Ethiopia wants Puntland and Somaliland

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Suicidal men adore me.
Who the f*ck do they think they are
Somalia could have been part of Ethiopia, had it not been for the vote of two south American countries which refused to support the proposed unification between Ethiopia and her long-time daughter Somalia, during a UN vote a few decades ago, immediately before the independence of the latter from Italia and British. However, it is too late to even dream of annexing it now. Even if we have the resources and powers, we should not force other people to be with us.

We are even being annexed by Sudan. Anbesa siarej yezinb mechawoch yihonal.
We want real president not some dumb uneducated warlord. We need farmajo enough with this joke. Let us change the capital to PL at least they know how to run country and fight some Bantu with guns.


Your superior
Keep somaliland out of your mouths you scumbags. Your women are being fingered by xabashi and other foreigners yet all you do is cry about somaliland. Somaliland won't be joining any other state, that mistake happened in the 1960s.

I hope somaliland works closely with Ethiopia to train it's army and get new weapons, we need to prepare for our enemies to the south. That is the only enemy we have
Keep somaliland out of your mouths you scumbags. Your women are being fingered by xabashi and other foreigners yet all you do is cry about somaliland. Somaliland won't be joining any other state, that mistake happened in the 1960s.

I hope somaliland works closely with Ethiopia to train it's army and get new weapons, we need to prepare for our enemies to the south. That is the only enemy we have

There's 3 Somaliland's.


Your superior
French Somaliland, British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland. You happen to be British colony and I Italian colony, theirs not much of a difference.

Today you are somalia, stay there please. We don't want anything to do with you. The only interaction between us will be war
Today you are somalia, stay there please. We don't want anything to do with you. The only interaction between us will be war

If you and couple other Darod and Hawiye Niggas fight then that's your problem. But the majority, just want peace, go kill each other on the Sa'ad Ad-din, Bajuni, Kayama islands, but don't spill your blood on our precious lands.


Your superior
If you and couple other Darod and Hawiye Niggas fight then that's your problem. But the majority, just want peace, go kill each other on the Sa'ad Ad-din, Bajuni, Kayama islands, but don't spill your blood on our precious lands.

We are coming for you
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