Not your typical Farah
Don't know if it's sarcasm or a lazy argument. Women are graduating in the U.S with a Bachelor degree by 6 percent compared to men. Also, men work in industries that don't require college degrees such as the trades and still men earn more money than women on average. Yes, in certain races and ethnicites women are getting educated by larger number and are most likely going to earn more money as time goes by.that's my point. Kafirs do not care what is in the Quran, they'll want Muslims to denounce Islam as much as possible. "You need to reform Islam", "surely you don't agree with xyz in the Quran", "This part has no place in modern society, I will only engage with you if you denounce this xyz"
They wish you would disbelieve as they disbelieved so you would be alike.
Haven't you heard? Woman are now more educated than men. It's all about equality now. Women will now have to take leadership of the relationship, start paying for the relationship, etc. All while getting pregnant, working during pregnancy and then going back to work and leaving the baby behind. Get with the times!
However, if a woman marries a deadbeat guy, that's her fault. Most cases men will always be the head of the house hold no matter how are Liberal they are.
In Canada, I have read(not sure if it's reliable) and heard, that Somali women are going to college at a 70% rate compared to Somali men at 30%. If these stats are correct and Somali women prefer to marry Somali guys, than your theory will must likely be correct if those Somali guys aren't in the trades or making the same amount of money.