Explain Galkacyo mess to dhaqancelis

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USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
So who are the belligerents?

What started it?

What's the current status of the conflict?

Nobody has answered your question properly. Galmudug lacks legitimacy according to the 2004 TFG Federal Charter. The charter stated that two administrative regions regions can join to make a Federal State. Galmudug is only 1 state and a half. They keep attacking Gaalkacyo because they want to control the entire Mudug region. Their odeys even have the audacity to say Cumar Maxmuuds are Reer Galmudug. Gaalkacyo is of special importance to them because all the assets the generate money are in the PL side. They think they can take these assets like Gaalkacyo is Mogadishu or something.

The conflict is sporadic, it starts and erupts. Last nights fighting was a little different though. When Galmudug usually attack they do not fight for longer than 30 minutes. Last night they tried to capture they city but they were flushed out. The conflict will continue until Gaas grows a pair or until PL throw him out.

I'm sure you would under stand the mindset of the Galmudug administration, after all they are the remanants of Aideeds USC. They understand nothing but the gun. They will only use the gun to advance their cause. There is nothing special about this conflict. Just a bunch of niggas carrying on like its 500BC even though its 2016. Same shit every time, whether it is PL vs Galmudug or HG vs Abgaal etc.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Galkacyo was founded by the Sultan of Hobyo as a fort 100 years ago.

This is what remains of it today;

Galkacyo was founded by MJ and was not considered a shared city before the late 1960s. It was always seen as an MJ city with Hawiye living there because it was the capital of "Mudugh" region. Under Siyaad Barre, Hawiye were encouraged to move to Galkacyo to displace the MJ who were then in opposition to the Kacaan. This changed the demographics of the city greatly and meant that now a third or more of the city was Hawiye. Even today, most MJ in Galkacyo don't believe Hawiye have a right to be there at all and see it as an injustice.
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