Dumb and stupid as usual paidwe should make agreement with ethiopia.they take iidoor land we take huge swathes of land,they get access to sea we get access to rivers.
Dumb and stupid as usual paidwe should make agreement with ethiopia.they take iidoor land we take huge swathes of land,they get access to sea we get access to rivers.
The only course of action is unifying the Somali people, establishing a stable state, and focusing primarily on economic development. Ethiopia will always be a powderkeg that can implode on a moment's notice. The Semitic invaders cannot subjugate the Cushitc majority of Ethiopia forever, but we must be in a position to take advantage of the inevitable balkanization of the colonial Abysinnian entity.
Ethiopia in its present state has only existed for max 150 years. I have no reason to believe the territorial expansion started by Menelik cannot be reversed. Afwerki succeeded in his goal to free Eritrea but Meles Zenawi was clever enough to abandon Tigray independence when he realized he could fill the vacuum left by Mengistu, unlike the mong Aideed who overthrew MSB a few months before.
Hopefully their civil war will be so brutal Ethiopia is permanently dismembered into Amharia, Tigray, Afaria, Oromia, and Soomaali Galbeed.
And we should not be coming closer. They've been treating our Somali sisters and brothers in Ogadenia horribly. They've been meddling in our affairs. We should ruin them.
stop comparing us to those idiots they are the ones who caused it upon themselves we are not that dumb for waaqs sakeDo you see the pattern? History always repeats itself. View attachment 2232View attachment 2233
I will join Kenya than Ethiopia
also syria and yemen helped ethiopia arab ppl will never give two shits about somalisWe defeated 1/2 million Ethiopian in 1977 and Somalis were 70,000 pushed them to Sidiama and they did not replaced their soldiers but they run to Soviet Union and which backed them with 1500 Soviet "advisors" and 15, 000 Cuban soldiers. Also North Korea and East German helped Ethiopia and east European bloc all these against 70,000 Somalis says lot !!!!!
Stay in your waaaq lanealso syria and yemen helped ethiopia arab ppl will never give two shits about somalis
continue defending arabs at least i will die with the blue and white running through my veinsStay in your waaaq lane
yes it will happen if we stop with this qabil shit and if we stop seeing enemies as friends and friends as enemies and as for my qabil which i really don't like to talk about but since you asked i was born in nairobi kenya but my father is from fiiq in ogadenia and my hooyo is from the bari region especially eyl in puntland they met in mogadishu at jaamacadha umadda soomaliyeedh where they did some you know shukansi and they planned to get married in 1988 and the rest is history and i am an cabdalle of the cabdikariin of ree fiqinuur my mother whom i don't know much about her lineage is from a dulbahante sub clan who are a minority in eyl. I don't like talking about qabils or yaakatahay or yaakasiitahay if i am asked tbh . This is the first time i talked to someone about my qabil in like months i always say somali it's something i'm used toMaman waaq. I have to ask? From which region are you from in somalia. And if you dont mind, what is your qabil. I can see that you want to see united somalia. I also dream of that. Do you think that this will ever happen.
Only poor certain clans cry for a union. Until every fucking clan is on equal economic footing, there should never never be a talk of uniting. I don't want my tax to go to a lazy c*nt tribe while they sit around all day and breed like c*nt rats