Fellas/ladies would you register your marriage under gaalo law? or just do nikah?


You need people like me
Everywhere in the world, people register their marriages. Muslim country or not.
How do you feel comfortable walking around acting like your wife is your 'girlfriend'. What is the purpose? So you can scam benefits?

lol women want men to legalise them so they have power post a divorce and men avoid it because they don’t want to face the consequences of a divorce . They’re open to the idea of registering the marriage in a Muslim nation as the repercussions are different and more favourable.
lol women want men to legalise them so they have power post a divorce and men avoid it because they don’t want to face the consequences of a divorce . They’re open to the idea of registering the marriage in a Muslim nation as the repercussions are different and more favourable.

I can imagine the same guys that have issues with registering their marriages abroad would also not feel comfortable with registering in a Muslim country, but they have no leg to stand on.

If some Abdis are crying about child support. Paying money for their own child. What would they do with the fact that in Muslim courts your wife can sue you for not providing for her and can even sue you for past expenses if she has proof ect.

I can't help but feel for a lot of guys its simply due to a lack of accountability.
Yeah then they can just register in said Muslim country rather than register in a HIV+ jewish gaal nation.

Imagine you got a job in a Middle Eastern country and you had wife and kids. In order to sponsor them and bring them into the country you would need a marriage certificate, along with your kids birth certificates with your name on it.


I can imagine the same guys that have issues with registering their marriages abroad would also not feel comfortable with registering in a Muslim country, but they have no leg to stand on.

If some Abdis are crying about child support. Paying money for their own child. What would they do with the fact that in Muslim courts your wife can sue you for not providing for her and can even sue you for past expenses.
Men don’t want to marry legally in western countries because of divorce rape, not because of child support.
Cadaan men get violated by the divorce courts so hard it’s insane.
Imagine you got a job in a Middle Eastern country and you had wife and kids. In order to sponsor them and bring them into the country you would need a marriage certificate, along with your kids birth certificates with your name on it.
Can’t you just register when you get there?
Men don’t want to marry legally in western countries because of divorce rape, not because of child support.
Cadaan men get violated by the divorce courts so hard it’s insane.

Can’t you just register when you get there?

No I don't think so.

I have a few cousins that have moved to the Middle East. One moved recently. She had to register her marriage so that her husband could sponsor her under his visa.


The Qadr of Allaah ta’aala is always in our favor.
Definitely both. If you get children you don’t have to start a proces for your husband to acknowledge the child. When you’re legally married he’s automatically the father. Besides that, why would you only want to be married islamically married and not for the government in the country you live in. That’s fishy.


You need people like me
I can imagine the same guys that have issues with registering their marriages abroad would also not feel comfortable with registering in a Muslim country, but they have no leg to stand on.

If some Abdis are crying about child support. Paying money for their own child. What would they do with the fact that in Muslim courts your wife can sue you for not providing for her and can even sue you for past expenses if she has proof ect.

I can't help but feel for a lot of guys its simply due to a lack of accountability.
Nah I don’t think it’s accountability. Family courts are completely brutal towards men.

Also, you’re a Somali female. Without being disrespectful, you guys don’t think about your own interests as other women do. These guys hear stories involving other women and how absurd the alimony and child support payments are and so get paranoid. But as a Somali female, you only see it as asking for a just amount whereas in general, women take the piss with their demands.
Definitely both. If you get children you don’t have to start a proces for your husband to acknowledge the child. When you’re legally married he’s automatically the father. Besides that, why would you only want to be married islamically married and not for the government in the country you live in. That’s fishy.
maybe because you dont HAVE to in islam?

Doing the nikah is enough and in eyes of allah you are married simple as that these gaalo divorce laws a fucked and is not accordance to islam
Nah I don’t think it’s accountability. Family courts are completely brutal towards men.

Also, you’re a Somali female. Without being disrespectful, you guys don’t think about your own interests as other women do. These guys hear stories involving other women and how absurd the alimony and child support payments are and so get paranoid. But as a Somali female, you only see it as asking for a just amount whereas in general, women take the piss with their demands.

But the reality is that not registering your marriage as a woman puts you in a difficult position. There is no accountability and legal protection. Marriage is very much an institution in which law and order needs to be involved in. Even Muslim countries understand this as without registration, how would Islamic family law be applied? How would couple's rights be safeguarded. What about the children?

What if your husband refuses to legally acknowledge your children?

What if he refuses to provide?

There is a reason why marriages are legally registered everywhere in the world. I can imagine, if you were a father, you would probably feel apprehensive at the idea of your daughter not registering her marriage.

Don't get me wrong. I can see why many men would feel uncomfortable, especially with the stories you hear. But most Somalis are working class or emerging middle class. Most Abdis don't have enough assets to behave like they have much to loose.
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But the reality is that not registering your marriage as a woman puts you in a difficult position. There is no accountability and legal protection. Marriage is very much an institution in which law and order needs to be involved in. Even Muslim countries understand this as without registration, how would Islamic family law be applied? How would couple's rights be safeguarded. What about the children?

What if your husband refuses to legally acknowledge your children?

What if he refuses to provide?

There is a reason why marriages are legally registered everywhere in the world. I can imagine, if you were a father, you would probably feel apprehensive at the idea of your daughter not registering her marriage.

Don't get me wrong. I can see why many men would feel uncomfortable, especially with the stories you hear. But most Somalis are working class or emerging middle class. Most Abdis don't have enough assets to behave like they have much to loose.
Islamic courts are reasonable though so there’s nothing wrong with registering if you’re moving to a Muslim country. However, western courts are fucked up as we all know.

When it comes to my hypothetical daughter, it’s more important that her husband is a decent person and not a pos. That way there isn’t a problem with their marrige not being legally accepted.

As for the last part, who cares about the faraxs with few assets that’s completely irrelevant. The point is that faraxs who do make good money and have important assets are prone to getting divorce raped.
Islamic courts are reasonable though so there’s nothing wrong with registering if you’re moving to a Muslim country. However, western courts are fucked up as we all know.

When it comes to my hypothetical daughter, it’s more important that her husband is a decent person and not a pos. That way there isn’t a problem with their marrige not being legally accepted.

As for the last part, who cares about the faraxs with few assets that’s completely irrelevant. The point is that faraxs who do make good money and have important assets are prone to getting divorce raped.

It is a problem as you can't predict people's actions and lets be real, we are already suffering from this lack of accountability that some Somali men have in the west. Once children are in the mix, as a woman you cannot afford to gamble in this way. We have normalised women getting no justice when their husbands refuse to provide and that is why it doesn't seem like an issue for you. But who suffers the most? The kids.

I get why you feel uncomfortable because as a man you have self interest. But you need to accept and acknowledge that so do women. You want women and their children to have no legal marriage protection and that is fucked up. Its a lot more common to see suffering Somali hooyos working in care because of a absconding husband who has left his family with no financial resources, than a Faraax who has been divorce raped.

I can easily use your argument against you. If she is a God fearing woman, why would you fear her doing this? I'll answer your question. Because you know people can be unpredictable.
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Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
There's somalis that only have a nikkah later on when they divorce they don't pay a penny to their kids


Absolutely, they must be registered.

I understand why men would be wary considering Western family law leans toward women. But, it is essential to remember that Islam says to follow the laws of the country you live in, as long as they aren’t haram.

I want my children to be legally recognized. This concept of people being sucked for money after divorce is extremely uncommon in our community. Fact of the matter is that it’s the opposite, the bad men & husbands can leave without any legal reprucussions. They can create new families while their old one are left in the gutter, poor and helpless, depending on the government as a single mother.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Absolutely, they must be registered.

I understand why men would be wary considering Western family law leans toward women. But, it is essential to remember that Islam says to follow the laws of the country you live in, as long as they aren’t haram.

I want my children to be legally recognized. This concept of people being sucked for money after divorce is extremely uncommon in our community. Fact of the matter is that it’s the opposite, the bad men & husbands can leave without any legal reprucussions. They can create new families while their old one are left in the gutter, poor and helpless, depending on the government as a single mother.
Somali men got it good when they divorce They walk away paying very little unless Xalimo is sophisticated and hires a lawyer to get a nice settlement
Absolutely, they must be registered.

I understand why men would be wary considering Western family law leans toward women. But, it is essential to remember that Islam says to follow the laws of the country you live in, as long as they aren’t haram.

I want my children to be legally recognized. This concept of people being sucked for money after divorce is extremely uncommon in our community. Fact of the matter is that it’s the opposite, the bad men & husbands can leave without any legal reprucussions. They can create new families while their old one are left in the gutter, poor and helpless, depending on the government as a single mother.
Nikah is enough and if its not for some their are sharia courts in london so they can handle divorce issues if needed

So the gaalo thing is not needed alhamdulilah