Femicide in Mexico

He doesn't know or care what femicide is, he is just a pathetic adoon, who will allow a Cadaan man to urinate on his head, as long as the Cadaan man shares his hatred for women.
Wallahi, one thing I’ve noticed about misogynistic men is their inability to understand basic concepts and how they compare two things that have nothing to with each other to make a dumb point.

Female homicide isn’t the same as femicide.

Men aren’t killed by close family or wives at the same rate as women.

@Abdirazaq great that you mentioned you debunked me. You’re fell into my trap;

we’ve had this conversation before and you even acknowledged that a woman is mostly likely to be killed by people she knows.

A good comparison is to compare what % of men are killed by partners and or sexually violated before death because that is what femicide is.

We are not taking about a random woman being killed by a Mexican shot out. In that situation you would be right. Whats the difference between a woman and a man dying in that way? They’re the same.

Example would be. A somali woman dying via being blowed up by Al-Shabab is NOT femicide. But happened to Luul Abdirazaq is.

Hence your whole point about us prioritizing women’s deaths is ridiculous since female homocide cases that happen the same way as men isn’t femicide.
Wallahi, one thing I’ve noticed about misogynistic men is their inability to understand basic concepts and how they compare two things that have nothing to with each other to make a dumb point.

Female homicide isn’t the same as femicide.

Men aren’t killed by close family or wives at the same rate as women.

@Abdirazaq great that you mentioned you debunked me. You’re fell into my trap;

we’ve had this conversation before and you even acknowledged that a woman is mostly likely to be killed by people she knows.

A good comparison is to compare what % of men are killed by partners and or sexually violated before death because that is what femicide is.

We are not taking about a random woman being killed by a Mexican shot out. In that situation you would be right. Whats the difference between a woman and a man dying in that way? They’re the same.

Example would be. A somali woman dying via being blowed up by Al-Shabab is NOT femicide. But happened to Luul Abdirazaq is.

Hence your whole point about us prioritizing women’s deaths is ridiculous since female homocide cases that happen the same way as men isn’t femicide.

I commend you for staying focused on the topic at hand. I am still stuck at the audacity of this foreigner bragging about Cuba's interference in the war against Somalia.
You're a pathetic adoon, who values his hatred for women, over fighting a Spanish supremacist.
Again you’re just painting a narrative against me cause you know I’m right, you’re the female version of a red piller, I’m much more concerned over Somali red pillers and Somali feminists (even more feminists cause they have western and institutional backing) than I am some powerless Latino, words are words but words backed by power is much more scary.
Again you’re just painting a narrative against me cause you know I’m right, you’re the female version of a red piller, I’m much more concerned over Somali red pillers and Somali feminists (even more feminists cause they have western and institutional backing) than I am some powerless Latino, words are words but words backed by power is much more scary.

I am a married woman, and a mother, you loser, I am not a 'red pill' anything.

I also don't care what you think, you are not only stupid, you're also a subservient person, and I find it hard to look at your username without feeling nauseous.
Walahi, I can deal with misogynists, even if they all link up like power rangers, what makes me cringe, is that they don't even dare respond to the utter disrespect towards Somalia. I've seen some humiliating things on here, but this takes the cake.

If anyone wonders how AlShaydaan gets away with foreign fighters in their midst, look no further than the Cabiid cucks in here.
You’re crazy if you think, that following the Quran and sunnah in terms of the equal and fair treatment of men and women means I’m misogynist, are you even a Muslim? You sound like you follow the religion of Liberalism.
@Omar del Sur and @Abdirazaq

The Sharia does mention Femicide. The Quran even talks about fathers burying daughters for simply being….female. Did you forget that Omar? Why does the Quran mention that separately to all other forms of violence? Arabia was a violent place? Men were being killed? Boys were being killed?

The Quran literally asks what crime did these baby girls commit apart from being female?

Our deen and Quran is the first text in humanity that tackles femicide but when misogyny which is a form o shaydaanimo clouds your brain, you forget this.

When someone is so consumed by misogyny or belittling women’s experiences, they’ll get to the point of becoming the same as those who argue men and women are the same and away to distort facts and reality. Femicide is reality and humanity has been engaging in since time memorial.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
You know… I’ve realized that feminist propaganda is no more than just a tool used by western powers for colonial powers a long time ago. But I never realized how effective it was at colonizing the brains of Muslim women in the west and then having those same women (who are essentially western at this point) go and propagate that propaganda towards their countries of origin.

this is exactly it. I have had my disagreements with @Angelina but I've always- or a lot of the times, I've tried to hold an olive branch out to her and I've tried to be restrained when it comes to disputing with her... but with this thread, I really I think was harsher with people than is normally seen from me... but it's because- @Angelina is genuinely supporting international colonialist forces against my people- whether she realizes it or not- and it made me enraged. I didn't become bothered for no reason. It is logical that we have an intense reaction in defense against colonialist, imperialist aggression and against their lackeys under whatever moniker or banner it is they're under.

being brutal against the lackeys and collaborators of colonialism is a right part of the correct way of thinking. the revolutionary anti-colonialists of this world should be harsh and unyielding towards the lackey.

the Mau Mau understood this.

but what if the imperialist lackey is a woman? or a Muslim woman? or a Muslim woman who genuinely doesn't understand what she is doing?

then it becomes very difficult. how to deal with such cases?? well- I think I should be the bigger person and not be so harsh. but I think I am "being the bigger person" because such people I think truly deserve harshness.
You’re crazy if you think, that following the Quran and sunnah in terms of the equal and fair treatment of men and women means I’m misogynist, are you even a Muslim? You sound like you follow the religion of Liberalism.
If you could you’d deny that historically men were burying girls for simply being female. But you can’t since that would take you out if the deen.

Denying femicide and its differences to female homicide will make you reach that point.

Femicide is killing women for being female and DV issues along with murder that also included sexual violence.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
@Omar del Sur and @Abdirazaq

The Sharia does mention Femicide. The Quran even talks about fathers burying daughters for simply being….female. Did you forget that Omar? Why does the Quran mention that separately to all other forms of violence? Arabia was a violent place? Men were being killed? Boys were being killed?

The Quran literally asks what crime did these baby girls commit apart from being female?

Our deen and Quran is the first text in humanity that tackles femicide but when misogyny which is a form o shaydaanimo clouds your brain, you forget this.

When someone is so consumed by misogyny or belittling women’s experiences, they’ll get to the point of becoming the same as those who argue men and women are the same and away to distort facts and reality. Femicide is reality and humanity has been engaging in since time memorial.

you really believe in the hoax that in Latin countries there are men killing women simply for being female? wallahi you are committing zulm if you spread such a hoax.

some guy gets jealous cuz his girlfriend or wife was messing with some guy... he "unalives" his partner.... I am not justifying that but that is not actually "men killing women simply for being female"

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
@Omar del Sur and @Abdirazaq

The Sharia does mention Femicide. The Quran even talks about fathers burying daughters for simply being….female. Did you forget that Omar? Why does the Quran mention that separately to all other forms of violence? Arabia was a violent place? Men were being killed? Boys were being killed?

The Quran literally asks what crime did these baby girls commit apart from being female?

Our deen and Quran is the first text in humanity that tackles femicide but when misogyny which is a form o shaydaanimo clouds your brain, you forget this.

When someone is so consumed by misogyny or belittling women’s experiences, they’ll get to the point of becoming the same as those who argue men and women are the same and away to distort facts and reality. Femicide is reality and humanity has been engaging in since time memorial.

in the shariah, if you murder a woman it's classified as murder. if you murder a man it's classified as murder. it doesn't become a "femicide" or a "manicide". it's murder.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Al kebab’s Top brass are made up
of battle hardened international fighters, who are both ethnic Somali and foreigners.

Where as your cartels are made up of devil worshipping local gangbangers, corrupt laws enforcement and greedy politicians, both local and national.

So I don’t get what point your trying to make here, if it’s about the mutilation of bodies in the worship of demonic spirits, then yes your thugs are worse then ours.

But real battles and not skirmishes and ambushes the cartels are actually cowards.

lol I cannot believe we are debating this. btw aren't you a non Muslim? anyways... it is a silly thing to debate. our bad guys are bad guys. but I did bring it up.

Here this Salafi as a “Muslim” shows his support to kaffir aggressor who came to the aid defeated kaffirs, against Muslims who were fighting for their dignity and freedom from kaffir hegemony.

I don't support the Cuban side in the Ogaden war, I support the Somalis.
this is exactly it. I have had my disagreements with @Angelina but I've always- or a lot of the times, I've tried to hold an olive branch out to her and I've tried to be restrained when it comes to disputing with her... but with this thread, I really I think was harsher with people than is normally seen from me... but it's because- @Angelina is genuinely supporting international colonialist forces against my people- whether she realizes it or not- and it made me enraged. I didn't become bothered for no reason. It is logical that we have an intense reaction in defense against colonialist, imperialist aggression and against their lackeys under whatever moniker or banner it is they're under.

being brutal against the lackeys and collaborators of colonialism is a right part of the correct way of thinking. the revolutionary anti-colonialists of this world should be harsh and unyielding towards the lackey.

the Mau Mau understood this.

but what if the imperialist lackey is a woman? or a Muslim woman? or a Muslim woman who genuinely doesn't understand what she is doing?

then it becomes very difficult. how to deal with such cases?? well- I think I should be the bigger person and not be so harsh. but I think I am "being the bigger person" because such people I think truly deserve harshness.
If you deny the issues surrounding your women you will cease having their loyalty. The way you ensure that doesn’t become a reality via having internal dialogue that will make the lives of your women easier instead of burying your head in the sand.

There will always be friction if you deny the reality on the ground and call everything Western influence because your self esteem is so low you only think something is an issue when the white man tells you since you ignore your women.

I’ll give you an example. For thousands of years Somalis have been Muslim yet it was only after the last few yrs via Western education have Somalis as a whole instead of a tiny fraction start to oppose FGM.

I question Muslim men. Why does it take you the white man for you to stop these haram practices of normalizing mutilation? Isn’t that a form of low self esteem.

Btw, I’m not letting off the women since I know grandmother and mothers co-signed this for years as well, but Islamically men are in charge of society and in Somali culture in the past, if a woman didn’t do FGM she would be unmarried and shunned.

So yes, you can say these women work with foreigners as much as you like, but this is the weakness of the men of our Ummah and the Prophet s.a.w warned you lot. In his last sermon he said treat your women well.
in the shariah, if you murder a woman it's classified as murder. if you murder a man it's classified as murder. it doesn't become a "femicide" or a "manicide". it's murder.
The Quran literally says those girls were killed for just being female.

Thats the definition of femicide.

learn what femicide is and then come back

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
I don't support the Cuban side in the Ogaden war, I support the Somalis.

this is my actual viewpoint in the Ogaden war

I think I was looking up information about the Ogaden War. Cuba was definitely bad guys but... I was kind of amazed that a Latin country managed to fight a war all the way in horn of Africa.

Cuba was definitely the bad guys, as I said. but I admit in a way I'm sort of impressed that Cuba managed to fight all the way over there. from the Latin standpoint, it's very significant that Cuba was able to fight wars all the way in places like Angola and Ogaden.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
The Quran literally says those girls were killed for just being female.

Thats the definition of femicide.

learn what femicide is and then come back

what is the Arabic word for femicide in the Quran? femicide is a new word that was just made up like two seconds ago. this whole concept is brand new.
@Omar del Sur

Since you’re a Salafi. This Salafi publication talks about femicide in the Quran and how little girls were buried for being female:

what is the Arabic word for femicide in the Quran? femicide is a new word that was just made up like two seconds ago. this whole concept is brand new.
The actual definition of femicide is being killed for being female.

Now, why were the babies that were female killed? Are we going to lie about why they were killed?

You’re going down a dangerous path.

Killinf someone for being female = femicide.

Thats the word for it.
@Omar del Sur and @Abdirazaq

The Sharia does mention Femicide. The Quran even talks about fathers burying daughters for simply being….female. Did you forget that Omar? Why does the Quran mention that separately to all other forms of violence? Arabia was a violent place? Men were being killed? Boys were being killed?

The Quran literally asks what crime did these baby girls commit apart from being female?

Our deen and Quran is the first text in humanity that tackles femicide but when misogyny which is a form o shaydaanimo clouds your brain, you forget this.

When someone is so consumed by misogyny or belittling women’s experiences, they’ll get to the point of becoming the same as those who argue men and women are the same and away to distort facts and reality. Femicide is reality and humanity has been engaging in since time memorial.
Femicide is not a massive issue in Muslim countries anymore, look at how low the rates are in Muslim countries as opposed to other ones. Look at what they do in china and all these other counties.

Let’s not act like femicide it’s the number one issue plaguing the Muslim world anymore like we’re in jahiliyyah.

POVERTY and FAMINE is the number one issue, corruption is also a major issue, colonial powers restricting economic freedoms and independence is also a major issue, sea pollution is also a bigger issue when it comes to Somalia. Yet all I see from you lot is feminism this and feminism that, again you only need to look to the Quran and Sunnah to fix the issues that do exist within that realm but all you lot can do is see everything through the lense of gender.

Its actually over for Somalia if this is how the educated people from the west view their own countries of origin.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
@Omar del Sur

Since you’re a Salafi. This Salafi publication talks about femicide in the Quran and how little girls were buried for being female:

is that what's happening in Mexico? Mexicans are burying their infant daughters? no- the concept of femicide is they make murder into a gender thing. instead of a murder it's a "femicide". two seconds ago it was just a murder. now it's a "femicide".
The actual definition of femicide is being killed for being female.

Now, why were the babies that were female killed? Are we going to lie about why they were killed?
You’re going down a dangerous path.
Killinf someone for being female = femicide.
Thats the word for it.



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