The Sahaba and the taabicuun, who were the most faithful of people, laid siege to Constantinople in 674 and 717. Both times they failed. Why did they fail, although they were the best two generations of Muslims? They were in a bad situation and could not overcome the material barriers in front of them. Almost 1000 years later the Ottoman Turks were able to conquer Constantinople. Why did they succeeded while the Sahaba could not? They had the upper hand in position and in material.
Having faith is important, but so is having the power. And Somalia has no power whatsoever to challenge Christian Ethiopia, that is a fact. You are like those funny people hiding in caves and forests threatening industrialized nations with destruction. How are you going to defeat anyone if you cannot manufacture anything, or even keep your people fed?
Dad baa khayaali ku nool
No one is talking about attacking Ethiopia lmao. There's a difference between bending your knee and submitting to indefinite tigrinya rule as you and that Ethiopian slave in the OP are salivating at. The true Muslims with faith in their heart will always resist the enemies of the deen and would never submit to openly be ruled by them. As for your Ethiopia worship tell me what has Ethiopia accomplished in the scientific world for the past 100 years??? What world class scientific and engineering institutions does it have??? For being the only African country to not be colonized don't you find it laughable your masters and lords have nothing but widespread HIV and flies on their face to show for it??? This himaar is trying to make Ethiopia out like its Israel or something. The simple fact is your masters are being propped up by the imperialist west and if the US were to suddenly disintegrate tomorrow Ethiopia's collapse would occur rather quickly. The only thing Ethiopia really has is manpower and even that is questionable given the current ongoing ethnic strife in the nation.