you neva get it,,just comn up with pointless points, you know we were in turbulence for long time,,do you think people don't want good stuff? not only hotels but hospitals,schools,universities,private doctors with the latest equipment,running water,24hr electricity,cheapest phone calls in the world,fast internet,more than a dozen Tvs,farms,water detacments for nomads in many places,airports,roads and bridges built by Somali engineers etc etc.
why should I have to build an airport like heathrow when I don't need,we have enough airports for our demands,things r rolling and we get there. theres no fake pride rather the problem is you who cant even come up with valid points,,except Ethiopia which is 100 M built a big airport.
Sxb, do you think this airport is Ethiopia’s sole development achievement?
Ethiopia is Africa's fastest-growing economy.
They've been steadily growing on that rate since the early 2000's and I don't want to post their infrastructure achievements, but I hope you will get my drift?
Dude, what progress are you talking about apart from the strong western backed central government?! We don't need to aspire and copy the likes of Ethiopia... Aim higher my friend. Ethiopia's GDP is less than 60B even though they're the second most populated country in Africa. The general populous suffers from extreme poverty. Actually Somalia is superior to Ethiopia in many fields like the access of internet, access to clean water and electricity etc.
I know you're trying to provide motivation but saying we should copy Ethiopia of all people is insulting and disgraceful.
Sxb, with the miracle of Chinese development, there are still 300,000,000 Chinese people who live below the poverty lines, does that mean China is not developing? Offcourse, they are because they already managed to lift more than 1 billion people out of poverty and would manage to lift the rest out poverty. Rome wasn't built in a day. Secondly, I never mentioned let's copy them and use their blueprint because to differences in culture and our shoes sizes are different and would require a unique solution to Somalis and to Somalia that could deliver better and bigger outcomes. Besides the internet, how is Somalia superior than Ethiopia in electricity when Ethiopia will soon complete the largest hydroelectric power plant in Africa and the 7th largest in the world? They intend to sell the excess power to the neighbouring countries. How will Somalia compete with them? Karim Sxb, if this quote of mine is not at aiming higher, ' reach our potential and progress that can surpass our main rival and neighbor', then I don't know what else to say.