Femicide in Mexico

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
3 paragraphs about feminism, but not a single peep against the Latino, who bragged about Cuba's crimes against Somalis.

Typical, oradoo cagahiisa sii fiican uu leef.

I wasn't bragging but- from our standpoint, Ogaden is proof that we have the ability and potential to reach out and project power. that is aside from considerations of morality. morally I support the Somali Muslims against the Cuban gaalo.
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Femicide is not a massive issue in Muslim countries anymore, look at how low the rates are in Muslim countries as opposed to other ones. Look at what they do in china and all these other counties.
It is in Pakistan in which they have an old Hindu system of dowry. Women who bring enough money are burnt. They also have high rates of honor killing and DV. Femicide is a world wide issue and let’s be real third world countries don’t have the best track records of recording accurately especially when places like the Subcontinent has families doing this together and then later on plotting together to conceal.

In Somalia, r-word victims don’t get justice even if the culprits are the from the same qabil since it’s not just tribalism. The little 12 yr old was r-worded by relatives and her qabil odeys tried to let the culprits free since they didn’t want to sacrifice able bodied male members over a little girl. It was ‘feminists’ as you like to call us talking both everywhere on social media and protests back home that pressured them to give the death penalty

In a lot of ME countries, honor killing is an issue and was only recently part of the penal family code.
Let’s not act like femicide it’s the number one issue plaguing the Muslim world anymore like we’re in jahiliyyah.
Only up until the 2000s you could get away with killing your sister if she dishonored the family. Look it up. That’s most Muslim countries btw.

POVERTY and FAMINE is the number one issue, corruption is also a major issue, colonial powers restricting economic freedoms and independence is also a major issue, sea pollution is also a bigger issue when it comes to Somalia. Yet all I see from you lot is feminism this and feminism that, again you only need to look to the Quran and Sunnah to fix the issue that do exist within that realm but all you lot can do is see everything through the lense of gender.

Its actually over for Somalia if this is how the educated people from the west view their own countries of origin.
The issue with misogynistic men is their inability to understand that many things can be an issue at once.

Poverty, tribalism, racism- I mean you can understand that all of those issues can be an issue at the same time. But the moment the issue of women comes up all of a sudden you can’t fathom that along with many other things can be an issue. Hence this is either an extreme bias or hatred.

A great example would be say AA community. We know that AA men along with women suffer from poverty and racism, but if you were to see statistics for instance AA women have an added issue of having the highest DV murder rates and domestic violence in general. Because they’re poor and suffer from racism, can we now say they can’t talk about their added issues as women?

The thing is if I was to go on about racism or tribalism, you wouldn’t have an issue but you have an issue if I talk about women. You’re a biased misogynist that’s why and I and other women shouldn’t bother and give men like you our time.

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With all due respect, leave us women alone. I don’t have time for men who will understand and be sympathetic towards every other cause but shut down women. You even came here gun blazing and you don’t even know what femicide is and thought a woman dying in an Al Shaydan attack means ‘femicide’ or a woman dying to due to a cartel shoot out is ‘femicide’ as well.
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Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
I am waiting to see how many more adoons will come in here caping for the foreigner, who disrespected Somalia. I know they hate women, but my goodness, their hate is even stronger than their alleged Somalinimo.

"I am waiting to see how many more adoons will come in here caping for the foreigner"

you call the ppl to rally against the evil anti-Somali foreigner (yes I made a silly comment about our tough guys being the toughest... that is literally the extent of my "anti-somaliness" in this thread- and that post wasn't really meant against Somalis- it was meant against the Somali feminist movement that for some reason wants to go after Mexico)

anyways... you call the ppl the rally against the evil foreigner

but I'm allegedly a bad guy because I'm not ok with George Soros international forces trying to push their sinister anti-family agenda in Mexico...
How many years has this man been on our forums and we’ve allowed him to comment ect. Sometimes id forget that @Omar del Sur the Mexican isn’t even Somali and would have frank conversations with him.

Now he’s mad because his government has recorded the amount of women being murdered by their partners and men who sexually abused them and he’s getting mad. He can call it feminism, but it’s pure figures and statistics and dead women don’t lie.

Mexico simply has a higher rate of women dying via intimate violence compared to other places. TBH America isn’t actually that far off so they don’t have a right to brand Mexico a misogynistic country but acknowledging the higher figure shouldn’t warrant this emotional pushback especially when he has commented on Somalia and the Ogaden to be specific.

Most of Mexico which consists of the low lands are controlled directly or indirectly by the cartels, this includes the tourist hubs and the border areas with the U.S.

In these areas both women and young girls are forcibly taken from their homes, on street and trafficked to both the cartels and the American tourist, mostly middle age white men looking to exploited defenseless poor women and girls.

The government only controls Mexico City, Mexicos green zone, because it’s protected by the mountains surrounding it.

And the women there are mostly upper class who dress and look European, while the poor women of the low land (the majority) live a life of hell under Satanic rule of the cartels.

But Angie you and punt have a special power to bring the truth out of people, I shall count myself lucky.

This qashin has the audacity to brag about a bunch of Christian/Communist ganging up on Somalis.

There isn’t a single Somali clan from jileec to Jâreer that hasn’t lost a loved one in that war, to attack that part of our history is equal to spitting in face of the Somali tribe of Somaliweyn.
It is in Pakistan in which they have an old Hindu system of dowry. Women who bring enough money are burnt. They also have high rates of honor killing and DV. Femicide is a world wide issue and let’s be real third world countries don’t have the best track records of recording accurately especially when places like the Subcontinent has families doing this together and then later on plotting together to conceal.

In Somalia, r-word victims don’t get justice even if the culprits are the from the same qabil since it’s not just tribalism. The little 12 yr old was r-worded by relatives and her qabil odeys tried to let the culprits free since they didn’t want to sacrifice able bodied male members over a little girl. It was ‘feminists’ as you like to call us talking both everywhere on social media that pressured them to give the death penalty

In a lot of ME countries, honor killing is an issue and was only recently part of the penal code.

Only up until the 2000s you could get away with killing your sister if she dishonored the family. Look it up. That’s most Muslim countries btw.

The issue with misogynistic men is their inability to understand that many things can be an issue at once.

Poverty, tribalism, racism- I mean you can understand that all of those issues can be
but the moment the issue of women comes up all of a sudden you can’t fathom that go along with many other things can be an issue.

A great example would be say AA community. We know that AA men along with women suffer from poverty and racism, but if you were to see statistics for instance AA women have an added issue of having the highest DV murder rates and domestic violence in general. Because they’re poor and suffer from racism, can we know say we can’t talk about their issues as women?

The thing is if I was to go on about racism or tribalism, you wouldn’t have an issue but you have an issue if I talk about women. You’re a biased misogynist that’s why and I and other women shouldn’t bother and give men like you our time.

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With all due respect, leave us women alone. I don’t have time for men who will understand and be sympathetic towards every other cause but shut down women. You even came here gun blazing and you don’t even know what femicide is and thought a woman dying in an Al Shaydan attack means ‘femicide’.
You bring up examples yet not statistics as to how common what you’re talking about actually is.

Look at this evidence, it’s a western institution which we know to tends to be biased and yet even that which femicide to be a greater deal in western countries than it does the Muslim world. You’re doing better work than the white man here, congratulations, sweep all the bigger issues under the rug while pandering to western audiences with your worldview and allowing them to colonize the land while your at it.

You know the sad thing is that all those examples even one of them no one should get away with and it should be stopped but your hyperfocus on certain issues with only an ability to view things from a feminist lens’s so what your biggest downfall is, you’ll never see the large looming shadow behind your back with that worldview. It’s absolutely the wrong way to look at things when looking at less fortunate countries.
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Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
@Omar del Sur how about you start preaching to your kufr family members instead of the bs you're pulling here?

you might have a point but if you do it's invalidated by making a thread that directly is aimed at my culture. I have every right to respond. and you don't know my interactions in rl and why would I talk about such things. if I gave dawah to someone I shouldn't talk about it, it should be for Allah.
There isn’t a single Somali clan from jileec to Jâreer that hasn’t lost a loved one in that war, to attack that part of our history is equal to spitting in face of the Somali tribe of Somaliweyn.

Kane, nin rag ah baad tahay, unlike that jilicsan adoon, shisheeye kalkaal on here, who has xaar in his veins instead of dhiig Soomaaliyeed. How someone even sees that comment and their blood doesn't boil, is beyond me.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
There isn’t a single Somali clan from jileec to Jâreer that hasn’t lost a loved one in that war, to attack that part of our history is equal to spitting in face of the Somali tribe of Somaliweyn.

that whole post was meant at Somali feminist movement not at Somalis in general.

anyways, I apologize for anything insensitive towards Somalis I said in that post. I love and respect Somalia and I think very well of Somali people. may Allah bless the souls of all the brave Somali mujahideen who gave their lives in Ogaden and may Allah topple the communist government of Cuba. ameen.

now that I've apologized- the reality is all of that is really something which is besides the main discussion of this thread. so let's not sidetrack into side issues- which I've apologized for.

You bring up examples yet not statistics as to how common what you’re talking about actually is.

Look at this evidence, it’s a western institution which we know to tends to be biased and yet even that which femicide to be a greater deal in western countries than it does the Muslim world. You’re doing better work than the white man here, congratulations, sweep all the bigger issues under the rug while pandering to western audiences with your worldview and allowing them to colonize the land while your at it.
You’re very emotional and a liar and that’s to be expected by misogynts. It was me who said to @Omar del Sur that America is very high up on the list and that they don’t have a right to judge. So why lie and engage in this ad-hominem attacks?

Muslim women can’t get their rights since if we talk about any of our issues we’re pandering the West. I think it’s about time us women acknowledge that this is a form of abusive gaslighting. How are we even going to apply Quran and Sunnah to haram practices that impact women if you’re quick to brand any female issue something made up by the ‘white man’

If women in Afghanistan talk about jof being allowed to see male doctors and they’re not allowed to get educated, are they pandering to the white man Abdirazaq? Like I really want to unpick your brain right now because it’s so interesting how much you really hate us Muslim women and you don’t even realize?

If a Somali Bantu talks about racism you can show him data and say hey America is more racist! You’re pandering to the gaals?! Do you know how low IQ you’d sound? That’s precisely the same I mean we don’t even have enough stats on Midgaan and Somali Bantus so it must not be true right?

Also another point, Can western countries go into third World lands and actually do accurate statistics or are these statistics self reported?

Simple question.

In Somalia now, I don’t believe femicide is that high due to culture but we hardly have any statistics that are factual due to lack of man power and governmental issue.

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I really do.

Also, up until recently honor killing wasn’t illegal in many Eastern societies. Check it up if you want lol.
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Kane, nin rag ah baad tahay, unlike that jilicsan adoon, shisheeye kalkaal on here, who has xaar in his veins instead of dhiig Soomaaliyeed. How someone even sees that comment and their blood doesn't boil, is beyond me.
Keep attacking we with ad hominems, I didn’t even read what he said and still haven’t cause I don’t care about what some Latino has to say about Somalia, powerless person.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Not just misogyny, this piece of qashin, is bragging about a Christian nation, jumping Somalia, with other Communists, because he values his Spanish/Conquistador roots, over the so-called Islam he wields around the forum. Don't be surprised if he's defended by some people on here.

that is not accurate... and also I think you're distorting things a little... I mentioned Ogaden to let the Somali feminists know that our culture is able to project power.... since they want to come for our culture.... I think it may have been insensitive, though, so I think I should not have said it.

but the idea that I identify as a Spaniard... no I don't. I am a mestizo and I identify as such. I just don't like that inaccuracy being spread about me. I am not white or a spaniard.

edit: also- I am a Muslim. you may dislike me but I'm not a kaffir. I am a Muslim and then my race. not the reverse. I don't put my race first. hopefully. may Allah forgive me if I ever do.
you might have a point but if you do it's invalidated by making a thread that directly is aimed at my culture. I have every right to respond. and you don't know my interactions in rl and why would I talk about such things. if I gave dawah to someone I shouldn't talk about it, it should be for Allah.

You invalidated the death of mexican women dealing with femicide. How is highlighting a global issue an insult to Mexico? Its clear what your intentions are for you to bring up 77. You stated your dislike of kufrs but your family are kufr lol. May you burn alongside the cuban terrorists you support. Ameen
Keep attacking we with ad hominems, I didn’t even read what he said and still haven’t cause I don’t care about what some Latino has to say about Somalia, powerless person.
You attacked me with ad-hominems. You accused me of not bringing up Western rates of femicides when I brought it up at least 4 times in earlier posts yet I supposedly believe the narrative of the white man against Muslims.

Typical dumb point a misogynist will create to try and gaslight and not engage with the original point. It was I for years who have stated at least 3 women in the UK alone are murdered a week by a partner. I’ve been using that point since 2021.
It was I that noted that America femicide rates are ridiculously high and hence don’t have the right to point the finger.

I don’t give a rats ass. West walla East walalo, Misogyny is an issue world wide and you’re not going to hide behind nationalism or racist gaal foreign policies to down play issues that make you feel uncomfortable. I know that racist imperialist use women’s issue as a front to wreck havoc, but you can’t hide behind that and deny that some things are indeed an issue. The only time you men with low self esteem ever think about women’s issue is when a gaal Cadaan mocks you for it. Why do you lot never take the initiative to look into it first? Everything with you lot is about the white man.

Whats next, are you going to shut down Afghan women for wanting to get educated and be like ‘no yOuR wOrKinG with the WhITe man’.

It’s like me saying that since racism is more of an issue in the West, we can’t possibly talk about Arab racism. I mean where is the data, I mean do you see it? Must not be real right?

This is the level of critical thinking we’re dealing with. If it was any other issue you’d think twice but biases against women really does fry ones brains. I mean we literally have a whole Muslim country banning female education and now they can’t see male doctors. It shouldn’t shock anyone as to how a Muslim nation reached that point, look at the amount of gaslighters we have who will take our rights and slap us down if we even utter about our problems.
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Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
You invalidated the death of mexican women dealing with femicide. How is highlighting a global issue an insult to Mexico? Its clear what your intentions are for you to bring up 77. You stated your dislike of kufrs but your family are kufr lol. May you burn alongside the cuban terrorists you support. Ameen

I don't support Cuba lol.


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