Ethiopian & Oromo dream about conquering the Red Sea & Indian Ocean

This might sound crazy but I think the Ethiopians will go after Sudan it’s in turmoil and the majority ethnicity on the Sudanese coast is the Beja who are Cushitic. Eritrea will be fine Isaias has made a deal with the Iranians, Russians, and Chinese for a navy base in Assab and Massawa.
Beja people would prefer to be annexed by Eritrea than join Ethiopia lol 😂

and yeah Ethiopians regardless who's in power always eyed to control or have access to Massawa port which they have the infrastructure that connects to it.


Forza Somalia!
He's right about being politically and socially not united.
how an oromo who forces Somalis in absorb area to speak Oromo and treat them as second class be better than his Somali kin just for temporary Qabiil calaacal or dispute?
I preferer the old Ethiopian provinces map to be restored if Abiy ahmed wants to get rid of ethnic federalism

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how an oromo who forces Somalis in absorb area to speak Oromo and treat them as second class be better than his Somali kin just for temporary Qabiil calaacal or dispute?
Show me the evidence that an Oromo who btw predominantly speak Amharic treats Somalis as 2nd class citizens as you say
My clans interests. Will not explain any further. :yousmart:
Under DDS your clan's most populated district aren't given region status with little representatives in parliament while a tuulo with 5k inhabitants has the status of a city with dozens of MPs kkk :ftw9nwa:
Under DDS your clan's most populated district aren't given region status with little representatives in parliament while a tuulo with 5k inhabitants has the status of a city with dozens of MPs kkk :ftw9nwa:
Awbare already has district status and so does Harawo. Region = Zone. We want a Harawa Zone and we would most likely get that in an Awash regional state + a lot more than we could ever in that old Hararghe or the current DDS.
This map is very interesting. Are the editorial team at FBC privy who are privy to info hinting at the dismemberment of ethnic federalism? And what is the plan for orange area North of Awash? View attachment 298893

I'm not sure what they editorial team at FBC are aware of, but what we do know is that FBS is a state-owned media, who probably made this documentary with input of gov't personnel or at least with their approval before publishing.

Despite FBS supposedly being an 'independent' media company, I've seen them have ties/support the ruling prosperity party before. So I wouldn't rule out anything, but still not take everything they say as totally accurate.

I'm not sure what the plans are for the orange marked region, but it seems like the country has been split either alongside strategic locations or natural resources. That orange region is where 90+% of all Ethiopian import and export goes through, train or road, to Djibouti. Given how much value it to has the existence of the country, it makes sense to have a small region with small population. Which makes it easier to have increased or direct federal control/influence and not worry about the likelihood of turmoil, which today, a small road blockade by the locals can have. Basically operate like the charted federal region that we have today. Same with the green region; that's the border crossing that goes between Asmara and Mekelle.
This is very good future for Ethiopia, basically Wabe Shabelle would own the Shabelle river point that enters Somalia, and same for Awash region controlling the awash Rivers would be under Cisa Somalis.

And it's obvious that Somalis would be governing 3 of those regions, and knowing Abiy Ahmed association with the Somalis all the 3 main Somali clans will be governing each their own region in Ethiopia.

Somalia should negotiate a land exchange with Ethiopia, a river starting point for ocean access.

No, Somalis won't be governing 3 regions, only 2 majority Somali regions in the map. The orange marked (Cisse) and the Ogaden region (Isaaq and Darood). Genale-Dawa is mixed, but has an Oromo majority. Wabe-Shabelee includes the southern part of the Haraghes + most of Bales and part of Arsi. I'm not exactly sure, but it could be even between Somalis and Oromos but I believe Oromo could have a slight majority depending on where the borders are drawn.

I'm not sure how much you know about the demographics of Ethiopia, but in the Awash region of the map, forget about Cisse, Somalis are a super-minority, lol. The urban areas of Addis alone is 5,5+ million. I'm sure it would be given a special status. But its 'twin city' Adama/Nazareth has 500k+ people + a couple of million Oromos in the outskirt of the capital. It also includes a significant portion of the Hararghe regions, especially the most populated areas (including Harar). These areas are mostly Oromos. Then you got most of Afars of the country inside Awash + a significant Amharas and Oromos in the Amhara region. We got Jigjiga and rural Faafan/Sitti to counter them. Forget about Cisse, Somalis are at maximum 20% of the Awash region.

And don't count with Somalia negotiating about any land swap. It will never happen, outside of trade deals where we agree on things that benefits both of us.

You have to factor in populated Oromo regions that are fully or partially apart of the Awash, Genale Dawa, and Wabe Shabelle regions. It this was to happen then they would most likely go under Oromos. Only Ogaden which is Isaaq and Darood would be under Somalis.

@GaradShabeel What do you think?

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No you are the reason for Oromo and Habashis taking advantage of us, you folks politicize the Somali lands in Ethiopia, in good times it is a darood lands but in bad times it is Somaliweyne lands right?

GTFOH with your hypocrisy, all Somali's including many daroods subs would very much prefer if Oromo/Habashis centralised Ethiopia thus ending the racist clan state called DDSI that has brutalized Somalis since it's conception.

Who are the 'many Darood subs' that prefer Oromo/Habashi centralized Ethiopia? :what1:
This is inter community conflicts what I want to see is Oromia region targeting Somalis not trial pastoralists clashes

You have to be joking :ummhmm:

Have you not heard of when Oromo forces have participated in either conflicts between border communities or due to political differences between the two regions? The last one happened a couple of weeks ago in Qoloji. Or does it only gain your attention when it involves the Somali side? :hmm:
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Show me the evidence that an Oromo who btw predominantly speak Amharic treats Somalis as 2nd class citizens as you say

@Aurelian does have a point. The Somalis living inside Oromia, in particular around border areas, have to accommodate/accustom themselves to Oromos. Even in regions with a significant Somali population, although not prevented from speaking Somali, they have to undergo Oromoziation of their region through political means. Hence, why a large number of Somalis over time are 'naturally' assimilating linguistically/culturally into Oromos, compared to vice-versa.

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