Envy is killing me (TW: I sound like a piece of shit)

I get what you're saying, some people are just naturally smart. It really brings you down when people who don't even study get higher grades and you're just thinking, what did I even study for? If it's any consolation, once you get to university you'll be able to get by with the studying habits you've gained while they'll most likely fail. Have you tried other studying methods?
You don’t sound like a piece of shit you sound human ❤️❤️
Ik jealousy is a normal human emotion, but it’s actually gotten to the point that I barely feel happiness for people and can’t help but wish on their downfall sometimes. I think this does make me a piece of shit, but Idk how to change


Ik jealousy is a normal human emotion, but it’s actually gotten to the point that I barely feel happiness for people and can’t help but wish on their downfall sometimes. I think this does make me a piece of shit, but Idk how to change
:( I feel for you.What makes you happy?


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So let me help you with the root cause of your problem, so it seems like all your problems stem from intelligence related issues, Your probably a smart person its that studying so much can actually be bad for you in the longterm. All that stressing out just to not do well on the test has to take a big mental toll on you, this is something that will come and go. Also are you a HE or a SHE? Gender and age definitely plays a role, especially in praise. I have more then a 4.0 gpa and I dont really get praises since its expected, however if your younger sibling does well its best to keep encoraging them. Sometimes its better to sacrifice your own happiness for someone else, you dont need to seek the praise of others. I also like comparing my self alot, and the only reason I really try in school is the thought that another person thats my own age and level can do it better. My brain just dosent allow me and that for me personally motivates me like crazy, competition creates success. But for some people such as you, I guess it dosent work and thats 100% okay, just focus on yourself and the end goal. Being successful, at the end of the day grades dont mean anything. People are getting 4.5gpas and then end up getting 9-5 depressing job because they are afraid to try risky things. Its a complex issue and i hope i helped you in someway.


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Real. But what helps me cope is remembering Allah has already written everything
So let me help you with the root cause of your problem, so it seems like all your problems stem from intelligence related issues, Your probably a smart person its that studying so much can actually be bad for you in the longterm. All that stressing out just to not do well on the test has to a big mental toll, this is something that will come and go. Also are you a HE or a SHE? Gender and age definitely plays a role, especially in praise. I have more then a 4.0 gpa and I dont really get praises since its expected, however if your younger sibling does well its best to keep encoraging them. Sometimes its better to sacrifice your own happiness for someone else, you dont need to seek the praise of others. I also like comparing my self alot, and the only reason I really try in school is the thought that another person thats my own age and level can do it better. My brain just dosent allow me and that for me personally motivates me like crazy, competition creates success. But for some people such as you, I guess it dosent work and thats 100% okay, just focus on yourself and the end goal. Being successful, at the end of the day grades dont mean anything. People are getting 4.5gpas and then end up getting 9-5 depressing job because they are afraid to try risky things. Its a complex issue and i hope i helped you in someway.
I think my problems are because I'm deeply insecure rather than being solely academic based, but other than that I agree with you. I’m an 18 year old girl.

Self-comparison really gets to a person I wish you the best 🙏🏾
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I deleted most of my social media accounts, but it’s mainly IRL that I feel the most jealousy. Interacting with people I’m jealous of makes me feel 1000x worse. I never really thought about trying counting my blessings, so I’ll do that next time. I truly appreciate it 🥹
Envy and jealousy are feelings derived from the concept of FOMO(Fear of Missing OUT), you see an achivement that someone was able to get through some mechanism be it serendepity or through simple hard work, and you feel that life would somehow become better if you were to achieve the same thing. Perhaps you may feel that way for a passage of time, however envy like I said is derived from 'want'. whenever you achieve whatever you wanted, you will reignite the same envy for a new goal that someone else or society has set as this golden nugget that you have to somehow aspire towards, ad infitum. The crux of the issue is your inner world and working within your consciousness, or you will find yourself in the same predicament over and over again.
Jealousy is a natural human reaction Walaal, if anything it shows your humanity.

Don't compare yourself to others, compare yourself to you. Constantly improve and get better, they'll always be someone smarter/better than you, and real talk, you don't know if your friends are grinding real hard behind the scenes & pretending otherwise, personally came across a lot of people that fit that description in Uni.

Someday you'll look back on this and laugh, I guarantee it.
I am on the same boat as you only this time I get jealous when my sister performs better than me in terms of the deen. I can't help it and feel bad. Although it does motivate me to do even better.
We all have our own daily battles.
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I don’t think it’s some thing that u can switch off. All I can say is being aware of this evil and not letting the thoughts consume u is already good enough.
Just keep fighting it daily. As u age, u will become more humble(jealousy stems from ego) therefore less jealous.

