Faaraxoow! Marry back home


Creatures like Jiheeye and Xaliye are repulsive. I wish someone would just-
world louis GIF
I could have had 7 kids by now in wadanki at the age of 19. Sometimes I wonder wtf am I doing here. Id rather be a dad to 7 kids and have a little farm near the beach with my Camel and sheep's and being here as a tax payer.
7 kids by the age of 19, so you're fantasizing about impregnating a 12 year old
I told you guys some of these users want to marry out they hate themselves in extension they hate all Somalis hence these threads about โ€œmixed Somalisโ€ or โ€œmixed couplesโ€ it is all a disgusting way of celebrating Somalis who have married out in order to have none Somali children.