ethiopians and somalis should come closer

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The Sahaba and the taabicuun, who were the most faithful of people, laid siege to Constantinople in 674 and 717. Both times they failed. Why did they fail, although they were the best two generations of Muslims? They were in a bad situation and could not overcome the material barriers in front of them. Almost 1000 years later the Ottoman Turks were able to conquer Constantinople. Why did they succeeded while the Sahaba could not? They had the upper hand in position and in material.

Having faith is important, but so is having the power. And Somalia has no power whatsoever to challenge Christian Ethiopia, that is a fact. You are like those funny people hiding in caves and forests threatening industrialized nations with destruction. How are you going to defeat anyone if you cannot manufacture anything, or even keep your people fed?

Dad baa khayaali ku nool :drakelaugh:

No one is talking about attacking Ethiopia lmao. There's a difference between bending your knee and submitting to indefinite tigrinya rule as you and that Ethiopian slave in the OP are salivating at. The true Muslims with faith in their heart will always resist the enemies of the deen and would never submit to openly be ruled by them. As for your Ethiopia worship tell me what has Ethiopia accomplished in the scientific world for the past 100 years??? What world class scientific and engineering institutions does it have??? For being the only African country to not be colonized don't you find it laughable your masters and lords have nothing but widespread HIV and flies on their face to show for it??? This himaar is trying to make Ethiopia out like its Israel or something. The simple fact is your masters are being propped up by the imperialist west and if the US were to suddenly disintegrate tomorrow Ethiopia's collapse would occur rather quickly. The only thing Ethiopia really has is manpower and even that is questionable given the current ongoing ethnic strife in the nation.
@JohnDoe aka @AbdiJohnson an atheist like you has no business with the affairs of Somalia and her people. Better to worry about "trans" rights and other sjw nonsense in your own backyard instead.

Somalia would be alot more successful if it followed the Tunisian model. The solutions you propose are a theocracy that will take us back atleast 250+ years.
Somalia would be alot more successful if it followed the Tunisian model. The solutions you propose are a theocracy that will take us back atleast 250+ years.

Why are you talking as if your opinion actually matters on this??? For all intents and purposes you are a foreigner to the people of the nation and your opinion and beliefs are moot. Secondly democracy has been a resounding failure in the nation. The marxist model has also spectacularly failed and will never be tried again. The only system that works and is in harmony with the peoples heritage and culture is the Islamic one. I am sure though a cultural marxist and agent like you has no respect for the peoples beliefs and values and want to impose your liberal democracy and values through force and subversion. Being a Somali atheist you're far too daft to grasp the comical irony of such an agenda.
i am flabbegasted that you have the audicity to suggest islamic solution which inherited us nothing more than suicide bombings of schools,restaurents and hotels and killing of children,an utter bloodshed by islamist bloodthirsty criminals you advocate,it doesnt matter if it alshabab /isis suicide bomber or moderate one.
i am flabbegasted that you have the audicity to suggest islamic solution which inherited us nothing more than suicide bombings of schools,restaurents and hotels and killing of children,an utter bloodshed by islamist bloodthirsty criminals you advocate,it doesnt matter if it alshabab /isis suicide bomber or moderate one.

You have confirmed that you are an enemy of the Muslims and hence of Somalia. People like you never want to see a prosperous Islamic Somalia rise from the ashes and take its rightful place in the horn. You along with that other stooge would prefer we remain under the boot of a starving HIV ridden population that can barely feed themselves and keep their nation together without the continued intervention in the region from their western brethren. There is no debate or naseehah with people like you but rather to be subdued by the sword. Victory will never come until the people purify themselves from these putrid traitors and munafiqun who have sold their religion to be the pawns of some of the most backwards people the world has ever known.
alshabab fights for islam,ISIL fight for islam and all they did was bomb schools,hotels,public places,restaurents and throw mortar shells at residential place,if that is jihad islam then we belong to two different sects of that i am going for my job go and join your ISIL/Alshabab brothers and behead a muslim.!
alshabab fights for islam,ISIL fight for islam and all they did was bomb schools,hotels,public places,restaurents and throw mortar shells at residential place,if that is jihad islam then we belong to two different sects of that i am going for my job go and join your ISIL/Alshabab brothers and behead a muslim.!

So all of the Sultans that ruled by Islam for practically all of our history after Islam were Al Shabab "wahabis" too??? :ftw9nwa: That khat is doing a number on what limited brain cells you already have. Yes we clearly follow two different "sects" if you are against the implementation of the deen and a return to our traditional and classical systems of law. You would be a follower of some polytheistic belief system that cannot be recognized as Islam at all.

Funny thing is I would be among the first to fight Al Shabab and ISIL. Like the filthy traitors and enemies of the Muslims such as yourself they too will never be brought back to Ahlus Sunnah through naseehah and reason and therefore must be subdued forcibly by the sword.


Meh, I am all for close economic relationships with Ethiopia but not political federation.

Ethiopia and Somalia should form some kind of EU version for the Horn of Africa with the same currency and tariff free internal common market.

The Bantus to our South are already doing this with the East African Community. The Horn should have a competitor of this union.


Damn, South Sudan is now even part of the EAC:


Wasn't aware of that.
Meh, I am all for close economic relationships with Ethiopia but not political federation.

Ethiopia and Somalia should form some kind of EU version for the Horn of Africa with the same currency and tariff free internal common market.

The Bantus to our South are already doing this with the East African Community. The Horn should have a competitor of this union.

Ethiopia needs more (our fish, ports, oil in PL, gas in south) Somalia is doing well right now signing all these economic agreements with Sudan, Egypt. Obviously you are not aware of them. Plus the regular clients the gulf countries. The Somali government last month signed full cooperation with Sudan. Hopefully we will have our own bloc Egypt sudan Djibouti Somalia we share same culture religion tradition history plus intermarriage between Sudanese people and Somalis. See Ethiopia should beg us not the other way.
We don't need infected HIV Ethiopia and second poorest country in world after Niger overpopulated 90 million which called Bangkok of east Africa. We should inspire to be better countries like Egypt India Malaysia not Ethiopia


Ethiopia needs more (our fish, ports, oil in PL, gas in south) Somalia is doing well right now signing all these economic agreements with Sudan, Egypt. Obviously you are not aware of them. Plus the regular clients the gulf countries. The Somali government last month signed full cooperation with Sudan. Hopefully we will have our own bloc Egypt sudan Djibouti Somalia we share same culture religion tradition history plus intermarriage between Sudanese people and Somalis. See Ethiopia should beg us not the other way.

Trade deals are not the same thing as a common market. There's a big difference. A common market has literally no barriers while trade deals have many obstacles.

I doubt Egypt is interested in forming a bloc with Somalia. The only options for Somalia are: A) Union of Horn African countries B) Join the Bantu EAC C) Hope the Arab League integrates further (unlikely). In order of likelihood.
Trade deals are not the same thing a common market. There's a big difference. A common market has literally no barriers, trade deals have many.

I doubt Egypt is interested in forming a bloc with Somalia. The only tree options for Somalia are: A) Union of Horn African countries B) Join the Bantu EAC C) Hope the Arab League integrates further (unlikely). In order of likelihood.
You limited your mind to Ethiopia why not Malaysia and turkey who want to cooperate with us? Or India that showed lot of interest in Somalia like 150 sholarship to us and our second trade partner after UAE listen your mind is stocked to Ethiopia. What I am want to say we have the upper hand not Ethiopia. And please read about people who refuse the free project of food oil company in Somalia by Malaysia but general Gabre said no to it.
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