Father of 16 children and husband of three wives. Quran teacher at day and taxi driver by night. Baidoa SWS.

respect to those other Muslim Africans with steely conviction and love for their children, Niger Mali Chad, it’s funny how when gaalo Mormon, Amish, orthodox Jews etc do its that they’re people of stony conviction but with us we’re witless

also to those who are trying to divide us Somali women and their men are a unit and are working towards a goal that both have bought in, some men have died , but the womb of the mothers is even more valuable cherished and esteemed and reciprocally they also love and nurture their children more than other women, the best of all women.

Both Somali women and men believe in the progumantion , it’s not a light task our mothers went through

Also who loves Somali women more than the one who sacrifices her bone marrow to to bring more Somali women

Most of us came from few men and women, who for centuries continued having hope in Allahoptimism , gratitude in the face of trials and tribulations, living in the desert surviving with just milk amd water for the majority of the year

that’s literally the crux of the Somali story , tenacity

My Allah protect us from the nihilism and misanthropic mindsets

Not only does it work out but there’s never been a time it’s been easier and never have been the results seen faster, without disregarding the burden of the mother that she carries for nine months, health care in Somalia, access to wealth and food, and as world population and fertility falls (momentarily I dont think this slump is forever) our childrens vitality will be felt as the competition thins

we should be positive and hold upmost conviction of the Quran , the prophet and our impending victory
Struggle builds character only when overcome. In Somalia, upside opportunities are limited.

There is no support for talent. Study biomedical engineering? Still got almost no chance to design medical machines. It's a level-one society.

A lot of instability - Isbaaros are everywhere. Zero social mobility due to corruption and widespread nepotism. Someone not connected to elites or the diaspora will never get far with jobs.

The best one can hope for is stability. Too many people take their privileges for granted. Become a native, have native connections, live on native money, and then say this.


Forza Somalia!
The OP of this thread was about a polygamous somali man before it got derailed, it had nothing to do with poverty. Multiple users were insulting the man, saying he was irresponsible, careless, abusing women & children, you even agreed with those posts.

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View attachment 319214

The same 2 users again agreeing with a post accusing the guy with child abuse

View attachment 319215

when another user questioned the above post

this was habarstevens reaction

View attachment 319217

They're hating on him simply because he doesn't meet their standards of what they see fit to be rich enough to engage in polygamy. You then started arguing on the backdrop of this and is also why you introduced that talk about mentality. Please stop acting like you were arguing in vacuum and that you weren't trying to link poverty status of our country to poor polygamous men.

To prove that you indeed meant it, In that same page after your comment (post# 91), you again liked the post from puntitequeen (post# 96) where she explicitly links somalia's wealthy status with the prevention of poor men. In her mind it's very clear that poor polygamous men make a country poor, had there been no linkage she wouldn't have said that somalia would be wealthier.

Like i said to her there's a clear distinction between claiming that poor polygamous men contribute to poverty and claiming that an entire country is poor because of poor polygamous men. Had you disagreed with her you would've stated so laakin you didn't even when you replied back to that very same post of hers.

This is why i asked you if countries like usa, uk allow poor men to engage in polygamy will it lead to these countries being poor ? the same with your analogy between poor married and poor divorced women. The fact that you didn't even bother to respond to them indicates your acknowledgment of your flawed argument in linking

View attachment 319220

Your reply to the above post

This is why i asked you if countries like usa, uk allow poor men to engage in polygamy will it lead to these countries being poor ? the same with your analogy between poor married and poor divorced women. The fact that you didn't even bother to respond to them indicates your acknowledgment of the flawed claim in linking a country's poverty status to either poor polygamous men or poor divorced women.

Please show me exactly where i did that ? Not once have i ever stated or even claimed such a thing. So because i'm critiquing your stances i'm now either minimizing it or acting like it hardly happens look at the extent you're willing to go to just to deflect blame away from your flawed argument and bias in this thread.

The sole reason why you find me "problematic" in this entire discussion altogether is because i dared to question your subjective narrative pertaining to polygamy & the men who engaged in it. This is why you were making outlandish claims such as the above despite my repeated attempts asking you to cite evidence of me claiming exactly that.

I'm criticising you on the stances that you've taken and posted not what i "think" you've said or some hypotheticals. It's also not a coincidence that you took side with people who were hating, insulting and slandering the guy and not even once did you have the decency to confront them directly. Yet when it came to me you took a different approach, it is the reason why you accused me of whataboutism and not the like of puntitequeen. You gave them a pass why ?

Even when you made the comment advising people to stop insulting him you still went ahead to like the post from puntitequeen where she was mocking the guy, why is this ?

Just 4 post later

View attachment 319222
What are you trying to say?


Ragna qowl baa xira, dumarna meher baa xira.
If you look at my posts, did I insult this man? Did I not say people should refrain? I’ve said that multiple times and outlined that in my first post.

View attachment 319227

That is why you’re looking at my likes like you’re shaaqo l’aan simply because you know I have refrained from insulting this man throughout my posts.

I’ve literally wrote in my post saying we don’t know this man’s specific situation, hence I’m going to look at the situation on a general perspective.

I gave them likes because despite my disagreement with them going personal, I too believe that back home, men marrying multiple women with hardly any money is common and I’ve seen it with my own eyes and how it causes issues in the community. I agree with their sentiment that’s it an issue but not insulting him or arguing it’s the number one cause of poverty in Somalia but it definitely fuels poverty.

I agree with this notion:

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Bringing new wives when in abject poverty is indeed abusive towards women and children which Is why it’s haram for very poor men to remarry. I 100% agree with the sentiment. Only disagreement is that I don’t know the specific situation of that dugsi teacher which is why I don’t agree with insulting him, but agree with the general message.

Why does the idea of women thinking it’s terrible for very poor men to remarry irritate you? Especially when that goes against the rules of poly?

Again, it was the sentiment regarding the issues of poverty fueling poverty. I stand by that but I never insulted the man or believe that polygamous men are the sole cause of poverty since Somalis issues with poverty is vast. But I 100% stand by my sentiment that poor poly men increase poverty even more for women and children.

I know deep down you have issues with that view as well, which is why you keep on arguing with you and making it about polygamy in general rather than understanding this is a specific issue of being poor and polygamous.

That has always been my sentiment and I highly doubt she believes they’re the number one cause. She’s arguing they fuel it. We all know factors like tribalism, corruption and the like are a bigger factor, but the mentality for me is the same, it’s all due to shortsightedness.

I did respond, unlike you I respond to everything and made it clear that single motherhood, poor men having multiple women ect does indeed fuel poverty and you have the AA community as proof. I acknowledged and answered it. I don’t know why you’re lying Authobillah.

Yes, because it’s your stupid point of one cannot talk about poor people in poly relationships because the vast majority of the nation is monogamous. It’s akin to saying we can’t talk about the orphaned, the single mothers and the list continues.

You could have easily have said:

Whilst poor poly men do indeed fuel poverty due to limited resources, they’re not indeed the actual causes for the majority of the nation since the vast majority of Somalis are monogamous. Hence other factors that are greater are clearly at play.

If you said that, I would have 100% agreed and given you a thumbs up. But what did you do? Proceeded to minimize the issues of poor poly relationships.

What’s my subjective view? That poor men shouldn’t be polygamous? That’s a standard view you should be having. If you aren’t minimizing the issues of poor men and poly why question me? You clearly have an agenda and lowkey believe that a man in a tin house with kids all sleeping in one room, should be free to marry extra. If you don’t believe that, how are my claims outlandish?

I’ve said multiple times, we don’t know this guys backstory hence why I never insulted him.

Your whole point was whataboutism. Your whole point is, but there are more poor monogamous families, hence we can’t talk about poly poor families and we can use that useless argument in nearly every debate to derail.

Because I agree with her overall sentiment. Poor men should not be in poly relationships. It’s a simple as that. You clearly disagree with that sentiment.

I know for a fact that even If I was incredibly specific in this thread from the get go and said that poor men in polygamous relationships fuel poverty and increase it, you’d still argue with me. It’s only after I tipped your logic to the head when you tried to add in the tragic what about ‘monogamous men’ stick that you started to claim that you’re now arguing against the idea Somalia is poor due to poly men. I’ve never argued that point since there are many reasons by Somalia is poor. But there is definitely a link between poor poly marriages and an increase in poverty and I stand by that and I’ve always argued that.

Women in mono relationships aren’t poorer because of monogamy, but poly women do become poorer as their already small finances stink even more. That’s why men have to be to afford it Islamically and the whole time you were questioning this by saying ‘what about mono men’. THAT is my issue with YOU.

I never stated that you insulted the guy i asked you why did you like & agree with posts from those users where they were insulting & mocking him ? I even acknowledged & posted your comment in that very same post, had you just bothered to scrolled down a bit further you would've realised that.



Who do you think she's referring to here ? her comment about mashallah was also a response to the following post

Mashallah what a legend :salute:

It's very convenient of you to claim that you agreed with their overall statement while disagreeing with their insult, slander even though you liked & agreed the posts where they did just that. You had the option of quoting them stating that whilst you agreed with their overall statements you disagreed with the insults etc instead of simply giving a like or agreeing with the posts. You just gave them a pass to say what they wanted without any sort of disagreements coming from you

Another good example, is your attempt of trying to reinterpret what puntite queen stated all so that you deflect the blame away from her. Even when i was discussing with her not once did she bother to deny it or even try to offer a different explanation than what the post says

Somalia would be far wealthier and healthier, if broke men were prevented from practicing polygamy and chewing khat.

The only logical conclusion that can be gathered from that statement is that preventing broke men from practicing polygamy makes somalia a wealthier and healthier nation. Had she believed otherwise other than the above she most definitely have stated it.
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Ragna qowl baa xira, dumarna meher baa xira.
You didn't bother to answer my question about polygamy in usa etc. I asked if usa legalises polygamy and allows poor men to engage in polygamy will this make usa a poor country ? You response was the following " made it clear that single motherhood, poor men having multiple women ect does indeed fuel poverty and you have the AA community as proof " how is this answering my question ?

I'm asking given what you said above eg about aa community etc will this result in usa becoming a poor country ? very simple question, yet every single time i've asked it you've ignored to answer what i asked about why is this ?

In my first 2 opening posts i listed down some of the possible reasons why our country is the way it is & even made the distinction between saying polygamous marriage can contribute to poverty & claiming that somalia is poor because of polygamy



It's the at this point you started the discussion how nobody believed somalia is poor due to polygamy contrary to the evidence & went on to make up accusations about things that i've not even denied or argued about even now. It never mattered whether i gave examples of other things that contributed to somalia's poverty as this wasn't what you were interested in at all.



Polygamous unions amongst the poor are common in Somalia and it does result in even more poverty. That’s a fact and studies shows this in many African nations. You’re not understanding the overall point. When a household is already stretched thin due to poverty and a man then uses the little bit of money to marry again, it creates even more of a strain. That’s not to say the family weren’t poor before he decided to get married again. Hence you’ve completed misinterpreted the issue.

I feel like you’re being obtuse for no reason and aren’t seeing the bigger picture.

Does a monogamous man with only one wife have to provide for an extra woman and a wedding? Why are you arguing basic common sense? Why does your religion tell poor men not to marry multiple women? Can you stop arguing for the sake of arguing and actually read your points? I’m not being disrespectful, but it wasn’t a very bright point, if you can’t see why money that is stretched even more, creates even more poverty when finance is already an issue?

Well duh, because those men that are poor and polygamous were also poor whilst monogamous and have doubled the poverty around them even more via bringing in extra women. Henwhy the whole discussion is about men who were originally poor and monogamous marrying again.

It’s simple and at this point I believe you’re arguing for the sake of it. Even in Islam, poor men are not encouraged to get married again? Why is that? Because ultimately it’s the wife and kids that will suffer more.

If you think it’s haqq for men who live in tin houses that are struggling to feed their current kids and one wife and then to add another burden to the wife and kids, and you think that’s the same as being poor and monogamous, then have a bit of a reflection and stop typing.

Again i'm not disputing any of that, my argument is that why are you selective and choose to focus on poverty resulting from polygamous marriages while ignoring that from monogamous marriages ? I mean you went to the extent of making a causal link between a country's poverty and polygamous men

For people who claim to care about the poverty levels of a country how is it you're ignoring poor monogamous marriages that constitute the majority of marriages and as such will contribute to poverty levels by higher margins than those resulting from polygamous marriages ? It's a numbers issue and without a doubt poverty resulting from monogamy is far higher than that of polygamy so why the selectivity ?

Like i state poverty is just an after thought and a simply a reason to justify your dislike of polygamous men ?

You accuse me of whataboutism, minimizing & denying issues, hypocrisy & whatnot laakin it's you who's the one giving free passes to users like puntite queen, aurelian, habarstevens to ridicule, mock, slander that guy not only that but you also liked & agreed with the posts where they did just that. How is it in this entire thread you haven't even confronted any of them not even once ?

A decent individual would admit their mistakes but to completely ignore all this actions simply due to a conflict of interest is unethical to say the least. This is a pattern on your behalf especially with regards to how you defend users like puntite queen, it was the exact same in the martial kufsi thread etc.
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Ragna qowl baa xira, dumarna meher baa xira.
Where did she say that the entire country of Somalia is poor because of poly men. I don’t recall seeing that and I’d like to think people understand that the issues facing Somalia is varied, from clan politics, to global warming causing famine to corruption and to instability due to extremists.

I’m intelligent enough to know that poly men are only a tiny fraction of the issue, but they do nonetheless fuel it and that has always been my point. But what I was getting at in regards to ‘this is why the country is unstable and backwards’ was the mentality and mindset behind it. The concept of live for today and not think about tomorrow. I also mentioned politicians and corruption in that post as well since I believe both types of men are motivated by the same thinking pattern. I also talked about how households are microcosms of communities and nations.

Again, I doubt anyone truly believes that. Everyday on this forum, we discuss a wide range of issues that we feel is holding Somalia back. A country cannot be poor due to marital status of people or the singehood of individuals as well. Issues with regards to nations are multilayered and complex. We know this believe me.

Well if that’s the case, there is no need to argue then. I’ve misunderstood you entirely and I highly doubt Punt queen is under the impression polygamy is the one one cause or even the main cause. Everyday she’s in the politics section talking about how politics and tribalism is the issue, so how about you ask her directly? There clearly was a misunderstanding. Even Sophisticate wouldn’t agree with the notion that polygamy is the only or main cause of Somalia’s issues.

Ok, got it. Fair well. I don’t see any benefit to this debate as I don’t actually necessarily disagree with you.

This is what she states in the beginning of that post, clearly she wouldn't have stated it had she not believed what she wrote.

Somalia would be far wealthier and healthier, if broke men were prevented from practicing polygamy and chewing khat.


Let's just end it here inshallah


The OP of this thread was about a polygamous somali man before it got derailed, it had nothing to do with poverty. Multiple users were insulting the man, saying he was irresponsible, careless, abusing women & children, you even agreed with those posts.

View attachment 319212

View attachment 319214

The same 2 users again agreeing with a post accusing the guy with child abuse

View attachment 319215

when another user questioned the above post

this was habarstevens reaction

View attachment 319217

They're hating on him simply because he doesn't meet their standards of what they see fit to be rich enough to engage in polygamy. You then started arguing on the backdrop of this and is also why you introduced that talk about mentality. Please stop acting like you were arguing in vacuum and that you weren't trying to link poverty status of our country to poor polygamous men.

To prove that you indeed meant it, In that same page after your comment (post# 91), you again liked the post from puntitequeen (post# 96) where she explicitly links somalia's wealthy status with the prevention of poor men. In her mind it's very clear that poor polygamous men make a country poor, had there been no linkage she wouldn't have said that somalia would be wealthier.

Like i said to her there's a clear distinction between claiming that poor polygamous men contribute to poverty and claiming that an entire country is poor because of poor polygamous men. Had you disagreed with her you would've stated so laakin you didn't even when you replied back to that very same post of hers.

This is why i asked you if countries like usa, uk allow poor men to engage in polygamy will it lead to these countries being poor ? the same with your analogy between poor married and poor divorced women. The fact that you didn't even bother to respond to them indicates your acknowledgment of your flawed argument in linking

View attachment 319220

Your reply to the above post

This is why i asked you if countries like usa, uk allow poor men to engage in polygamy will it lead to these countries being poor ? the same with your analogy between poor married and poor divorced women. The fact that you didn't even bother to respond to them indicates your acknowledgment of the flawed claim in linking a country's poverty status to either poor polygamous men or poor divorced women.

Please show me exactly where i did that ? Not once have i ever stated or even claimed such a thing. So because i'm critiquing your stances i'm now either minimizing it or acting like it hardly happens look at the extent you're willing to go to just to deflect blame away from your flawed argument and bias in this thread.

The sole reason why you find me "problematic" in this entire discussion altogether is because i dared to question your subjective narrative pertaining to polygamy & the men who engaged in it. This is why you were making outlandish claims such as the above despite my repeated attempts asking you to cite evidence of me claiming exactly that.

I'm criticising you on the stances that you've taken and posted not what i "think" you've said or some hypotheticals. It's also not a coincidence that you took side with people who were hating, insulting and slandering the guy and not even once did you have the decency to confront them directly. Yet when it came to me you took a different approach, it is the reason why you accused me of whataboutism and not the like of puntitequeen. You gave them a pass why ?

Even when you made the comment advising people to stop insulting him you still went ahead to like the post from puntitequeen where she was mocking the guy, why is this ?

Just 4 post later

View attachment 319222
Bro cooked 🔥🔥🔥🔥

al-Mu'tamid المعتمد

عِشْ مَا شِئْتَ فَإِنَّكَ مَيِّتٌ

رَبَّنَا هَبْ لَنَا مِنْ أَزْوَاجِنَا وَذُرِّيَّاتِنَا قُرَّةَ أَعْيُنٍ وَاجْعَلْنَا لِلْمُتَّقِينَ إِمَامًا
This is what she states in the beginning of that post, clearly she wouldn't have stated it had she not believed what she wrote.

View attachment 319258

Let's just end it here inshallah


Whilst I have done my best to ignore your long-posts, I see you are adamant on referring to me and quoting me ad-nauseum.

Yes, I do believe Somalia would be wealthier if broke men were prevented from creating multiple broke households. And I stand by it.


I want you to live in a corrugate iron shack, aka, a jiingad, with 15 siblings, in the sweltering heat, and feel what it is, to be cooked.
Yes my Brudda got 15 kids living in a 1 bedroom shack how did you know 🔥🔥

I'd have you know my parents had large families also with many siblings and my grandfather's were not at all close to wealthy. Yet they lived in decent homes and j regularly visited.


Amaan Duule
Islamically broke men aren’t allowed to be polygamous. Broke literally means those that do not have the financial means. The Prophet s.a.w is an entirely different case since he spent all of his wealth for the sake of the Ummah and his wives willingly gave everything up. Also, he was married to more than 4, more than the limits set to ordinary men and his case was unique. Furthermore, there are even hadiths which talk sabout the Prophet s.a.w giving the mother of the believers the option to stay with him since his life was one of charity and striving for the sake of Allah. You modern men, do not get to use the life of the Prophet s.a.w, so that broke men who are in poverty can damage the lives of women and children. The Quran makes it very clear that men that cannot afford polygamy to stick to one wife. There is an actual reason for that .

I'm shocked you are even debating this with her.

We have no idea why he married them, and we don’t even know how poor he is. But at the same time, you cannot make justifications for poor men marrying multiple women. That isn't acceptable and the reason why Islam is firm on this is due to the fact that it's women and children who suffer. Yet as per usual some of you men want to downplay it as fulfilling your lusts seems to be more important than making women suffer unnecessarily and you'll twist Islam in the process.

Very silly comparison and you don't seem to understand that affordability is a major cornerstone of polygamous marriages. The Quran literally tells poorer men and men that can't be just to stick to one, yet here you are attacking this sister due to your ignorance. it's the misuse of polygamy and the blatant lack of knowledge with regards to the importance of financial stability in polygamous unions that have created havoc in the lives of many women and children.

This is probably going to be my last contribution to this thread. Here are my overall points:

1. We shouldn't attack the man since we know nothing of his exact situation.

2. We shouldn't justify men who are 'broke', marrying multiple women. That is one of the things that fuel even more poverty for women and children and the lack of practicing polygamy properly is one of the biggest causes of misery and divorces in our community. Multiple African statistics on the matter showcase that women in poly marriages married to poor men are 20% poorer than poor women in mono relationships.

3. The amount of cases I saw back home in which a man lived in a tiny tin house with all the kids and family sharing one room and the man is married to another or trying to shocked me. That's not flipping acceptable and you men trying to justify this is just going to alienate women even more and horrifyingly using the deen to abuse women in this way is unacceptable. Why does Allah specifically tell men to stick to one or fast if they cannot afford to do so? Because it impacts women and children and very annoying that some of you men cannot see beyond yourselves. We also have a similar phenomenon in the UK in which odeys on benefits or their wives are toiling working in care (It's the new craze for Habayaros now) go back home to marry another without even properly providing for their kids and their middle aged wives are washing the backsides of gaals to make ends meet. It's stuff like that which fuel gender wars, mistrust between Somali men and women due to the actions of the older gen that has caused chaos and now we have the younger generation of boys making 101 excuses for the unjustifiable. No wonder you have gender wars, feminism and the like.

This is the end. Bye, I've had enough of this useless topic.
As long as the man has the ability to feed, shelter, and clothe his wives and children, he meets the "affordability requirement" for polygamy. If he does not have enough, then yes, it is impermissible for him to be polygamous. When I said "broke men", I did not mean men who do not meet this requirement.

Overall, I agree that it is better for men in general to stay away from polygamy, as brings a lot of complications and hardships that few men are ready or willing to deal with. I do not disagree with anything you said in this thread, which is why I never responded to your earlier posts.

I simply had an issue with people who were insulting the Quran teacher personally. I was very impressed with his work ethic, and it rubbed me the wrong way when people were attacking him, even going so far as to call him "selfish" when he works himself to the bone morning and evening to serve his family and community. That is all.
Whilst I have done my best to ignore your long-posts, I see you are adamant on referring to me and quoting me ad-nauseum.

Yes, I do believe Somalia would be wealthier if broke men were prevented from creating multiple broke households. And I stand by it.
Saying it would be wealthier doesn’t even mean that you think polygamy is the sole reason for poverty or the main reason. I don’t know where he even got that. He’s clearly tugging at straws.

He’s definitely the type to argue for no reason. Like what’s the end goal? Debating semantics isn’t the real issue here, because he claims he has no issue with the idea of broke men fueling polygamy supposedly. It’s clearly bugging him that you dared to talk about Somali men who really shouldn’t be engaging in polygamy, engaging in it.

Believe me, if you made the statement Somalia would be wealthier if we didn’t have a lot of kids growing up without a father, you wouldn’t of gotten a lot of hate. Those statements are made regularly here without any long winded paragraph or push backs.

Whilst I see his point about the fact that posters here were insulting that man and we don’t even know much about him, which I agree isn’t exactly right, that’s not the only reason why you’ve rubbed them up the wrong way. They’re selective and deep down they don’t care for the effects these poly men have on Somali women and kids. Thats why they’re fighting tooth and nail. Any woman says anything about polygamy they’re ready to write flipping essays in order to defend even the poorest’s right to access multiple women.
Just trying to highlight the inconsistencies & double standards she was displaying from the beginning & end of this entire thread
You really didn’t . You had to go through my likes to find anything, which I believe is the height of shaqo la’aan. If I agreed with the insults of that man, I’d have insulted him myself. I have nothing to shy away from and I write what I feel and I don’t care about hiding anything from you. I agreed with the general point of Punt queen and still do. Broke men shouldn’t marry again and someone saying ‘Somalia would be wealthier’ doesn’t mean they believe that broke poly men are the sole reason. Many things contribute to the health and wealth of society and stable families are one of them. You’re focusing on semantics, because ultimately, you really don’t have much to criticize about me. It’s alway why you had to track my likes instead of criticizing the actual points I wrote.

The same way you believe that some of the posters here dislike polygamy which is what motivates them, is the same way I truly believe that any woman that mentions poly in a negative way even with regards to men that shouldn’t be practicing it, some of you lot lose your minds, hence why you’ll write paragraphs upon paragraphs instead of engaging with the root issue the person is trying to bring to light


Ragna qowl baa xira, dumarna meher baa xira.

Whilst I have done my best to ignore your long-posts, I see you are adamant on referring to me and quoting me ad-nauseum.

Yes, I do believe Somalia would be wealthier if broke men were prevented from creating multiple broke households. And I stand by it.
I know that just like your insult & slander of the guy from for your first post in this thread. Even now she’s continuing to make exceptions for you despite how explicit your statements are.
I would like to mention - having worked with white people for most of my career, and being exposed to their life challenges, large families are better instead of growing up in a single child or two children households. Many of my coworkers have sick parents suffering from dementia, cancer, drug abuse and some other ills that require constant caregiving. Most of them coworkers are struggling with how to both work and at the same time help their parents. It took financial and emotional toll on them. Some outright gave up taking care of their elder parents. There are few who come from large families who are spread out across the state, and the US. They seem to do better.

I honestly worry about my young relatives who are growing older by the year and not getting married to have children.


Ragna qowl baa xira, dumarna meher baa xira.
You really didn’t . You had to go through my likes to find anything, which I believe is the height of shaqo la’aan. If I agreed with the insults of that man, I’d have insulted him myself. I have nothing to shy away from and I write what I feel and I don’t care about hiding anything from you. I agreed with the general point of Punt queen and still do. Broke men shouldn’t marry again and someone saying ‘Somalia would be wealthier’ doesn’t mean they believe that broke poly men are the sole reason. Many things contribute to the health and wealth of society and stable families are one of them. You’re focusing on semantics, because ultimately, you really don’t have much to criticize about me. It’s alway why you had to track my likes instead of criticizing the actual points I wrote.

The same way you believe that some of the posters here dislike polygamy which is what motivates them, is the same way I truly believe that any woman that mentions poly in a negative way even with regards to men that shouldn’t be practicing it, some of you lot lose your minds, hence why you’ll write paragraphs upon paragraphs instead of engaging with the root issue the person is trying to bring to light

It’s called giving evidence to support ones assertions & I did that to showcase your level of bias & contradiction.

You had plenty of options to choose from in how you could’ve responded to those posts but you didn’t. You simply ignored the insults & slander because they weren’t a priority when compared to their “overall statements”.

For someone that’s against such slander & even made a post telling people to refrain from such actions why didn’t this conviction of yours factor in when you were agreeing with such posts. Even now you still haven’t confronted the likes of puntite queen.
What a backwards culture and country, most corrupt country in the world, polygamy practiced to the detriment of children, FGM at 90%+ and constant famines.

I honest to god think Somalia is one of the worst countries on this planet, I feel so bad for the children being born into that hellscape.

You can NOT give back a day your father spent sweating to put food on the table for you, for your mother and siblings.

I am suprised at how you grew up mean and selfish, lacking respect for your own parents. You need to chill or seek help if you are somewhat disturbed. You don't sound normal.. Are you a guy btw?