Femicide in Mexico

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
it's just amazing to me this arrogance of I'm supposed to care what white liberals and hoa feminists who are apparently their buddies... that I'm supposed to care what they have to say about Mexico.

I think this is a mindset the somali feminist crowd learned from their friends the white people. it's white who have this mindset of sticking their nose where it has no place.

the white people hoa feminist alliance can talk about Mexico but in reality none of us are actually going to care what people from other regions have to say about our country in their foreign languages. truthfully- if you don't speak our language- we don't really care what you think about our politics and various internal matters.
He told you to :

'Stay out of Mehico business, ese'


But he's on a Somali forum which inherently is not his business, isn't that interesting.
He was willing to engage in debate until he got to a point in which he couldn’t because it’s illogical to talk about male homcide rates being higher if femicide isn’t even about random killings. Even female homicide isn’t the same as ‘femicide’. Femicide is specific and doesn’t just happen in Mexico. It’s a world wide issue.

Also, why be on a Somali site if you truly care about gatekeeping? I mean look how many years we’ve tolerated him sitting in on our very personal conversations? I mean if he was to contribute and what he said was true, I wouldn’t have an issue due to how long he has been around us on this forum.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
@Omar del Sur

Btw ‘Femicide’ isn’t a Mexican issue. I disagree with racist American outlets presenting it this way when in America at least two to three women are murdered DAILY by their partners and many women are nearly murdered or harassed by men for being weak women whom they can take advantage of.

You’re not speaking to a mentally colonized woman who will look at South Americans and assume the men are this or that. America literally isn’t even that far of the list in terms of femicide and America is supposedly ‘richer’ and ‘safer’ yet that many women are offed by their partners.

The UK’s femicide rate is also high but not as high as America and Mexico and but they’re a small island and literally 3 women a week are killed specifically by their partners:

Im sure Pakistan and India are worse than Mexico but they tend to poison or burn brides and pass it off as ‘accidents’ that are corroborated by the whole family.

Make no mistake, I don’t see this as a Mexico issue AT all so to tell me I can’t talk about something I feel is UNIVERSAL is silly.

first you want to go way over the line with this

If you cared about your women, you’d

and now suddenly it's a universal issue. any force that crosses the line of trying to play where it shouldn't within our territory... that force is asking for hostility. I don't care if they say "freedom", "democracy", "universal issues"..... our borders end "universal issues".
it's just amazing to me this arrogance of I'm supposed to care what white liberals and hoa feminists who are apparently their buddies... that I'm supposed to care what they have to say about Mexico.

I think this is a mindset the somali feminist crowd learned from their friends the white people. it's white who have this mindset of sticking their nose where it has no place.

the white people hoa feminist alliance can talk about Mexico but in reality none of us are actually going to care what people from other regions have to say about our country in their foreign languages. truthfully- if you don't speak our language- we don't really care what you think about our politics and various internal matters.
You’re not engaging with the topic at hand. You’re just being illogical now and emotional.

You don’t care but your women do. It’s your women especially old Mexican ladies being interviewed and it’s your government who have compiled the statistics about femicide. Dead women don’t lie.

Omar do you want us to lie and not take in statistics? What do you want? Wallahi lying is haram and you can’t hide behind calling people feminists.

If you want to argue that America and other places have an agenda for presenting Mexico since statistically they too have high rates of femicide, I agree, but now you’re too emotional and want people to ignore statistics.

You’re a man being emotional is not a good look and not amount of feminist accusations will change the statistics.
He was willing to engage in debate until he got to a point in which he couldn’t because it’s illogical to talk about male homcide rates being higher if femicide isn’t even about random killings. Even female homicide isn’t the same as ‘femicide’. Femicide is specific and doesn’t just happen in Mexico. It’s a world wide issue.

Also, why be on a Somali site if you truly care about gatekeeping? I mean look how many years we’ve tolerated him sitting in on our very personal conversations? I mean if he was to contribute and what he said was true, I wouldn’t have an issue due to how long he has been around us on this forum.

This is just all part of the larger agenda to silence and shame women into hiding the sins of their male counterparts, whether it's due to ethnic loyalty or religious loyalty. Because all that matters is preserving the image of said community. This downplaying/silencing tactic is also highly abusive, but they don't think of themselves as abusers.

He was willing to engage in debate until he got to a point in which he couldn’t because it’s illogical to talk about male homcide rates being higher if femicide isn’t even about random killings. Even female homicide isn’t the same as ‘femicide’. Femicide is specific and doesn’t just happen in Mexico. It’s a world wide issue.

Also, why be on a Somali site if you truly care about gatekeeping? I mean look how many years we’ve tolerated him sitting in on our very personal conversations? I mean if he was to contribute and what he said was true, I wouldn’t have an issue due to how long he has been around us on this forum.

One minute we are the 'Muslim Ummah', when we ask why he is on the forum, but if we dare bring up his country, we are 'HOA feminists' who need to mind our own business. Isn't that funny.

I would also love to know why the Conquistador is on a Somali forum, whilst trying to 'otherise' and silence us because we dared address femicide in his native land. Surely, he can open a forum and call it 'Latino Muslims', but then again, he'll probably shut it down when Lucia and Valeria try to bring up women's rights.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Also, why be on a Somali site if you truly care about gatekeeping? I mean look how many years we’ve tolerated him sitting in on our very personal conversations? I mean if he was to contribute and what he said was true, I wouldn’t have an issue due to how long he has been around us on this forum.

I love to learn about other countries and cultures but that doesn't mean I educate or inform the world about my culture. let them go talk about Palestine or Ukraine. I want them to look in another direction and not be knowing or interested when it comes to us.

anyways, I am a Muslim first and foremost... but I am also a Mexican and so my mindset I think makes sense from that standpoint. Islam my din and mexicanimo is just a long-running side mission

edit: also btw I'm not really interested in Somali politics or culture, I've said already I talk about general topics and not Somalia-specific topics... now if ppl talk about Somali politics in public spaces- that's on them, I didn't tell them to do it... but I personally would avoid discussing my own politics in English
first you want to go way over the line with this

and now suddenly it's a universal issue. any force that crosses the line of trying to play where it shouldn't within our territory... that force is asking for hostility. I don't care if they say "freedom", "democracy", "universal issues"..... our borders end "universal issues".
I’m going by statistics. Not emotions, not lies pure statistics.

Mexico is high up on the list and that could be a number of reason so more poverty so higher rates of intimate crime, due to higher rates of gang and drugs, men in gangs might have a higher rate of killing their spouses ect.

However, from simply looking at the statistics and facts America isn’t that far off and it’s supposedly a ‘safe’ place and nearly 3 women a day are killed.

Poverty and disfranchisement plays a role because for example, AA women have the highest rage of Domestic violence murder and it’s even higher in areas in which the crime rates are higher. The same issue could be plaguing Mexico. I doubt a richer area in Mexico has a huge issue with femicide for instance?

Like I said, I’m not mentally colonized and I couldn’t care if a man is Eastern or Western but femicide is a global issue and even America is leading the way, so if you want to argue they should focus on their own, I agree. But trying to shut us down over actual facts is indeed emotional, you’re better than that.
you are being very bold with this kind of talk. overly bold. we are a force and we move in silence. you don't know what's going on amongst us, you're not in the loop and you're not meant to be in the loop. don't try to weigh in on our issues, you don't know what you're talking about and you're not even meant to know what's going on amongst us because we keep you outsiders in the dark. so don't talk like you know. you are not part of the loop or the conversation and you're not qualified to weigh in.
You talk like you’re in a sect

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
You don’t care but your women do. It’s your women especially old Mexican ladies being interviewed

actually no they don't. you don't know anything about us. so what you watched a vice documentary. if i go watch a vice documentary on somalia, I don't become entitled to lecture you on Somalia.
I love to learn about other countries and cultures but that doesn't mean I educate or inform the world about my culture. let them go talk about Palestine or Ukraine. I want them to look in another direction and not be knowing or interested when it comes to us.

anyways, I am a Muslim first and foremost... but I am also a Mexican and so my mindset I think makes sense from that standpoint. Islam my din and mexicanimo is just a long-running side mission
Look Omar, you’ve been on this site long enough that if you were to speak facts about let’s say FMG, I wouldn’t mind since I wouldn’t assume you have it in for Somalis.

Like wise respect that I’m a woman and I see myself as a woman first over being Somali hence any women’s issue is something I’m passionate about. Femicide is a universal issue. Mexico isn’t even in the first place or the worst place, that goes to Jamaica and America the hypocrites from looking at statistics aren’t even that far behind, so please don’t take my points as being an attack on Mexicans. I personally don’t even think of Mexicans as having a particularly misogynistic culture. I think there are groups who I lowkey believe are 10 times worse and I think the poverty, gangs and drugs is making domestic violence murders higher. Once the government tackles that and creates more women’s only shelters and the like, the situation will get better.
actually no they don't. you don't know anything about us. so what you watched a vice documentary. if i go watch a vice documentary on somalia, I don't become entitled to lecture you on Somalia.
I knew about this well before the documentary.

Omar, you see me as a ‘feminist’ a woman who truly cares about women’s issues. I care about women across the globe and I’ve seen the statistics well before and I actually didn’t even fully watch the vice interview.

Any woman who says she cares about women will care and look into domestic violence deaths of women which is why I do think it’s B.S for America to focus on Mexico when they’re not far off as well.

I’ve always said, I’m Muslim and a woman first before Somali. I care about being a woman before my Somalinimo.
We have the right to discuss what we want on a Somali forum, for Somalis by Somalis. No matter the topic. Same way that foreigners have forums, where they discuss everything, including Somalis. Don't be deterred by this person.

In fact, I may find some more things to post about Mehico.

Maybe every tuesday; I'll call it the 'Taco Tuesday series'.


Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
the sect is being a Mexican nationalist who isn't ok with ppl from other regions who don't know our language trying to get involved in our issues.

btw just to elaborate- in our politics, a nationalist means you oppose the foreign imperialist forces. we've been battling foreign imperialist forces for hundreds of years.

there are forms of nationalism which are contrary to Islam.

Wathilah ibn Al-Asqa’ reported: I asked the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, saying, “O Messenger of Allah, is it part of tribalism that a man loves his people?” The Prophet said, “No, rather it is tribalism that he supports his people in wrongdoing.”

Source: Sunan Ibn Mājah 3949

Grade: Hasan (fair) according to Ibn Muflih

Tribalism is that you support your people in wrongdoing. opposing sinister international forces I regard as fine.
Conquistadors have a problem with boundaries. Dhiig biyo ma'aha.

I think it’s a tad mad as a man to lecture women on something not only universal but can also happen to us as well.

Femicide is something that impacts all women. From Mexicans to Somalis and we can easily tell this Mexican on a Somali site that he doesn’t have the right to weigh in on women’s issues when he doesn’t even have the sensitivity to differentiate normal murder to femicide. I mean that within itself show disrespect and then he has the audacity to get mad when I imply he doesn’t care about Mexican women.