Faaraxoow! Marry back home

I could have had 7 kids by now in wadanki at the age of 19. Sometimes I wonder wtf am I doing here. Id rather be a dad to 7 kids and have a little farm near the beach with my Camel and sheep's and being here as a tax payer.
This is what a corn fried brain does. You see one woman doing something and because some men watch filth these days they think all women are promiscuous ****.

Now despite the fact that Somalis have the lowest rates of IR and most Somalis wait until marriage to do anything, in the mind of useless and pathetic coomers all Western raised Somali girls are nothing but *****. That is due to their filthy minds. In fact some men take it far and now say ALL Somali women are this or that and they’ll even include the ones back home. Really and truly, no woman is safe.

Men these days even a lot of Muslims admit they’re addicted to corn and this is the end result. Hatred of women, delusions and believing everyone including their own Western raised sisters are on dirt.

Look at South Korea and Somali men online are heading to a nasty direction if they continue this. The constant sexualization of all Somali woman and projecting that all are this or that is down right insidious. Soon we’ll get to a point in which no sane woman wants you lot.
American housing cost
It's time to get out. This isn't just for men but also for the abayo's also. Somali will be producing oil soon. we have skill we learned from the west. for instance people can teach how to read in English or if you have nursing degree you can open your own nursing school. We are talented don't get stuck in the west
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The thing people don't even talk about is that Americans themselves are leaving American to have better living. for instance American are moving to Mexico for 8 months out of the year and coming back for a month and heading back out to Mexico. Only the idiots and foreigners will get stuck in the west will the smarter one will leave to work remote.
This guy reminds me of the women who had bad relationships that advise young women to delay marriage or don’t go for a Somali man. This isn’t coming from genuine concern. This individual is still hurt over the past. Maybe he got rejected or had xariir ka xumaaday. It’s not good to make generalizations about entire groups of people. The women he was dealing with aren’t a representation of all the women in qurbo. If he only saw bad ones that means he was picking bad or his circle of people aren’t good which is again his own fault.

Young people don’t let older bitter people poison your outlook. Do your due diligence but don’t believe everything they say. Their story isn’t yours.
Tekniiko loves to peddle gender wars, and probably spearheading groups like DorkNN, because his mind is cornfried, and he failed to make something out of his miserable life. Go look at his search history, all he does is gossip, and lie about Somali women.

I know so much more about this bitter loser.
This is what a corn fried brain does. You see one woman doing something and because some men watch filth these days they think all women are promiscuous ****.

Now despite the fact that Somalis have the lowest rates of IR and most Somalis wait until marriage to do anything, in the mind of useless and pathetic coomers all Western raised Somali girls are nothing but *****. That is due to their filthy minds. In fact some men take it far and now say ALL Somali women are this or that and they’ll even include the ones back home. Really and truly, no woman is safe.

Men these days even a lot of Muslims admit they’re addicted to corn and this is the end result. Hatred of women, delusions and believing everyone including their own Western raised sisters are on dirt.

Look at South Korea and Somali men online are heading to a nasty direction if they continue this. The constant sexualization of all Somali woman and projecting that all are this or that is down right insidious. Soon we’ll get to a point in which no sane woman wants you lot.

Tired Tom And Jerry GIF


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
This is what a corn fried brain does. You see one woman doing something and because some men watch filth these days they think all women are promiscuous ****.

Now despite the fact that Somalis have the lowest rates of IR and most Somalis wait until marriage to do anything, in the mind of useless and pathetic coomers all Western raised Somali girls are nothing but *****. That is due to their filthy minds. In fact some men take it far and now say ALL Somali women are this or that and they’ll even include the ones back home. Really and truly, no woman is safe.

Men these days even a lot of Muslims admit they’re addicted to corn and this is the end result. Hatred of women, delusions and believing everyone including their own Western raised sisters are on dirt.

Look at South Korea and Somali men online are heading to a nasty direction if they continue this. The constant sexualization of all Somali woman and projecting that all are this or that is down right insidious. Soon we’ll get to a point in which no sane woman wants you lot.
The internet is where the worst comr together. Save your sanity and just stop using it. Walahi I was shocked seeing threads here and how malis moved on x and stuff.

But then I go outside and Somalis are normal. Somali are not a special people, you see this with all ethnics and whites are the worst on the internet.

South Korea is the product of a post modernist culture, almost dystopia like godless society. How can you compare them to Somalis? A regular Somali man can get engaged and married quickly and early in life. I know many like a few cousins who's 20-22 who are engaged. Western diaspora too. And at college Abdis have no problems with girls. Despite being like 2% of the college me and my Mali niggas were still focused on xalimos, i remember me and a guy walking to colly one day talking about how there'd barley any Somali girls around.

Somalis are very connected and socialised with each other, both genders, if only you logged off the internet you people would see this. All these threads are too dramatic. I read one thing here and then when I'm off the internet i experience the opposite. But this is the internet, it pushes negativity which drives engagement which brings in the lacag. Don't let it get to your heads people
The internet is where the worst comr together. Save your sanity and just stop using it. Walahi I was shocked seeing threads here and how malis moved on x and stuff.

But then I go outside and Somalis are normal. Somali are not a special people, you see this with all ethnics and whites are the worst on the internet.

South Korea is the product of a post modernist culture, almost dystopia like godless society. How can you compare them to Somalis? A regular Somali man can get engaged and married quickly and early in life. I know many like a few cousins who's 20-22 who are engaged. Western diaspora too. And at college Abdis have no problems with girls. Despite being like 2% of the college me and my Mali niggas were still focused on xalimos, i remember me and a guy walking to colly one day talking about how there'd barley any Somali girls around.

Somalis are very connected and socialised with each other, both genders, if only you logged off the internet you people would see this. All these threads are too dramatic. I read one thing here and then when I'm off the internet i experience the opposite. But this is the internet, it pushes negativity which drives engagement which brings in the lacag. Don't let it get to your heads people
My comparison is because now we have a surplus of weirdos who who have their own telegram sending each other videos of Somali girls. Thats how DaekNN are able to get content. Also, revenge corn is getting big in our community. That Somali journalist did a whole documentary about it with men even r-wording women for vids to upload.

Here is the video talking about it:

I don’t say this to shit on my community. The internet, particularly corn is doing a number on people of ALL backgrounds. didn’t say we’re on the level of South Korea, I’m saying if we continue down the redpill route which is becoming common content for Somali men to consume we will near enough get there if we’re not careful. People like Jiheye who spends his time saying the most vulgar things about women and showing off the worst version of our women has like 200K followers with even a million views.


Plotting world domination
Tekniiko loves to peddle gender wars, and probably spearheading groups like DorkNN, because his mind is cornfried, and he failed to make something out of his miserable life. Go look at his search history, all he does is gossip, and lie about Somali women.

I know so much more about this bitter loser.
The guy has been on here since 2015. How old is this nigga??? Why is he posting like an edgy teen


I guarantee you no somali man in the west wants his first wife to be a woman that lives in Africa

Your family set you up with a xalimo from baadiiyo and you've never had a real relationship where you live :mjlol: there are thousands of you man out there. I know several personally :heh: they all seem miserable
I guarantee you no somali man in the west wants his first wife to be a woman that lives in Africa

Your family set you up with a xalimo from baadiiyo and you've never had a real relationship where you live :mjlol: there are thousands of you man out there. I know several personally :heh: they all seem miserable
Why? Because they don’t have anything in common with wife?
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Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
Why? Because they don’t have anything in common with wife?
Not anything really. Maybe like "middle class" in Djibouti city I'd go for they're more in common with me. Everyone else got a whole different way of life. But it's calm if the circumstances lead me to someone from there
You can marry back home but don’t start crying if xalimos marry out. What options do they have?

They will insult Somali women in the west, call them promiscuous (falsely), and then cry when these educated, beautiful ladies, get snatched up by Ajnabi. Later when the children from these unions come online, these same losers, will be insulting them in the comments section.
This is what a corn fried brain does. You see one woman doing something and because some men watch filth these days they think all women are promiscuous ****.

Now despite the fact that Somalis have the lowest rates of IR and most Somalis wait until marriage to do anything, in the mind of useless and pathetic coomers all Western raised Somali girls are nothing but *****. That is due to their filthy minds. In fact some men take it far and now say ALL Somali women are this or that and they’ll even include the ones back home. Really and truly, no woman is safe.

Men these days even a lot of Muslims admit they’re addicted to corn and this is the end result. Hatred of women, delusions and believing everyone including their own Western raised sisters are on dirt.

Look at South Korea and Somali men online are heading to a nasty direction if they continue this. The constant sexualization of all Somali woman and projecting that all are this or that is down right insidious. Soon we’ll get to a point in which no sane woman wants you lot.
Yep you said it, Honestly I dont even watch that shit as much as i did when I was a teen
This guy reminds me of the women who had bad relationships that advise young women to delay marriage or don’t go for a Somali man. This isn’t coming from genuine concern. This individual is still hurt over the past. Maybe he got rejected or had xariir ka xumaaday. It’s not good to make generalizations about entire groups of people. The women he was dealing with aren’t a representation of all the women in qurbo. If he only saw bad ones that means he was picking bad or his circle of people aren’t good which is again his own fault.

Young people don’t let older bitter people poison your outlook. Do your due diligence but don’t believe everything they say. Their story isn’t yours.
Your right but its a lot of dudes howevever


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