Looks nice. But 90% of Ethos are destitute and poor and their flat bare feets will never walk on those heavenly spotless shiny glass floor
The Amhara 'activists' online.
Ethnic tension hasn't risen under TPLF, it started rising from September 2018 onwards when lawless people thought they can deal with things by themselves.
Sigh...let's revisit this conversation when you are ready to talk honestly.
i guess we will have to wait for the established Border and Identity Commission to settle this
i feel like they gonna be favouring amharas. they keep talking about their "historical border" is with eritrea because gonder used to share a border with eritrea
I dont know but since when has facts ever mattered to chauvinist neftegnaAnyone that actually reads history books and factual information will know who lived on the land. A non-ethnic stupid provincial map gives no indication who lived on the land.
Gonder≠Amhara, finished.
I dont know but since when has facts ever mattered to chauvinist neftegnawe will see i guess but amharas seem to ready to go to war over those pieces of land. Ethnic identity can be fluid and is not always binary which can create confusion in border areas with people that identify as amharas but speak tigrinya or vice versa, same with somalis/oromos. You are right though, the previous provinces were not based on ethnicity so saying that all of Gonder = Amharas is not necessarily true.
are you wedishire_ on twitterLol they can attempt war if they want... it's funny how this and Raya suddenly became an issue in 2018.
And what are you, Eritrean or Tigraway?
Anyone that actually reads history books and factual information will know who lived on the land. A non-ethnic stupid provincial map gives no indication who lived on the land.
Gonder≠Amhara, finished.
Tigray = born Liar, finished!
You sound stupid when all you can do is insult instead of reading and using your common sense. Why don't you go ahead and claim Afar, Gumuz, Gurage, Hadiya and Oromo land seeming as they all were under Wello, Gojjam and Shewa.
Do you support NAMA?Reasoning with you guys is like talking to a dead stone. You about almost lie anything. How can you reason when we can't even agree like a day is a day and a night is a night. It is hopeless because lying seem to be entrenched in the very fabric of the society. Facts are facts, there is nothing to argue about it. The border between Tigray and Gonder was always Tekeze. There is no argument here, it is a fact well at least for sane humans.
Fact is also that there are segment of people who have raised identity and border issues both in Wolkait and Raya. The displaced youth from both these areas still live in shelters in Amhara region. What is your response? Of course deny deny. It is just impossible to find any ground with people who deny and lie about everything.
Reasoning with you guys is like talking to a dead stone. You about almost lie anything. How can you reason when we can't even agree like a day is a day and a night is a night. It is hopeless because lying seem to be entrenched in the very fabric of the society. Facts are facts, there is nothing to argue about it. The border between Tigray and Gonder was always Tekeze. There is no argument here, it is a fact well at least for sane humans.
Fact is also that there are segment of people who have raised identity and border issues both in Wolkait and Raya. The displaced youth from both these areas still live in shelters in Amhara region. What is your response? Of course deny deny. It is just impossible to find any ground with people who deny and lie about everything.
We lie about anything or you don't like hearing reality?
You're still trying to push this province idealogy, Gonder and Tigray were not ethnic regions. Tigrayans will live with Tigrayans end of the discussion.
When did I deny where the border of 'Gonder' and 'Tigray' was? We are in 2019, we have ethnic federalism. We are not going to be merged with an ethnic group that will probably assimilate and wipe us out in 100 years.
You still can't seem to get it into your head that Gonder was not 100%. You seem to forget the fact that it was Haile Selassie too that added Raya Azebo to Wello, it never was Wello.
I find it hilarious that those that raise these border issues live outside the regions. Why don't you claim Afar land next seeming as it was in Wello, or Gurage land as part of the Amhara region as it was in Shewa.
Nobody dislikes the current region system other than you people, I wonder why. You really thought all of Ethiopia would be Amhara
Anyways, go do your homework and a bit of extra reading. Debating with someone that can only come up with 'liar' is a big waste of time.
Do you support NAMA?
Dude, the displaced are FROM Raya and Wolkait. What are you talking about? The Raya & Wolkait committees are all from Raya and Wolkait. Even TPLF doesn't deny the fact. Why displace and jail who ask for their ethnic identity to be recognized? As I told you, for me this is not about Amhara and Tigray, this is about people whose identities are not respected but forced upon them and they are forced to flee to Amhara region for their safety. And that triggers the youth in Amhara region to be involved because Wolkaits are very much related with Gonder and Rayas in Tigray are families with Rayas in Qobo, Amhara region. The displacement and oppression automatically becomes the issue of Amhara region.
Woadie why can't I rate any postsAfter Nigeria, VW signs assembly plant deal with Ethiopia.
Volkswagen has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Government of Ethiopia for the development of an automotive industry including the establishment of an assembly plant in the country. Ethiopia has thus become the third country in the sub-Saharan Africa to sign a MoU with Volkswagen in the last six months.
This is coming after Ghana and Nigeria signed similar agreements with Volkswagen in August 2018. In Nigeria, Volkswagen undertook to implement a phased approach in relation to the assembly of vehicles initially from assembly kits with a long-term view of establishing Nigeria as an automotive hub in West Africa.
In Ghana, Volkswagen accepted to establish a vehicle assembly facility and conduct a feasibility study for an integrated mobility solutions concept.
The MoU was signed by the Head of the Volkswagen sub-Saharan Africa, Thomas Schaefer, and the Commissioner for Ethiopian Investment Commission, Abebe Abebayehu, a statement by the auto firm said.
The MoU signing was witnessed by the Ethiopian Minister of Finance and Economic Cooperation, Ahmed Shide, and the President of the Federal Republic of Germany, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who was on a state visit to Ethiopia.
The statement explained that the signing of the MoU would pave the way for Volkswagen and the Ethiopian government to commence high-level and technical collaboration for the development of the automotive industry and policy framework.
“The MoU identifies four key pillars as important for the development of the Ethiopian automotive industry. These are the establishment of a vehicle assembly facility, localisation of automotive components, introduction of mobility concepts such as app-based car sharing and ride hailing as well as the opening of local skills development training centre,” it stated.
Volkswagen and the Government of Ethiopia, the statement added, promised to expedite the reassertion of the vision by drawing up timelines and key milestones for the project.
Volkswagen specifically undertook to draw upon its vast global experience in global supply chains in the automotive industry in anticipation that the project would lead to the development of an automotive industry in the country.
In turn, the Ethiopian government expressed commitment towards the support of the establishment of specialised clusters owing to the economies of scale and efficiency realised through the project.
The Ethiopian government acknowledged the pivotal role played by trainable labour force in creating a thriving and competitive automotive industry.
Volkswagen is expected to work closely with the Ethiopian higher education and training institutions for skills development and capacity building of local talent.
Schaefer said, “Our sub-Saharan African strategy is gaining momentum with the signing of the third MoU in the last six months. We are grateful for the support and vision of the Ethiopian Government in identifying the automotive sector as one of the key manufacturing industries that can help the country to realise its Vision 2025 goals.
“As one of the fastest growing economies, and with the second highest population on the continent, Ethiopia is an ideal country to advance our sub-Saharan African development strategy. Additionally, Volkswagen intends on tapping into existing expertise and strategic resources in Ethiopia to establish a thriving automotive components industry.”
Abebayehu said, “Ethiopia is in a remarkable economic, political and social transformation that puts inclusive and sustainable growth and private sector development at its heart.
“With a fast-growing economy and stellar performance on the FDI inflow, Ethiopia is asserting itself as a competitive and preferred location of choice for investment.
“This MoU signing with Volkswagen is yet another testimony that Ethiopia is open for business. Through this partnership, we hope to advance a joint vision for the development of a competitive, vertically integrated and sustainable automotive industry. The Government of Ethiopia stands ready to effectively translate this partnership into concrete actions and actual investment.”