Ethiopian Troops to leave Somalia/AU Force extension


Let him cook


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
Now presenting. AU lite. Coming to you soon

Ethiopian troops are one of the better ones in some FMS, they’re trash like the rest, but I don’t hear of rape, we still need them out for their aggressive tone.

KDF, Uganda, & Burundi are the ones that rape somali women.

KDF are extra xassid, they destroy telecommunication towers and allow illicit charcoal trade

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America has spent 2.5 billion since then. There assistance beats FGS budget most years. America also give alot of aid through USAID I dont think its close how much america gives beats all other nations combined

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Seems the US is probably main external direct funder of SNA and the EU is main direct funder of ATMIS. I think the EU funds go mostly towards troop salaries.

Biggest spender though is the UNSOS and they provide all the logisitcs, troop transport, fuel, food, medical and evac, facilities ($100m in 2020), IT services and communication ($40m in 2020!). They are like the backbone of the whole thing and their budget is like $525 million in 2020.


So the total so far is around a billion from EU, US and the UN.


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
This is good, but there’s a suspicious insistence on keeping the rest there. With regional tension it makes sense. I want to see what Laftagareen’s and gedo’s response to this is, his re-election is dependent on ENDF. Hassan is savvy with the internal politics of the country. If this goes as planned, and madobe follows along with the government. He’ll have 4/5 FMS.
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Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
Laftagareen refused. Where are all the KG soldiers trained by UK all these years? Allowing hostile nations that we have territorial dispute to be part of Atmis was a low IQ move.
Laftagareen has enough to defend himself over there. It’s like the jubbaland situation all over again. Madobe and Laftagareen are very similar in that way. FGS has seat at the UNSC, so ENDF should be no issue.