extremist complaining about somaliland

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Terrorist in the making. Go to your Caliphate where all your demands are met in raqqa and keep your beliefs there, the last thing I want to see is Somaliland more radicalised than it already is. :eek:
LMAO if the OP uploaded the video 10 mins ago and the vid is 16 mins long, how are people already commenting their opinions on the video?? :what1: Do people just see and 'imaamah an jump to conclusions? Wa la xawla wa laa quwati ilaa bilaah il atheem.
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For those of you who can't be asked to watch the full vid, it can be summarised as follows: "Somalis stop idolising Kuffar/Cadaan people like they are superior to you - they can't even wash themselves properly after using the toilet." I don't disagree with him and don't see how anything he said was "extreme". I heard plenty of peeps who aren't even religious getting annoyed about this kinda behaviour.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Very, very dangerous individual. That kind of extremist rhetoric must be curbed if Somaliland wants to avoid the fate of the failed state.
War bal illahay ba inigu dharshee eeyleeygan arag war why are you always holding other mens pocket? If it ain't effeminate voiced @Freebandz its waraabe or the next man. You want to report Canuck yet you're sending pictures of your penis to girls who are 14 years old, you lucky the admin didn't report you to the relevant authorities. Somaliland ain't even a recognised sovereign nation, why are you forever begging it? It's pitiful, or come out already & profess openly your qaldanimo.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
But it's okay cos @waraabe wants to accept loads more Yemeni refugees in Somaliland. He'd even accept a future terrorist like the guy in the video over a 78 year somali ayeeyo.

Waraabe is a shameless Arab booty clapper.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
We shouldn't tolerate insulting parents to score cheap points against eachother....

Insult members all you like but don't bring their parents.


Jet life till my next life
This guy seriously need to be reported to the local police asap! This nikka is a ticking time bomb


This nikka needs to get deported to Saudi Arabia asap. We don't need this kind of mentality in our beloved country and one more thing we should do is close down all the arab funded(esp saudi) schools/madrasa in the country or the government should enforce it's educational system on them and not accept the M.Eastern imported system


Closed your airport and the orphanage in Hargeysa plus the port because they were funded by Arabs and don't forget the 5 million that senile president stole them from kwauit. Hypocrite at its best
I don't think u understood my point. What i was talking about is the education system and the spreading of their ideology, saying that everything is this and that.. Bussiness is bussiness, you get what you payed for, it doesn't mean that we should cuddle with eachother!!
The airport and the orphanage were built of donation money and as for the port, they're cashing in on it no need for religion. It's all about the bussiness and money honey.
I don't think u understood my point. What i was talking about is the education system and the spreading of their ideology, saying that everything is this and that.. Bussiness is bussiness, you get what you payed for, it doesn't mean that we should cuddle with eachother!!
The airport and the orphanage were built of donation money and as for the port, they're cashing in on it no need for religion. It's all about the bussiness and money honey.
No the airport and orphanage were from kwauit government
Jaw, waryadhaheen bahasha inoo dajiya.
This brother albeit being a bit arrogant in his speech didn't entice to violence or threatened anyone.
The guy merely pointed out some valid points.
His only crime being that he shared his opinion. What happened to the freedom of speech?
Or is that privilege not for bearded Muslim men?:ftw9nwa:

Now we want to criminalize people for speaking their mind?
That's a bit Orwellian if you ask me.
Jaw, waryadhaheen bahasha inoo dajiya.
This brother albeit being a bit arrogant in his speech didn't entice to violence or threatened anyone.
The guy merely pointed out some valid points.
His only crime being that he shared his opinion. What happened to the freedom of speech?
Or is that privilege not for bearded Muslim men?:ftw9nwa:

Now we want to criminalize people for speaking their mind?
That's a bit Orwellian if you ask me.

I don't think people actually watched the whole video. The guy literally was saying 'Somalis stop idolising cadaan/kuffar like they're something to be worshipped - it's embarrassing".. which I don't disagree with tbh
People, be honest, you just saw the title of the thread and a guy with a beard and 'imamah and jumped on the 'extremist' bandwagon.
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