Farah with STD's tricks Xalimo, she's now devestated and risks cancer in the future

So most of the women that you speak up for and defend are “low quality women”.
What women say they want or think they want in a partner, is usually the complete opposite of who they end up with. Call it political correctness!

How do modern women of value end up with low value men like this, if their choice is not a true reflection of their true self.
We’re not talking about the same thing. The fact that you can’t tell the difference between a man who has a good rep like a doctor, but might hide a lot of personality issues to a out and out saaqid like a drug dealer or a man who is open with his Zina is ridiculous.

It’s a simple concept, but you’re refusing to acknowledge this since your whole argument falls apart if you do.

These are the same archetype of men they might be on different tiers, but their sexual behavior are identical.

As a man I think I know a lot more than you when it comes to men, since I have been one my whole life.
Kane, you seem to have issues with comprehension. One group of low quality men are open with their behavior and don’t have any redeemable social behaviors.

The other group Of men aren’t like that. Socially they’re seen as higher quality, even by the men around them since they can mask. I’m sorry but comparing an Iman for example with the reputation of being practicing but has a dark secret to an out and out drug dealer is silly.

The truth is always simple it’s lies that need to be complex and sophisticated, as someone who worships Academia and who appeals to authority at every turn.
I understand your need for “data” whenever you’re out of your depth.
So do you, but you twist it. Redpill also use data as well but not the whole data and twist it and don’t actually use the whole picture. That’s what makes it laughable.

But this is my area of expertise and I actually put you on game before, which turned alot of men against me. Not that I care because the truth has a price, emotionally driven people can’t stomach.

You modern women know nothing about men Wallahi, you misjudge the honest ones as being rude an inconsiderate and consider the liars and manipulators as kind and caring. Only to be humiliated, abused and discarded, to then blame all men for you silly choices.
Many men and women can mask. We have cases of men with good reputations in the community that abuse.

Many men don’t know men as well since come women in arranged marriages also deal with DV and cheating?

The more you talk the more your argument falls apart.
Pure emotion very little logic, unlike your grandmother who were the complete opposite of you.
I can actually back up my views with studies Kane, you can’t. That’s the difference between you and I.

LOL, simply reading a historical book would tell you women in our grandmothers generation had it worse and funnily enough marriages were arranged.


future pirate king
When I'm dating someone regularly we both do std checks can't believe you don't do it for someone you're married to