Ethiopian food mukbang including raw meat!

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Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Come on guys be fair, apart from the raw meat, Ethiopian food is actually quite nice.
I don't see Somali food being put down because some communities eat goat stomach and intestines :reallymaury:
Who eats goat stomach? Not my people. :kanyeshrug:


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Ethiopian food is good, one of my favorites
Name one other Ethiopian food other than injera.

I will wait.

Bloody savages, somalia must invade Ethiopia in the name of bringing civilisation to the area (when we can of course, we can't do that shit now lol.)

Their women aren't bad too, I don't want them smelling of hilib cayriin, it's a complete turnoff.

The last time I checked, it was your country that needs to be civilised.
Y'all act like eating partially eating raw meat is savage, then please explain what the hell this is?

Want to go to Europe and civilise these people? I thought not.

How did you find out about this forum?

Are you Christian?

I am Ethiopian. This site was linked on someones tweet on twitter and I ended up seeing this thread. I thought I might as well make an account seeming as everyone is clueless on our food. But yes to answer your question, I am :) .
The last time I checked, it was your country that needs to be civilised.
Y'all act like eating partially eating raw meat is savage, then please explain what the hell this is?

Want to go to Europe and civilise these people? I thought not.

eating raw meat is savagery...and europeans are savages too, before the muslims moors went to civilize them they didn't even know how to bath and educated them.
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