Fellas/ladies would you register your marriage under gaalo law? or just do nikah?


Cirka Gacan Saarte 💪🏾🇸🇴
Most Somali men could care less about a gaalo marriage certificate but the Xalimos in the West want it nonetheless :nahgirl:
Ive seen a few man that went to the council and signed their papers but it didnt work out for them. 1 didnt even sign the birth certificates and they still got on him but these are youngish abdis. Lets be honest alot of somalis on paper are bastards.
its stupid to register the marriage you dont even need it for deen why would someone do that crazy
My parents got their marriage registered in Somalia. Why can't newlyweds do it in their host countries ? Unless its proven to be haram it shouldn't be discouraged.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
In islam you dont need to register the marriage because if divorce happens they deal with children/money how they see fit but in islam you deal with it how allah sees fit

All you need to do is the Nikah and get the papers alhamdulilah

And how would you react if the opposite gender asks for this?

r u a "Fella"
Everywhere in the world, people register their marriages. Muslim country or not.
How do you feel comfortable walking around acting like your wife is your 'girlfriend'. What is the purpose? So you can scam benefits?
Everywhere in the world, people register their marriages. Muslim country or not.
How do you feel comfortable walking around acting like your wife is your 'girlfriend'. What is the purpose? So you can scam benefits?
girlfriend to the eyes of the gaalo but to allah its marriage and thats most important thing i dont care how the gaalo see it

in islam all you need to do marriage is the nikah simple as that and your married we are talking deen here
girlfriend to the eyes of the gaalo but to allah its marriage and thats most important thing i dont care how the gaalo see it

If you want to move to a Muslim country eventually, you'll have to register your marriage. You cannot relocate with your family to the Middle East and other parts of the Muslim world without registering your marriage.

Everywhere marriages are registered.


Are you trying to get benefits?

Or are you going to get your wife to act like a single mother, so that she can get a council house?

I get things are dire, but come on.

Neither. I'm not having children in the third world UK!



Go to a Muslim country and raise wholesome kids lol.

I can't see myself leaving anytime soon yet, and I'd like to keep my family close insha'Allah. They can take extended summers off with family abroad.... but I want them back