Ethiopian Troops In Gedo Building Trenches. Abiy is preparing for war

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True, but my thinking is Abiy is playing a dangerous game.

When he fought the TPLF many ENDF soldiers and generals defected, it’s a totally different situation but there’s no way Oromo soldiers would fight if he moves on dismantling Oromia, and he can’t afford that until he finishes with FANO

Don't be naive. Oromos are as part of the military as Amharas or other ethnic groups are. They have in fact the most soldiers there as well.

Who do you think is carrying out operations/attacks against OLA in Oromia today that's causing bloodshed amongst civilian Oromos? Aren't they Oromos themselves (in ENDF)? :comeon:

Abiy wouldn't dismantle Oromia without giving something in return. He's trying to usher them a permanent seat at arat kilo and make Amharas politically irrelevant, unless they serve Oromo leaders/interests.
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Annex more land Ethiopia believes all land up to Beledweyne is theirs and are also after Hobyo they want a dry and sea port from Cabuudwaaq to Hobyo.

At this point, we need to pass a law, or enshrine in the constitution that makes it illegal to sell assets/land/sea that are of strategic importance to foreigners. Especially to hostile countries that doesn't grip what mutual bilateral relations is.
Don't be naive. Oromos are as part of the military as Amharas or other ethnic groups are. They have in fact the most soldiers there as well.

Also, who do you think is carrying out attacks against OLF in Oromia today that's causing bloodshed amongst civilian Oromos? Aren't they Oromos themselves (in ENDF)? :comeon:

Abiy wouldn't dismantle Oromia without giving something in return. He's trying to usher them a permanent seat at arat kilo and make Amharas politically irrelevant, unless they serve Oromo leaders/interests.

You underestimate how fast Ethiopian politics change, two years ago Abiy was wildly unpopular with Oromos and they were going hand in hand with the TPLF just to fight him.

It’s not a coincidence Abiy is giving them seats and pandering to them as his war in the Amhara region drags out, the man likes to play his cards well. There’s no way Oromia gets dismantled before he straight up has control over every inch of land, ethnic federalism is so ingrained into his current support even with us in the DDS.
At this point, we need to pass a law, or enshrine in the constitution that makes it illegal to sell assets/land/sea that are of strategic importance to foreigners. Especially to hostile countries that doesn't grip what mutual bilateral relations is.
This was done first week of the year, but what really needs to happen is FMs standing behind the FG in action and not only words. Hadii kale wey dhamaatey for real this time.
You underestimate how fast Ethiopian politics change, two years ago Abiy was wildly unpopular with Oromos and they were going hand in hand with the TPLF just to fight him.

It’s not a coincidence Abiy is giving them seats and pandering to them as his war in the Amhara region drags out, the man likes to play his cards well. There’s no way Oromia gets dismantled before he straight up has control over every inch of land, ethnic federalism is so ingrained into his current support even with us in the DDS.

Of course Oromia wouldn't be dismantled today or tomorrow. It was not the point I was trying to make either.

What's factual is that Abiy's gradually consolidating and concentrating power to Addis from the regional states. Over time, the states will loose relevance as they would turn into more or less a downgrade to autonomous regions from federal entities and it will continue further more. All of the major action Abiy has taken thus far should give you a hint. In the meanwhile, he's increasing the influence of Oromos in Addis.

When did Somalis become Abiy supporters? (ps, it's not like he care about what Somalis think, lol) :damedamn:
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Of course Oromia wouldn't be dismantled today or tomorrow. It was not the point I was trying to make.

What's factual is that Abiy gradually consolidating and concentrating power to Addis from the regional states. Over time, the states will loose relevance as they would turn into more or less a downgrade to autonomous from federal, and it will continue. All of the major action Abiy has taken thus far should give you a hint. In the meanwhile, he's increasing the influence of Oromos in Addis.

Also, when did Somalis become Abiy supporters? (ps, it's not like he care what Somalis think, lol) :damedamn:
Somalis just like ethnic federalism, like the other groups with pretty much no political representation that aren’t habesh

I disagree, Oromos and Amharas have very diametric goals. Amharas on their spaces have been calling the recent acts to get political representation by Sidamas which are pretty much youth wings of the Oromo groups tribalistic. As well as the recent acts to make Oromo a standardised language in the city.

The more centred around Addis Ababa Ethiopia is , the more Amhara it is, and the more Oromo Addis Ababa is , the more “Oromian” it is. Just look at recent Oromo festivities in the city.

I don’t see how Abiy is going to align these two groups without huge civil upheaval, which is why I think he’s going to do what he did in 2020 and just crack down on this when he gets the north inline.
Of course Oromia wouldn't be dismantled today or tomorrow. It was neither the point I was trying to make.

What's factual is that Abiy gradually consolidating and concentrating power to Addis from the regional states. Over time, the states will loose relevance as they would turn into more or less a downgrade to autonomous from federal, and it will continue. All of the major action Abiy has taken thus far should give you a hint. In the meanwhile, he's increasing the influence of Oromos in Addis.

Also, when did Somalis become Abiy supporters? (ps, it's not like he care what Somalis think, lol) :damedamn:
Yep you are right. Abiy was trained and chosen to lead Ethiopia and the wider wider region into a new era where everyone is subject to the central government in Addis. Abiy was trained specifically for this task. His way of thinking is beyond qabiil, Oromo, militia etc. To him a Somali, an Amhara and an Afar are all the same. The Zionist have plans to manage Somalia’s oil and gas by incorporating us into Ethiopia. It is easier this way to steal from us.
Yep you are right. Abiy was trained and chosen to lead Ethiopia and the wider wider region into a new era where everyone is subject to the central government in Addis. Abiy was trained specifically for this task. His way of thinking is beyond qabiil, Oromo, militia etc. To him a Somali, an Amhara and an Afar are all the same. The Zionist have plans to manage Somalia’s oil and gas by incorporating us into Ethiopia. It is easier this way to steal from us.

The gulf states are behind this

You two faced keyboard worrier now that they have stepped in your backyard you started asking if they were habashi or oromo I was honestly surprised you didnt ask about their nigis size.

kolkaasad anaga waliba ino haanjamaysa?! you fuckin munaafiq bal waakase orod difaac hadaad soomalinimo dhab ka tahay!. this is the reality of the hypocrite Konfurian than only acts tough on Isaaq with his fake nationalism and dhuuso while being submissive to his Amisom masters.
Warra , not even the same person oos


68 IQ moment
Somalis just like ethnic federalism, like the other groups with pretty much no political representation that aren’t habesh

Agreed. But Abiy is most certainly not a defender of ethnic federalism. He's openly called for Ethiopia to move on from this type of governance, as @Step a side mentioned. Plenty of times.

I disagree, Oromos and Amharas have very diametric goals. Amharas on their spaces have been calling the recent acts to get political representation by Sidamas which are pretty much youth wings of the Oromo groups tribalistic. As well as the recent acts to make Oromo a standardised language in the city.

Amharas main goals are ending ethnic federalism and turning western Tigray into permanent Amhara inhabited/controlled regions. While Oromos prefer local autonomy and more representations of Oromos in the political and social aspects of the country reflecting their population, but seems to be okay with more power to Addis (imo) as long as they are in charge or have much influence. Amharas are only throwing tantrums because the Amhara-centered hegemony is being threatened. No one takes these fits serious.

The more centred around Addis Ababa Ethiopia is , the more Amhara it is, and the more Oromo Addis Ababa is , the more “Oromian” it is. Just look at recent Oromo festivities in the city.

Based on the Addis of today, yes. But the recent political changes (city expansion, language reform etc) will turn Addis from a 'Habesha' city to an Oromo city soon.

I don’t see how Abiy is going to align these two groups without huge civil upheaval, which is why I think he’s going to do what he did in 2020 and just crack down on this when he gets the north inline.

Yes, he will try to end Amhara rebels, but OLA have not disappeared. FANO have greater capabilities than OLA. Either he will enter negotiations later, or they will continue existing.
Yep you are right. Abiy was trained and chosen to lead Ethiopia and the wider wider region into a new era where everyone is subject to the central government in Addis. Abiy was trained specifically for this task. His way of thinking is beyond qabiil, Oromo, militia etc. To him a Somali, an Amhara and an Afar are all the same. The Zionist have plans to manage Somalia’s oil and gas by incorporating us into Ethiopia. It is easier this way to steal from us.

True, anyone who stands in his way is a threat to him, regardless of the tribal/ethnic origin. Abiy has mentioned several time how his mother told him that he would become a king one day :wow:
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There are rumours that officials from Gedo have been ordered by Addis to never take orders from FGS again. We have been played nicely seeing how every region in Somalia (apart from Puntland) is either an Ethiopian colony or a Shabaab colony.

Galmudug - Shabaab colony
Jubaland - Kenya/Ethiopia/Shabaab colony
Hirshabelle- Does it even exist?
Banaadir- weak corrupt FGS
Somaliland -Ethiopian colony despite pretending ictaraaf
KG- Ethiopian colony
Ethiopia has a lot of pull in puntland as well. A lot of money was sunk into garcad to get on the wrong side of them. They have also taken parts in fights in the past like 2002 election war
Agreed. But Abiy is most certainly not a defender of ethnic federalism. He's openly called for Ethiopia to move on from this type of governance, as @Step a side mentioned. Plenty of times.

Amharas main goals are ending ethnic federalism and turning western Tigray into permanent Amhara inhabited/controlled regions. While Oromos prefer local autonomy and more representations of Oromos in the political and social aspects of the country reflecting their population, but seems to be okay with more power to Addis (imo) as long as they are in charge or have much influence. Amharas are only throwing tantrums because the Amhara-centered hegemony is being threatened. No one takes these fits serious.

Based on the Addis of today, yes. But the recent political changes (city expansion, language reform etc) will turn Addis from a 'Habesha' city to an Oromo city soon.

Yes, he will try to end Amhara rebels, but OLA have not disappeared. FANO have greater capabilities than OLA. Either he will enter negotiations later, or they will continue existing.
My point exactly, Abiy came in as a guy who would answer the questions of the youth of the Oromo protestors but turned around and jailed their political leaders until the Tigrayans chimped out and he had to make concessions.,ultimate%20power%20of%20Ethiopia's%20premiership.

I don’t see a whole where Oromos are happy going into pre ethnic federalism Ethiopia, I just don’t see it.

The current support for him is based on a balancing act the country is doing ( The OLA having negotiations, FANO being taken down first due to their weapons acquired and the fallout that comes from having to cater to a different ethnic group)
True, anyone who stands in his way is a threat to him, regardless of the tribal/ethnic origin. Abiy have mentioned several time how his mother told him that he would become a king one day :wow:

The guy has unlimited supply of weapons and man power thanks to the global elite who facilitate this toppled with their 120 million citizens. In other words, Abiy is going to destabilise the region with non stop wars for the next decade or two.
Ethiopia has a lot of pull in puntland as well. A lot of money was sunk into garcad to get on the wrong side of them. They have also taken parts in fights in the past like 2002 election war

It makes sense why UAE supports and backs Deni. UAE is the biggest culprit involved in the destabilisation of Somalia.
I encourage everyone to read this article


The gulf states want to combat climate change and it’s dependence on petrol by turning the Horn of Africa into a big plantation like the Zanj where the people work for gulf companies that own their land and the women are sent as maids to be abused

HOA 2035:


Abiy, Afwerki and HSM are just tools who’d sell their people for khat and power



Sudan as well

Even if HSM uses diplomatic channels the U.S supporting him is not sure since they want to court gulf states away from interfering in this Israel conflict
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