Extreme Islam: What makes a young British woman turn to Salafism?

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Not your typical Farah
that's my point. Kafirs do not care what is in the Quran, they'll want Muslims to denounce Islam as much as possible. "You need to reform Islam", "surely you don't agree with xyz in the Quran", "This part has no place in modern society, I will only engage with you if you denounce this xyz"

They wish you would disbelieve as they disbelieved so you would be alike.

Haven't you heard? Woman are now more educated than men. It's all about equality now. Women will now have to take leadership of the relationship, start paying for the relationship, etc. All while getting pregnant, working during pregnancy and then going back to work and leaving the baby behind. Get with the times!
Don't know if it's sarcasm or a lazy argument. Women are graduating in the U.S with a Bachelor degree by 6 percent compared to men. Also, men work in industries that don't require college degrees such as the trades and still men earn more money than women on average. Yes, in certain races and ethnicites women are getting educated by larger number and are most likely going to earn more money as time goes by.

However, if a woman marries a deadbeat guy, that's her fault. Most cases men will always be the head of the house hold no matter how are Liberal they are.

In Canada, I have read(not sure if it's reliable) and heard, that Somali women are going to college at a 70% rate compared to Somali men at 30%. If these stats are correct and Somali women prefer to marry Somali guys, than your theory will must likely be correct if those Somali guys aren't in the trades or making the same amount of money.


Pepe Trump
I see it the same way. Frankly, I don't see any women being followed everywhere with mahrims on my ends Idk about u guys. There's a lot of things that aren't being followed to a T, that just don't vibe out here.

Some things aren't practical and people see that. Muslim women living in the west won't want to live a life of slavery to their husbands and so most don't follow these commandments. I can't bloody imagine my mother being told to be obedient!
don't present it as a 'preference' because it isn't.

She said she prefers a man that leads.

That's what most women, religious or not, want. The man to be, well, a man and lead the relationship. Leading a relationship as a man doesn't mean all the religious requires. Women are want a "mans-man", they do not want to "lead" in the relationship. Factz, b
Salafism isn't a growing trend in the UK, atleast from what I've seen anyway.

Mostly young men and reverts males and the women turn to salafism on the guys requests.

Women do it for marriage, fact.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
Look, if that's what you want then live and let live but please, don't present it as a 'preference' because it isn't. It's a religious commandment to do those things and going against them vilifies you. For example, the angels curse the women who refuse to give themselves to their husbands. If you want to be submissive, then this works out for you but it doesn't work out for those who don't want to be.

The majority of Muslims don't follow this though.

The majority of Muslims don't follow what?

Go against what? I'm confused....

What haven out or ours mainly vilified you for? I see a shitload of women working outside of their homes, I dont know anythnabout the avg Somali families sex life but I've never heard of a woman being villified for not sleeping with their husbands. Like Ever.

Frankly I know quite a few families where the woman has taken on an abuser role but because of the dynamics it's accepted. Are you even Somali?


Pepe Trump
She said she prefers a man that leads.

That's what most women, religious or not, want. The man to be, well, a man and lead the relationship. Leading a relationship as a man doesn't mean all the religious requires. Women are want a "mans-man", they do not want to "lead" in the relationship. Factz, b

First things first, provide sources for the claim that most women want men to lead the relationship and be 'a man' as you suggested.

Secondly, not leaving your house without a male relative, giving yourself to your husband whenever he demands and all those misogynistic rules are just that... misogyny. The overwhelming majority of women in no way want such lives because in the west they fought long and hard to break the misogyny of having to be a submissive wife.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
The majority of somali divorces are a result of either a power struggle in the relationship or men just not stepping up to the leadership position in the marriage and women and children thus losing respect for the father. And I don't even mean financially, you can lead the marriage and stilll have a dual income.


Pepe Trump
The majority of Muslims don't follow what?

Go against what? I'm confused....

What haven out or ours mainly vilified you for? I see a shitload of women working outside of their homes, I dont know anythnabout the avg Somali families sex life but I've never heard of a woman being villified for not sleeping with their husbands. Like Ever.

Frankly I know quite a few families where the woman has taken on an abuser role but because of the dynamics it's accepted. Are you even Somali?

Well, it seems you couldn't understand what I wrote. I'll repeat myself but more clearly this time.

A female is cursed by the angels for refusing sex to her husband, woman must obey her husband at all times, a woman cannot leave her home without a male guardian who's a relative and so on. These are the Islamic you claimed to value in response to my amazement that women would want to be submissive like that. I was stating that it isn't a preferable but something that you must do and something which, due to lack of practicality, most Muslim women ignore.
First things first, provide sources for the claim that most women want men to lead the relationship and be 'a man' as you suggested.

the fact you need "sources" to tell you a woman wants a man to lead a relationship is sad :snoop:

Secondly, not leaving your house without a male relative, giving yourself to your husband whenever he demands and all those misogynistic rules are just that... misogyny.

I just told you. nucleus said she "preferred a man that leads" and that doesn't mean religious requirements.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
First things first, provide sources for the claim that most women want men to lead the relationship and be 'a man' as you suggested.

Secondly, not leaving your house without a male relative, giving yourself to your husband whenever he demands and all those misogynistic rules are just that... misogyny. The overwhelming majority of women in no way want such lives because in the west they fought long and hard to break the misogyny of having to be a submissive wife.


Forcing someone to be in a sexless marriage isnt exactly ethical and a husband should be kind to his wife where did you get the idea that the Sunna is making demands towards your wife??? Being a husband is a major responsibilty and much more difficult than a wife if you aspire to follow the sunnah.


Pepe Trump
the fact you need "sources" to tell you a woman wants a man to lead a relationship is sad :snoop:

I just told you. nucleus said she "preferred a man that leads" and that doesn't mean religious requirements.

The fact that you cannot provide sources shows you're full of shit! You made a huge claim and I demanded that you back up that claim.

Secondly, whether she prefers it or not isn't the point, the point is that it's a religious requirement to follow those things.


Pepe Trump

Forcing someone to be in a sexless marriage isnt exactly ethical and a husband should be kind to his wife where did you get the idea that the Sunna is making demands towards your wife??? Being a husband is a major responsibilty and much more difficult than a wife if you aspire to follow the sunnah.

Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: “The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: ‘If a man calls his wife to his bed and she refuses [and does not come], and he spends the night angry with her, the angels will curse her until morning.’” (Reported by al-Bukhaari, 4794; the additional phrase quoted in square brackets is from Abu Dawood, al-Sunan, Kitaab al-Nikaah, Bab haqq al-zawj ‘ala’l-mar’ah).

A woman cannot reject her husbands plea for sexual intercourse.


:mjlol:I'm enjoying this conflict of ideologies and outlooks.

This is good. Everyone is free to their beliefs. Don't let it get dirty.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
White feminists: woman and men should be in a completely equal partnership no matter how impractical it maybe.

In reality: the first requirement for their beau is how much he make and what kind of status does his job confer... I wonder why?

White feminists: the dowry is a savage misogynisticcustom

In reality: my fiancé better propose and get me a ring that's at least 3 months pay check

White feminists: women shouldn't ask permission or even make their husbands aware of decisions they've made because all women should be strong and independent even if they're married

In reality: they change their last names, friends and restructure their entire lives around their spouse.


There's also a hadith that states jinn pees in the ear of people who don't wake up early enough for Fajr. Nobody takes these parts seriously. idk what ur hoping to achieve here sxb
Unlike the peeing jinns, it's preached. It's practicalities and it's practices vary though.
Some things aren't practical and people see that. Muslim women living in the west won't want to live a life of slavery to their husbands and so most don't follow these commandments. I can't bloody imagine my mother being told to be obedient!
It's the same with my mother. I'd say that's mainstream tbh. It's the fringe hardliners that go on about obedient wives.
A woman cannot reject her husbands plea for sexual intercourse.

His right about this one guys....let's face it!

:mjlol: But it's up to the individual on how they wish to be within their marriage, if a woman doesn't want to have sex she won't force herself to do it.

Unless she's married to a salafi...


Pepe Trump
There's also a hadith that states jinn pees in the ear of people who don't wake up early enough for Fajr. Nobody takes these parts seriously. idk what ur hoping to achieve here sxb

Yes but this is actually preached and practiced. There's no such thing as rape in marriage in Muslim societies.
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