Femicide in Mexico

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Circumcision is mentioned in Islamic texts, I don't know why are you are trying to act like it is unique to Somalis, it is not. But I don't expect you to care about issues that harm Muslim women. Carry on as you were in your blissful male cocoon.

I thought the discussion was FGM not circumcision?

from what I understand, female circumcision is recommended- according to the scholars and based on a hadith. however, FGM means "mutilation"... I don't support mutilating anyone. but circumcision, yes, there is nothing wrong with that.
give a verse from the Quran or a hadith. what's right and what's wrong isn't based on English-language phrases that people made up.

and fine- you argue that changing a diaper doesn't violate bodily autonomy because it's cloth. but if a drug user wants to do drugs- that is in their body. so if we adopt "bodily autonomy" rather than... something from Quran and Sunnah.... that could be used to justify drugs... or zina... or immodesty, frankly. I am sure that those elements who wish to walk around "dressed yet naked" would not be above citing "bodily autonomy" as defence.
This might be an intrusive question but have you ever gone to school and picked up a book that’s not the Quran? I’m starting to feel like you’re mentally challenged ☺️
Also tell me what’s worse; the violation of one’s bodily autonomy or immodesty?
What do you consider modesty and what more examples can you come up about bodily autonomy?

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف

He cares more about the West discussing the murder of Mexican women, than the actual issue of Mexican women being killed. FGM and other issues pertaining female abuse, are faaaaaar beyond his scope of caring.

I am concerned about Mexicans being killed, I don't care if they're men or women. and about ninety percent it's men. it's not a woman-specific issue.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
This might be an intrusive question but have you ever gone to school and picked up a book that’s not the Quran? I’m starting to feel like you’re mentally challenged ☺️
Also tell me what’s worse; the violation of one’s bodily autonomy or immodesty?
What do you consider modesty and what more examples can you come up about bodily autonomy?

why do I need to read books that aren't the Quran? would there be something wrong if I only read the Quran? what other books do I need to read?
why do I need to read books that aren't the Quran? would there be something wrong if I only read the Quran? what other books do I need to read?
You need to read something for pretty much everything, to learn useful facts, earn a degree and get a job so that you can learn something

education isn’t dangerous :)

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
You need to read something for pretty much everything, to learn useful facts, earn a degree and get a job so that you can learn something

education isn’t dangerous :)

I am in favor of education but I don't actually need to read books by kaffirs or care what they think.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
You really hate kaffirs don’t you?


Just because someone doesn’t think the same way you do doesn’t mean they’re evil or less of a human being than you are

that's true but I also don't need to adopt their ideas- and if they're kaffirs, I definitely don't need to adopt their ideas. Islam is the truth. I don't need guidance from Hindus or atheists or other non-Muslims.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
And the 90 percent of men that are killed? Who killed them Omar? And who kills women in Mexico? Never mind, I don't care anymore. Keep on this track, you're doing great.

just because you look at everything from a gender wars standpoint doesn't mean I do or have to. I don't hate one half of my people because of their gender. I'm interested in my people as a whole, which I know is alien to the viewpoint of feminists, where their practice is to act as an enemy against their own people and function as a traitor.
just because you look at everything from a gender wars standpoint doesn't mean I do or have to. I don't hate one half of my people because of their gender. I'm interested in my people as a whole, which I know is alien to the viewpoint of feminists, where their practice is to act as an enemy against their own people and function as a traitor.

Honestly, I don't care what you think about women. From now on, I will never even respond to your commentary again. I'll just redirect sisters from engaging.
I am concerned about Mexicans being killed, I don't care if they're men or women. and about ninety percent it's men. it's not a woman-specific issue.
We’ve had this discussion Omar. You’re comparing both men and women being killed randomly or by the cartel vs femicide which is women being killed by husband/boyfriend and being r-worded which is indeed a woman specific thing.

You can’t debate something Omar if you don’t even know what Femicide is and I don’t think you care to know, so do you really care about Mexican women then? Are men being killed by their partners and women who claim to want them?

How are we comparing men and women being killed by strangers vs women being killed by partners, men who stalk them and kill them due to rejection?

My issue is the lack of care to understand and honesty. If you’re an honest man you’d understand that male and female homicide isn’t the same as femicide which is a specific type of murder.
just because you look at everything from a gender wars standpoint doesn't mean I do or have to. I don't hate one half of my people because of their gender. I'm interested in my people as a whole, which I know is alien to the viewpoint of feminists, where their practice is to act as an enemy against their own people and function as a traitor.
If you cared about your women, you’d have enough sense to understand a very basic concept. Femicide is different to male and female homicide.

Men aren’t killed by their female partners and hardly killed or r-worded by family members.

You’re clearly an enemy to your women if you can’t even understand that when we talk about femicide we’re talking about women being murdered by partners and being r-worded and mutilated by men who know them very well vs random and senseless killings of the cartel of people.

Sometimes I worry about people’s intelligence levels but you’re not dumb. You’re purposely being obtuse and trying to deny basic reality which will indeed increase feminism if things that are so obvious aren’t being addressed.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
If you cared about your women, you’d

you are being very bold with this kind of talk. overly bold. we are a force and we move in silence. you don't know what's going on amongst us, you're not in the loop and you're not meant to be in the loop. don't try to weigh in on our issues, you don't know what you're talking about and you're not even meant to know what's going on amongst us because we keep you outsiders in the dark. so don't talk like you know. you are not part of the loop or the conversation and you're not qualified to weigh in.
There seems to be a lot of misunderstanding in this topic and our brother @Omar del Sur seems to be clueless and is struggling to understand what is homicide vs femicide:

While Female Homicide is any murder of women or girls regardless of the circumstances, Femicide is the murder of women or girls for gender-based reasons

Femicide is broadly defined as the killing of a woman or girl because of her gender, and can take different forms, such as the murder of women as a result of intimate partner violence; the torture and misogynist slaying of women; killing of women and girls in the name of “honour”;

Bloom, 2008, p. 176).

Hence, bringing up the fact that more men die in Mexico is indeed a rather silly point since their deaths aren’t based on being ‘men’. It isn’t intimate violent crime that usually results in r-word and sexual violations.

Even a woman dying via the cartel for being in the wrong place of the wrong time or she’s part of a gang or she was murdered for revenge against her brother or whatever ain’t Femicide.

Omar before you can engage in a debate you need to understand what you’re talking about and you’re not understanding, hence why you’ll forever never get through to women.
you are being very bold with this kind of talk. overly bold. we are a force and we move in silence. you don't know what's going on amongst us, you're not in the loop and you're not meant to be in the loop. don't try to weigh in on our issues, you don't know what you're talking about and you're not even meant to know what's going on amongst us because we keep you outsiders in the dark. so don't talk like you know. you are not part of the loop or the conversation and you're not qualified to weigh in.
Omar, read my latest post and actually bother to learn the difference between female homicide vs femicide.

You’re not getting it AT all and this is my issue with you.

You’re telling me, don’t get involved and how I don’t get it, but sadly you don’t. I’d stay out of it if you could understand what femicide actually is and you don’t.

Also I’m a woman, I’m much more likely to understand and sympathize with femicide over you. I reckon a Mexican woman who lost a daughter because of femicide would prefer to talk to me a fellow woman over you a man who can’t even understand the difference between intimate violence vs a stranger killing her child.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Omar, read my latest post and actually bother to learn the difference between female homicide vs femicide.

You’re not getting it AT all and this is my issue with you.

I don't care what you think about the internal affairs of Mexico.
Omar, read my latest post and actually bother to learn the difference between female homicide vs femicide.

You’re not getting it AT all and this is my issue with you.

You’re telling me, don’t get involved and how I don’t get it, but sadly you don’t. I’d stay out of it if you could understand what femicide actually is and you don’t.

Also I’m a woman, I’m much more likely to understand and sympathize with femicide over you. I reckon a Mexican woman who lost a daughter because of femicide would prefer to talk to me a fellow woman over you a man who can’t even understand the difference between intimate violence vs a stranger killing her child.

He told you to :

'Stay out of Mehico business, ese'


But he's on a Somali forum which inherently is not his business, isn't that interesting.
@Omar del Sur

Btw ‘Femicide’ isn’t a Mexican issue. I disagree with racist American outlets presenting it this way when in America at least two to three women are murdered DAILY by their partners and many women are nearly murdered or harassed by men for being weak women whom they can take advantage of.

You’re not speaking to a mentally colonized woman who will look at South Americans and assume the men are this or that. America literally isn’t even that far of the list in terms of femicide and America is supposedly ‘richer’ and ‘safer’ yet that many women are offed by their partners.

The UK’s femicide rate is also high but not as high as America and Mexico and but they’re a small island and literally 3 women a week are killed specifically by their partners:

Im sure Pakistan and India are worse than Mexico but they tend to poison or burn brides and pass it off as ‘accidents’ that are corroborated by the whole family.

Make no mistake, I don’t see this as a Mexico issue AT all so to tell me I can’t talk about something I feel is UNIVERSAL is silly.
I don't care what you think about the internal affairs of Mexico.
This isn’t what I think, I’m talking about facts here and femicide isn’t just a Mexican issue, it’s world wide. So talking to women about something that can easily happen to them and can happen in every other nation in this way is silly.


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