Epigraphs and artistic decorations of Islamic burials in Mogadishu



Plaster cast of funerary inscription, the original of which is found in an Islamic cemetery in Mogadishu. The version of the Arabic text is: Mori the needy of the exalted Lord, Aisciah binti Ali bin Al-Hatam bin Habib, Subèha, on 16 Shaual year 625 from the Hegira of the Prophet (1229 AD). Blessings be upon herand peace.

Plaster cast of the front of an Islamic burial. The version of the central inscription is: There is no God but God, and Mohammed is his Prophet. God's blessings be upon him.

Cast of funerary inscription, the text of which, in Kufic script, is thus translated as: The Universe belongs to God, the One, the Victorious.

Plaster cast of an epigraph from an Islamic burial. Translation of the text: Announce to them the Lord that Mercy, forgiveness and paradise which will remain eternally, are from him, and with him is to be found the great reward

Plaster cast of an epigraph, from an Islamic burial in Mogadishu. Text translation: In the name of God gracious and merciful. The deceased died, hoping in the mercy of God praised and exalted, Fatma binti Abdi as Samad bin Jaqut, mercy of God be upon all, maximum mercy extendable to the needy Muslim men and women, dead or alive, because You are the hearer of prayers. This happened on Saturday, the hour of the morning prayer, past 22 days of the month of Giumad el-Aual year 101 (720 AD).

Plaster cast of an epigraph, from an Islamic burial in Mogadishu. The text, translated from the Arabic language, reads: In the name of a gracious and merciful God. The weak servant, hoping for the mercy of his gracious Lord, Abubakar ibn al Hagi Jaqut al-Hasii, died on Tuesday night after sunset, the thirteenth night of the solemn Ramadan of the year seven hundred and fifty-nine (1358 A.D.)

Plaster cast of an epigraph, from an Islamic burial in Mogadishu. Text version: This is the name of Mohammed Ismail, of the qabila Dasamu (Assaorta), on the seventh night of the month of Sciaual of the year 1331 (1913 AD)

Plaster cast, of funerary inscription. Translation of the Arabic text: «There is no God but God. The free guardian died, hoping for the forgiveness of her powerful Lord, Fatma binti Ali, on the tenth Friday night of the month of Sciaual in the year seven hundred and eighty-five - 785 of the Hegira of the Prophet (1384 AD) May God's blessings be upon Prophet, full blessings.

Plaster cast, of Islamic burial funerary inscription from Mogadishu. Version of the Arabic text: «The poor servant Abu Baker ibn Mohammed ibn Hagi Ahmed al Madani died, on 29 Safar of the year seven hundred and sixty-six (1365 AD).


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Plaster cast of Islamic burial funerary inscription from Mogadishu. Version of the Arabic text: «In the name of a gracious and merciful God. Sheikh Ahmed bin Sheikh Mohammed Abò and his son Sheikh Abdulmannan-al Gassari died.... on Monday 707 of the Hegira of the Prophet (1208 AD).

Plaster cast of an Islamic burial inscription from Mogadishu. Version of the Arabic text: «Verily, we have won for you a marked victory, that God may forgive what preceded your sin and what follows it, and complete his favors over you and lead you to a straight path. Announce to them the Lord on his part mercy, forgiveness and paradise in which they will remain eternally: with God there is a great reward year 707 (1308 AD). ..... 24 Shaual

Plaster cast of an Islamic tombstone. Version of the Arab text: «In the name of a gracious and merciful God. The humble servant, hoping for the forgiveness of his gracious Lord, the Hagi Jusuf bin Abubakar bin Hagi Daud, died on the fourth Monday day of the month of dil-hèggiah of the year Saturday after seven hundred and sixty-six - 766 years from the Hijra of the Prophet (1365 AD). God's blessings be upon the Prophet.

Plaster cast of an epigraph from an Islamic burial in Mogadishu. Version of the Arabic text: «It is certain that death is the gateway to slaves. Mohammed Salah, the needy of his Lord, died on Sunday in the year 579 (1184 AD) for the forgiveness of his Lord, the Mighty.

Original Islamic burial piece. Of the text whose writing is corroded, the words are legible: 8th century after the Hegira of the Prophet (1308 AD). (1308 AD).

Original part of a tombstone. Version of the text from the Arabic: «In the name of a gracious and merciful God. Praise to the One God. Blessings and peace be upon Muhammad and his relatives. Then the humble servant, the Qadi Abubakar bin Qadi Mohammed, died on Saturday, early afternoon, 2 of the month of Ràjab of the year 1234 (1819 AD).

Original Islamic burial stele from Mogadishu. Text version from-- Arabic: The Universe belongs to one God, the Mighty. Announce to them the Lord that mercy, forgiveness, paradise, which will remain eternally, are from him and that the great reward is with him. There is no God but God and Mohammed is his apostle. In the name of a gracious and merciful God. The poor slave died, the one hoping for the forgiveness of his good Lord, Hagi Omar bin Hagi Scerifòu bin Abibakar bin Hagi Daud, in the Friday night, second hour of the month of Giumad-el àuol of the year of Monday 668 of the Hegira of the Prophet. The best mercy and health be upon him (1270 AD)

Original piece of Islamic burial funerary stele. The text, translated from the Arabic, reads: «In the name of a gracious and merciful God. Say: invoke God, or invoke the merciful, whichever of the two names of God you invoke, the excellent names belong to Him, do not pronounce your prayer aloud, nor too softly, but try to keep something in between. And say: praise belongs to God, who has not taken for himself any son, nor any associate in his kingdom, nor has any patron to protect him from ignominy. Magnify him by proclaiming his greatness. This is the tomb of the slave, the weak, the one in need of the mercy of his Lord, the wise, the Sheikh, the devoted Mohammed Osman bin Abdallah bin Ali Osman.

Original of Islamic burial tombstone from Mogadishu. Version of the Arabic text: Sheikh Hagi bin Sheikh Osman bin Ismail died on Sunday, before the noon prayer, of the month of rabi-el-aual, eleven years after seven hundred years of the Prophet's Hijra (1312 AD). God's blessings be upon the Prophet.

Original of a carved alabaster funerary stele, found in Mogadishu. Version of the Arabic text: « In the name of a gracious and merciful God. Phrase saving those who pronounce it from Hell: «There is no God but God. Only Mohammed is an apostle of God». The poor woman in need of the mercy of God, the exalted one, the defunct Hagia Bibi binti Muqaddam Hagi Mohammed, died on Saturday night after the esh-el-akher prayer (about two o'clock), 5th of the month of Dil- hèggiah, from the year 138 of the Hegira honored by the Prophet. God's blessings be upon her. May God cover it with forgiveness, his mercy and his clemency, and make it dwell in his paradise and defend it eternally. With your clemency, O most merciful of the mercies, O my God, forgive her, her parents, all Muslim men and women, living and dead. God's mercy be upon our lord Mohammed, his family and followers and keep them. (765 AD).
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Garaad diinle

 

most likely, names like "Mohamed abo" or the one that had the name Abdi is most defiantly Somali
It doesn't say abdi but abdi samad or abdulsamad. The ones you listed probably isn't representative of the population of mogadishu as a whole. There must be a lot more of them that isn't decorated scattered everywhere. Matter of fact i came across an interesting one a while back. Here is a quick description of it.


I don't have an image of it currently but i'll try to posted when i find it again. It looks like the ones found in aw barkhadle place which could mean that mogadishu might've been an important religious place in pre-islamic times and after islam it turned into an important islamic centre.
It doesn't say abdi but abdi samad or abdulsamad. The ones you listed probably isn't representative of the population of mogadishu as a whole. There must be a lot more of them that isn't decorated scattered everywhere. Matter of fact i came across an interesting one a while back. Here is a quick description of it.


I don't have an image of it currently but i'll try to posted when i find it again. It looks like the ones found in aw barkhadle place which could mean that mogadishu might've been an important religious place in pre-islamic times and after islam it turned into an important islamic centre.
Alot of these are from Faqi Aboor Gravesite in modern day boondheere, the land were Boondheere,Shibis and Wardhiigley districts on now were mostly gravesites.

If you look at old pics of xamar from like 1910s you'd see graves and mawlacs in what was the outskirts which now became districts. Lots of houses in those areas are built on graves.

There's thousands more of those inscriptions that most likely are either lost or destroyed. The remaining ones are in the possession of Reer xamar families,some are broken aswell like this one.

Cartan Boos

Average SSC Patriot
All the manuscripts are either of arabs or persians, none of the gibil madow samaale clans or families claim those manuscripts and they don't claim to have lived in xamar for that long.
Gibil madow always dominated benadir u folk came in as merchants from India mostly and mixed with the locals know u history boy

Cartan Boos

Average SSC Patriot
Clearly you're clueless about banadiri history,gibil madows that are ethnic Somali don't claim that yet you're here distorting their history
Delusional Indian, the Italien census in benadir proves my point, Mogadishu oldest clan are the murshow offshoot of ajuran not Indian merchants, even cad cad were 40% Somali and were somalized who spoke Dialect of Somali, stop the we waz kangz boy
"Their land is a desert extending for two months' journey from Zayla to Maqdashaw (Mogadishu). Their beasts of burden are camels, and they possess sheep which are famous for their butter. The people are dark skinned"


Alot of these are from Faqi Aboor Gravesite in modern day boondheere, the land were Boondheere,Shibis and Wardhiigley districts on now were mostly gravesites.

If you look at old pics of xamar from like 1910s you'd see graves and mawlacs in what was the outskirts which now became districts. Lots of houses in those areas are built on graves.

There's thousands more of those inscriptions that most likely are either lost or destroyed. The remaining ones are in the possession of Reer xamar families,some are broken aswell like this one.View attachment 277454
my forefather is literally buried in Mogadishu not only that but in boondheere


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
The names containing Al are Arabs like Al madani, Al hatam, Al grassroots and the ones that don’t have the Al are ethnic Somalis right? @killerxsmoke

Not necessarily. Somalis are listed pretty much the same way several times in the Futux 500 years ago. So is the "Barbara" Sultan of Xamar from 700 years ago whose people are described as dark-skinned Shafici Muslims who live from Saylac to around Xamar and herd fat-tailed sheep and camels (plainly Somalis). The people writing this stuff, even when Somalis, are often adopting Arab writing conventions. You see the same sort of thing with the manuscript I shared in a thread of mine written by that Leelkase awoowe from around 200 years ago: [Given name] ibn/bin [Father's name] Al-[tribe, house within tribe, a nickname, ethnicity etc].
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Not necessarily. Somalis are listed pretty much the same way several times in the Futux 500 years ago. So is the "Barbara" Sultan of Xamar from 700 years ago whose people are described as dark-skinned Shafici Muslims who live from Saylac to around Xamar and herd fat-tailed sheep and camels (plainly Somalis). The people writing this stuff, even when Somalis, are often adopting Arab writing conventions. You see the same sort of thing with the manuscript I shared in a thread of mine written by that Leelkase awoowe from around 200 years ago: [Given name] ibn/bin [Father's name] Al-[tribe, house within tribe, a nickname, ethnicity etc].
Makes since they were living an era of Islamic dominated World.
Delusional Indian, the Italien census in benadir proves my point, Mogadishu oldest clan are the murshow offshoot of ajuran not Indian merchants, even cad cad were 40% Somali and were somalized who spoke Dialect of Somali, stop the we waz kangz boy
"Their land is a desert extending for two months' journey from Zayla to Maqdashaw (Mogadishu). Their beasts of burden are camels, and they possess sheep which are famous for their butter. The people are dark skinned"
Actually Italian census proves gibil cads were majority, clearly you wouldn't be able to understand that without knowing the reer xamar clans.

Moorsho isn't a clan it's a confederacy of 8 groups, 2 gibil cad and 6 gibil madow, Moorsho is the name of a neighbourhood where all these groups are from ;

1-Ba Xamish(Gibil Cad)
2-Xaatimi(Gibil cad)
Following 6 are Gibil Madow:
3-Reer Maxamud Eebow
4-Reer Baatay Eebow
5-Reer Ibrahim Eebow
6-Reer khalafow
7-Reer Mahadow Amiin
8- Reer Aweys Nuurow(Silcis)

Reer Maxamuud Eebow, Baatay Eebow,Ibrahim Eebow and Khalafow only claim descent from ajuran waalamoge.

The Italian census was based on Afarta Xamarweyne and Shanta shingaani and the Culama :Reer Faqi. The 4 moeties of Xamarweyne was based on neighbourhood,And 5 of shingaani based on zones.

Four of Xamarweyne:
Five of Shingaani:
4-Reer Maanyo
5-Saddex Geedi


Starting with Shingaani I'll break up the clans it can be understood how gibil cad clans were more.

First one says Yacquub (Confederacy) and Ba Fadhal clan. All together 580

1-Faqi Cali (Shaanshi)
2-Abakarow (Hatimi)
4-Reer Cali Imaam (Abgaal Hawiye)

Those three gibil cad clans and Ba Fadhal were much more than Reer Cali Imaam

2nd group;
Ashraaf clans 600

3rd group;
Camuudi 670

4th group;
Saddax Geedi and Reer Shaykh(Gibil Cad)650

Saddex Geedi was initially an alliance of three hawiye families. Although in the division of Shanta Shingaani. Other families and groups were allied with them .

1-Reer Cawaale
2-Reer Aadan Dheere
3-Reer Abdulle
4-Ba Sadiq (Gibil Cad)
5-Alaa'uddin (Gibil Cad)
6-Reer Shaykh (Gibil Cad)

Reer Shaykh are the largest out of them and they're one of the old Arab tribes of xamar , Descendants of Shaykh Abdulaziz Al Makhzuumi. Let's say the population division between gibil cad and gibil madow in this group is 50/50 .

5th group is Reer Maanyo 555
Reer Maanyo is a confederacy of gibil cads and gibil madows
1-Ba Mukhtar (Also known as Reer Macow)
2-Shaawush (Gibil Cad)
3-Caafi (Gibil Madow)
4-Cumar (Gibil Madow)

Ba Mukhtar are by far the largest out of these 4 and they're a gibil cad clan, Shaawush is also a gibil cad clan.This would lead to Reer maanyo being majority gibil cad.

Reer Faqi (340)

Coming to Xamarweyne
1-Bandhawow and Guudmane (Gibil Cad)

Bandhawow is a confederacy of 7 clans and Families
1-Baxar Suufi (Gibil Cad)
2-Amiin Khalafow (M)
3-Oontirow (M)
4-Sheybow (M)
5-Qurawaaye (M)
6-Axmed Nuur (M)
7-Cali iyo Maxamed (M)

Baxar suufi are the largest clan in the group making up around a third of their numbers

2-Dhabarweyne & Shaanshi 1137

Dhabarweyne is a confederacy of:

1)Reer Aw Bakar
2)Reer Misgal
3)Reer Makaran
2)Mohamed Jibril(M)
3)Haaji Qarar(M)
1)Ba Qash(Gibil Cad)
2)Xaaji Ibrahim (M)
3) Xaaji Cabdi (M)

As it's known Shaanshi is a big clan and they would most likely be having a half in terms of population of this confederacy. From this we can assume it was 50/50

3-Iskaashato 920
Iskaashato is a mixed confederacy of 8 groups :
1-Reer Shaykh Muumin (Differed Origin)
2-Caydaruus (Gibil Cad)
3-Caskarey (Gibil Cad)
4-Shamsuddin (Gibil Cad)
5-Reer Munye (M)
6-Indhoweyn (Alliance of three families)
7-Reer Cali Musa (Gibil Cad)
8- Reer Maanyo (Ba Mukhtar)

This confederacy is clearly majority gibil cad

Moorsho 685 I've already clarified above they're majority gibil madow.

From this it's evident that gibil cads were more than Gibil madows as out of 10 groups,3 are gibil cad clans, 3 are majority gibil cad confederacies , 2 are majority gibil madow confederacies and 2 being 50/50

Total number of population of Reer xamar groups is 7387

The three gibil cad clans are 1610 together
If we assume that the gibil cads are 2/3 of each of the groups that are majority gibil cad: (Yacquub,Reer Maanyo, Iskaashato)
Then they would be

Total gibil cad of those would be 1,370
Total gibil madow of these would be 685

The two groups that are 50/50 (Dhabarweyne+Shaanshi, Saddex geedi+Reer Shaykh)

(569/1137), (325/650)

Total gibil cad of those would be 894
Total gibil madow would be 894

The two groups that are majority gibil madow (Moorsho and Bandhawow+Guudmane)
(514/685),(833/1250) Assuming 3/4 are gibil madow in moorsho and 2/3 are gibil madow in Bandhawow+Guudmane

Total gibil madow of those would be 1347
Total gibil cad of those would be 588

All together total of gibil cads would be
While total of gibil madows would be 2926/7387

With gibil cads being approximately 60% and gibil madows being approximately 40%.
Delusional Indian, the Italien census in benadir proves my point, Mogadishu oldest clan are the murshow offshoot of ajuran not Indian merchants, even cad cad were 40% Somali and were somalized who spoke Dialect of Somali, stop the we waz kangz boy
"Their land is a desert extending for two months' journey from Zayla to Maqdashaw (Mogadishu). Their beasts of burden are camels, and they possess sheep which are famous for their butter. The people are dark skinned"
Correct term is gibil cad , and gibil cads mostly spoke Af Maadoonte, To say they're 40% ethnic somali is waffle as marriage customs varied from family to family. People of Mogadishu aren't one colour , The distinction between gibil cad and gibil madow already shows that. Most gibil cad clans preceded gibil madows, all gibil madow clans and families claim to be from a larger tribe in the interior, most gibil madow large families were in xamar for less than 15 generations, with some being as recent as 4-5 generations


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