Fantasy rail map of Somalia

Quick observations:
Nice attempt, yet could tell it was drawn, or informed by an elderly fantasist:
  • Ignores the entire region of Sanaag, the largest, and one of the most beautiful regions,
  • Ra's Hafun, one of the most gorgeous areas, is not even on the map,
  • Assumes the entire Somali Galbeed and NFD out of scope (Good of him to include Jibuti),
  • Ignores Hawd with Buhole serving as an important nexus,
  • Sheikh is missing, with their being no connection between Berber and Burco; since we are creating a wishful list, there could be an underground with trains and motors sharing tracks,
  • Barawe is also left out,
  • Why is Adis in Somali Galbeed?
I think whoever made this map was going off of the largest urban areas in Somalia. They might not even be Somali, skipping most of the galbeed region to connect to addis/ginir.
id agree, but my family is from the wrong side of the somali-ethiopian border.:noneck: Hypothetically, the Somali region and NFD will probably have a kenyan and ethiopian standard rail gauge
Well to be technical the Ethiopian and Kenyan railroads gauge is the same international standard gauge that is used across most of the world's railway lines. There is a reason most countries use standard gauge and its because of how efficient it is. As well as how easy maintenance is since most railway engineering contractors are accustom to working on that gauge.. Broad gauges are high maintenance and so too are narrow ones. Being afraid of Ethiopia and Kenya invading because of similar railway gauge sizes is like being afraid of building paved highways. Its unnecessary and kinda over the top fearful.

Somalia needs railroads urgently though. I think it should be built in stages with major cities funding their own urban rail systems as well as ports funding railroads into the hinterlands.
Well to be technical the Ethiopian and Kenyan railroads gauge is the same international standard gauge that is used across most of the world's railway lines. There is a reason most countries use standard gauge and its because of how efficient it is. As well as how easy maintenance is since most railway engineering contractors are accustom to working on that gauge.. Broad gauges are high maintenance and so too are narrow ones. Being afraid of Ethiopia and Kenya invading because of similar railway gauge sizes is like being afraid of building paved highways. Its unnecessary and kinda over the top fearful.
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International standard gauge would probably make the most sense. I don't know enough about the rail gauges used in different countries.
Probably whatever the Chinese build - will be used.
Somalia needs railroads urgently though. I think it should be built in stages with major cities funding their own urban rail systems as well as ports funding railroads into the hinterlands.
I am not sure Somali cities can ever fund their own rail. Most cities in the west - can't really afford it on their own either.
Somalia really needs freight rail!

The coast is so Empty, Encouraging populations to live along the coast can offer several benefits. Theres more economic opportunity and benefits on the coast.
View attachment 287770
The coast is so Empty, Encouraging populations to live along the coast can offer several benefits. Theres more economic opportunity and benefits on the coast.
The Northern coast is extremly hot and inhospitable to live on and the Southern population should stay on the agriculture land they have rather than going to the coast. It's not a good idea.
Good start but far more stations need to be opened. The Somali regions in Kenya and Ethiopia need to be improved.

To be frank, the Somali regions of Ethiopia and Kenya will most likely have railway before Somalia. In Ethiopia, there's an existing line between Addis-Dir Dhaba-Sitti-Djibouti.

Both Kenya and Ethiopia are expanding their railways. With the LAPSSET corridor, Lamu-Garissa-Nairobi will be connected, as well as Nairobi-Moyale and Moyale-Addis.

Though, it seems unlikely that the Somali cities in those countries will be linked. Let alone in Somalia anytime soon.
The Northern coast is extremly hot and inhospitable to live on and the Southern population should stay on the agriculture land they have rather than going to the coast. It's not a good idea.
The core population of somalia should be from xamar to Kismayo along the coast plus the northern coast is some of the best fishing grounds in Africa so much potential, We need a merchant navy take the high sees time to leave the camels for tuna.


Goddamn the Italians were just bored. They saw Britain and France with an empire and just decided to have one too. Nighas really building railways in Afgoye, it's like me in a video game
They were investing big time before the war they wanted to build track from mogadishu to adis ababa lol cant imagine what that would have done to our demographics
They were investing big time before the war they wanted to build track from mogadishu to adis ababa lol cant imagine what that would have done to our demographics
Wiki says the british tore it up when they took it over lol and supposedly sent materials over to eritrea

Tried to put source document through google translate but not working

Damn, Somalis can't have anything. Not only did the Englishmen sign over Somali territory to Ethiopia, they even tore up the little development the Italians left in Somalia. Balaayo kugu dhacdo :kendrickcry:
@Hilmaam since you know more about the development projects in Somalia and thus do better assessments; do you think that Somalia may at some point invest in railways?

I know that they are very costly and that the investment can be put to better use, but they would be very beneficial. Especially to transport goods throughout the country and with our neighbors and connecting to our ports, like Kenya and Djibouti.
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@Hilmaam since you know more about the development projects in Somalia and thus do better assessments; do you think that Somalia may at some point invest in railways? I know that they are costly and the investment can put to better use, but they would be very beneficials. Especially to transport goods.
I think it’s possible if somalia defeats Al shabab and completes HIPC. It will allow Somalia to take on billions in loans. We have longest coastline a train system would make our ports even more competitive and efficient something like what drawn up by OP would be big for our economy and make everything cheaper. Supposedly Barre govt was also evaluating rail system in 80s haven’t been able to find documentation though


@Hilmaam since you know more about the development projects in Somalia and thus do better assessments; do you think that Somalia may at some point invest in railways?

I know that they are very costly and that the investment can be put to better use, but they would be very beneficial. Especially to transport goods through the country and out neighbors and connecting to our ports, like Kenya and Djibouti.
This might also be extended to Somalia since we are joining EAC
