Ethiopian population density map released. Gabiley community is the biggest Somali community

Reality disagrees though. This is from Baligubadle town their headquarters itself majority voted for Kulmiye.

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There is 20 roofs in balidobagdle they don’t have multiple polling stations in the town. Anyways taadaan qaatay baligobodle region is totally arap they can even have Gebiley waa tol wanaagsan.


There is 20 roofs in balidobagdle they don’t have multiple polling stations in the town. Anyways taadaan qaatay baligobodle region is totally arap they can even have Gebiley waa tol wanaagsan.
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That is like over 100 houses there. Unless you are also disputing the election results of that town :lol: , plus most are nomads so obviously not all of them live in the town but came to vote in the polling stations.


Bro let’s stop the yeel yeel reer samatar dominate the region. The way you give out HA land to other clans you would think we don’t even exist. Sacad muse is more than twice the size of gadabursi and 5 times the size of arap. He took the landslide in the balidogabdle region. Btw I’m not here to argue with you I’m here to drink some jeberti tears. At the end of the day it’s all isaaq.
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The days of the British inflating your numbers are over. You bucur bucayri. BLOODY LANGAAB EVEN WHEN THE BRITISH added bit of the Gadabuursi that was not British Protected the numbers quickly grew to 80000. What if they added all the Gadabuursi in Ethiopia. In that time we would've probably been 200k. Bloody laangaab .



Now let me show you Gadabuursi population.

Awdal: Where Gadabuursi dominate
Waqooyi Galbeed: Where Gadabuursi also live


That's only the borders of Somaliland.

Of Djibouti I am 15% thats 150k of the almost 1 million population.




in 2000 there were almost 100k Gadabursi there.

Of DDSI Gadabursi number around 800k.


2 exclusive Gadabuursi woredas alone number around the 500k.

Gursum Woreda , largely Gadabuursi presence.

Jigjiga woreda , very large Gadabuursi preserence

Around 800k, without the Gadabuursi counted in the chartered city of Dire Dawa, or Afar region or Oromo region.

Long live Gadabuursi. SAMAROON SICIID

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Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Completely baseless. Ethiopia has delayed the 2017 census indefinitely. No one knows what the population figures are as of now.

As of the last census, this is Ethiopia's density map:
ethiopia density.png

There are only 2 woredas that are majority Isaaq in Ethiopia, Xarshin and Gaashaamo. Combined they had a population smaller than MJ majority woredas. Isaaq is very small in Ethiopia even when you take Faafan into account.
Completely baseless. Ethiopia has delayed the 2017 census indefinitely. No one knows what the population figures are as of now.

As of the last census, this is Ethiopia's density map:
View attachment 109132
There are only 2 woredas that are majority Isaaq in Ethiopia, Xarshin and Gaashaamo. Combined they had a population smaller than MJ majority woredas. Isaaq is very small in Ethiopia even when you take Faafan into account.

the brown bit with the high population density in doolo region is near caabudwaaq its where marehan settle.

so the b0.ons where correct, they do have a large population in Ethiopia.


Completely baseless. Ethiopia has delayed the 2017 census indefinitely. No one knows what the population figures are as of now.

As of the last census, this is Ethiopia's density map:
View attachment 109132
There are only 2 woredas that are majority Isaaq in Ethiopia, Xarshin and Gaashaamo. Combined they had a population smaller than MJ majority woredas. Isaaq is very small in Ethiopia even when you take Faafan into account.

Both maps are wrong. OP posted one that was made up by some cuqdad ridden fool from Twitter and yours isn't reliable since no legitimate census has ever been carried out in Ethiopia.


None of this matters, since soon oromos will start to settle in the ogaden borders, while the multiple tribes there fight over empty land.

They already have your oil and gave you guys less seats than tigray that have a smaller population.


Completely baseless. Ethiopia has delayed the 2017 census indefinitely. No one knows what the population figures are as of now.

As of the last census, this is Ethiopia's density map:
View attachment 109132
There are only 2 woredas that are majority Isaaq in Ethiopia, Xarshin and Gaashaamo. Combined they had a population smaller than MJ majority woredas. Isaaq is very small in Ethiopia even when you take Faafan into account.
I feel like the original poster map is fake.


Xoog iyo Xiniyo #NGM enforcer
Jeegaans are very desperate they always were small subjects in Ethiopia.

I know. Waa laangaabs. I hope you guys are taking advantage of the SNA rearming and sending your boys. I wanna see karbaash in the future.


Xoog iyo Xiniyo #NGM enforcer
That is the dream I heard hundreds of Samaroon are already part of SNA.

Mashallah. Gadabursi are dad nasab ah. Who have taarikh and karaamo. Awdal is my land. Know you're not a guest in Gedo. There's a reason why our economy is doing better now. It's due to Dr. Beileh's steady hands. Gadabursi are well known scholars and Muslim missionaries.

Reer Awdal :salute:

Awdalia Rising

SSpot Special Correspondent
Good map. For whatever reason people associate Samaroon/Gadabursi with just Awdal when majority of our population is actually in Ethiopia where we inhabit 3 districts exclusively. Even our main Ugaas is in Ethiopia. Dir is huge


This guy has a lot of time on his hands making fake population density maps. Too bad that it won’t change the reality on the ground.
Small land = high population density i.e. Hong Kong
Large land = population spread out throughout the territory i.e. China

You'd think it's common sense but we're talking about Somalis after all :francis: