extremist complaining about somaliland

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He is complaining about visits from foreign goverments and not referring to them as "gaals", does this dumbass think closing ourselves from the world and cursing the "kufars" in a masjid is the way to run a country in the modern world. Secondly his repetition of a supposed "war against islam" and the need to fight "kufars" are the rhetoric of ISIS and other terror groups so it's not hard to see why people assume he is one.

@ChickenOriental is a terror sympathizer defending terror values.
:chrisfreshhah::banderas::banderas::banderas: you should translate for BBC News - did we even watch the same video?
This is typical terrorist/Wahabi spiel - the West is evil, current leaders are stooges of the West and if we only pray a little more we can extricate ourselves from our current plight. These terrorists use the same playbook as extremist parties in the West. They conflate legitimate criticism of current leaders with their perverted extremist ideology and offer it as some kind of panacea to the people.

There is nothing inherently wrong with following the West if what we take from the West improves our condition. A society that refuses to reform and learn what works from others is doomed to failure.
Please no extreme derailing.

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