Faysal Cali Dhurwaa Secret Audio Recording: Ethiopia Blames SL For Fighting In DDS

Korean Drama Reaction GIF by iQiyi
Reported for derailment.

Majeertania losing it now their failed state status has been revealed.
Puntland is a failed state.
What are you talking about?
puntland iyo Hartiweyn are winning on all fronts. Have you seen how we have karbaashed ISIS without foreign troops?
Or how about the Goojacadde humiliation?

And we all know the real terror state in the horn of Africa. Your own ex intelligence chief admitted on camera that Idooria has been supporting terrorism. I mean, a lot of Shabab leaders have come from Idooria.


Wanaag iyo Dhiig kar
‘Ma Lihin cadow Xamar ka Daran

Garowe amxaar baa iga xigo’

I wonder if reer Somaliland will still believe this :trumpsmirk: