Faarax Uber driver refuses to pick up Xalimo


it sounds like he's more concerned about her being a somali girl than the religion

if it was a faraax that was drunk or high on drugs I doubt he would tell them

illahay ka cabso
"Nin somali ba tahay"
He said your Somali fear Allah because 99 percent of Somalis are Muslim that's why

Why do you always defend women regardless of the situation? ?
So nice to the white woman but chastising the Somali woman before she even set foot in his cab. The story of the hypocrisy of Somali men. They are entitled to lead Somali women, any woman.
So nice to the white woman but chastising the Somali woman before she even set foot in his cab. The story of the hypocrisy of Somali men. They are entitled to lead Somali women, any woman.

He didn't abuse her and was polite. I know you are a lost gaal. But nothing is more considerate than someone remind you of God.
No, I'm British but family is originally from SL

@Younes Osman

I got the gist of your message, but I applaud how you took the time to rethink of your statement.

This is what Barack Obama wrote;

"You can judge a nation, and how successful it will be, based on how it treats its women and its girls."

Men who made a habit of bashing Somali girls and believe that they are the guardians of their vagina only illustrates that they are men who came from failed nations. Wouldn't you agree with that statement?


Veni Vidi Vici
So nice to the white woman but chastising the Somali woman before she even set foot in his cab. The story of the hypocrisy of Somali men. They are entitled to lead Somali women, any woman.
Who's car is it though
A Uber driver can pick up who he wants and kick them out as well
Is it not his workplace, would you like someone to disrupt your workplace, refusing to leave your office!
@Younes Osman

I got the gist of your message, but I applaud how you took the time to rethink of your statement.

This is what Barack Obama wrote;

"You can judge a nation, and how successful it will be, based on how it treats its women and its girls."

Men who made a habit of bashing Somali girls and believe that they are the guardians of their vagina only illustrates that they are men who came from failed nations. Wouldn't you agree with that statement?

I think those men who bash somali women as a habit is something quite concerning. When it comes to the assumption of them being from a failed state can be said that mindset of certain Somali guys it exposes their insecurities to a large extent.
Who's car is it though
A Uber driver can pick up who he wants and kick them out as well
Is it not his workplace, would you like someone to disrupt your workplace, refusing to leave your office!


Have you ever heard about discrimination Laws? Uber has one too. You can't pick who you want. Remember too, the 'customer is always right'. What happens when you are rude, opinionated and holier than though and your customers gives you low ratings? Other than that, when you are driving difficult customers, it is better to film them and use it as evidence because it will be your word against them.

That video I posted, the Somali guy was absolutely correct in kicking her out, but did you notice that he let her in his car while drinking a can of beer?

Compare it to the Somali girl in the Op's initial post? She is Somali and dressed like a "'? He shouldn't be judgemental in how she was dressed and should have honoured his contract with Uber and drove her.
I think those men who bash somali women as a habit is something quite concerning. When it comes to the assumption of them being from a failed state can be said that mindset of certain Somali guys it exposes their insecurities to a large extent.

@Younes Osman

You've a whole crowd here whose sole existence revolves about how a Halima should behave and thus became our correspondents from Twitter world. I have nothing but admiration towards Somali girls because they mostly succeed in life than their male counterparts. Kudos to them.


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