elders. Although these traditional institutions do not enjoy the resources of a state, their decisions can carry the power of a government. ''
Abdulrahman Osman ‘Shuke’



سلطنة مجرتين
You should not be using that title 'Beeldaaje' it's very disrespectful for anyone to use title of isimada especially if not beesha:Sutehja:
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