Ethiopian food mukbang including raw meat!

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Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
I am Ethiopian. This site was linked on someones tweet on twitter and I ended up seeing this thread. I thought I might as well make an account seeming as everyone is clueless on our food. But yes to answer your question, I am :) .

The inevitable question will come so I'm gonna ask it already

What's your ethnicity? Lol.
I am Ethiopian. This site was linked on someones tweet on twitter and I ended up seeing this thread. I thought I might as well make an account seeming as everyone is clueless on our food. But yes to answer your question, I am :) .

@AbdiJohnson you responsible for this?
I can't even bring myself to eat rare or medium rare steak let alone actual raw meat.

@s'imwaq' how come your whole cuisine revolves around injera? doesn't eating that everyday get boring?
Answered it couple replies back :) ^
ok I get that injera isn't a dish per se but its like eating different dishes of rice. after a while you'll get sick of rice. no matter how many types of stews and sauces there are, you are eating it with injera every time. why not switch it up, put those sauces on top of rice or something.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Tigrayan and amhara, we go by our dad's ethnicity so I'm tigrayan

I have a Q

Why are you guys so racist towards AAs and other blacks but we Somalis get the brunt of the blame for it all the time? Yes Somalis are racist foo but please take your share of the blame. I know some Habesha women who sound like the KKK lol.
I have a Q

Why are you guys so racist towards AAs and other blacks but we Somalis get the brunt of the blame for it all the time? Yes Somalis are racist foo but please take your share of the blame. I know some Habesha women who sound like the KKK lol.
they don't air their racism online like some of y'all. just saying
ok I get that injera isn't a dish per se but its like eating different dishes of rice. after a while you'll get sick of rice. no matter how many types of stews and sauces there are, you are eating it with injera every time. why not switch it up, put those sauces on top of rice or something.

I guess so. In the West we do over-popularise injera and all the stews on it, but we do actually eat other dishes for breakfast and lunch/dinner, it's more common in the country itself.
We do actually eat rice, spaghetti etc. in the country, it just isn't technically our food :D
I have a Q

Why are you guys so racist towards AAs and other blacks but we Somalis get the brunt of the blame for it all the time? Yes Somalis are racist foo but please take your share of the blame. I know some Habesha women who sound like the KKK lol.

It's mainly the older generation. And I'm not sure why you guys get the blame :/

And LOL I understand the accent thing, I think it's upbringing
I guess so. In the West we do over-popularise injera and all the stews on it, but we do actually eat other dishes for breakfast and lunch/dinner, it's more common in the country itself.
We do actually eat rice, spaghetti etc. in the country, it just isn't technically our food :D
i actually lived in Addis and that's pretty much what people eat all day everyday. no rice no spagetthi, nothing else.
i guess there's a variety of things you guys can incorporate into your cuisine in the west so it isn't just injera dishes.
i actually lived in Addis and that's pretty much what people eat all day everyday. no rice no spagetthi, nothing else.
i guess there's a variety of things you guys can incorporate into your cuisine in the west so it isn't just injera dishes.

Depends really. There's things like ga'at, chechebsa, himbasha etc. that you can eat for breakfast, but the main meal really is injera with whatever is on.
Many worldwide cuisines are actually like this to be honest. I have never put the stews on rice, no idea what it'll taste like

Where did you live in Addis??
Depends really. There's things like ga'at, chechebsa, himbasha etc. that you can eat for breakfast, but the main meal really is injera with whatever is on.
Many worldwide cuisines are actually like this to be honest. I have never put the stews on rice, no idea what it'll taste like

Where did you live in Addis??
i think doro wot would taste awesome on rice, dont know about the other stews.

it was in 2006 so i was pretty young and cant remember much but it was near the city centre. we rented from some amhara family and shared a kitchen so thats why i know what they cooked all the time.
i think doro wot would taste awesome on rice, dont know about the other stews.

it was in 2006 so i was pretty young and cant remember much but it was near the city cetre. we rented from some amhara family and shared a kitchen so thats why i know what they cooked all the time.

I've never had anything that spicy on rice, but I don't think it'll be too bad :)

And I see. I moved there in my final years before I left the country.
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