Feminism has turned women into men

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Saaxib what these cadaan gaalo do is none of my concern. I laugh in the face of gaalo women who don't respect themselves -- I ain't invested in the relationship of people oo xaarka iska meeri karin.

HOWEVER -- he is in the wrong here and he looks hella petty, immature and sad. His laugh at the end is so false, he is going through a tough time since he got divorced and cos he has no deen he has taken on the religion of MGTOW. The freak show that is cadaan males is hella funny to watch. Can't believe a somali man is cosigning that ish.
If what they do is none of your concern then why comment about the video? Reasoning with these women is like drawing water from a mirage.

What you've said is equivalent to one saying I don't care for drinking Diet Coke & never will cause it's beneath me to drink it diet Coke and those who drink it I pity but drinking Diet Coke is not nice & I don't like the taste of it :draketf:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
If you're what you define as "a man", I want no part of it.

Marriage and types of relationships are a personal choice. If you don't want to marry, no one is sure as hell going to make u.
Personal choice? What can we call you then? A receptacle :chrisfreshhah:
If what they do is none of your concern then why comment about the video? Reasoning with these women is like drawing water from a mirage.

What you've said is equivalent to one saying I don't care for drinking Diet & never will cause it's beneath me to drink it Coke and those who drink it I pity but drinking Diet Coke is not nice & I don't like the taste of it :draketf:

Saaxib you're not making any sense. Change your tampon, have an ibuprofen and take a break. Markaad soo noqotid read my post. I am saying I have no vested interest either way. They ain't my hooyo and aabo. But if I have to judge - the guy is in the wrong.


Personal choice? What can we call you then? A receptacle :chrisfreshhah:
I don't see what lovely, fantastic thing is being missed out on.

If you don't want to marry, and you're interested in nothing but surface relationships, you're absolutely free to it. That's the beauty of individualistic cultures; it gives you that choice.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Saaxib you're not making any sense. Change your tampon, have an ibuprofen and take a break. Markaad soo noqotid read my post. I am saying I have no vested interest either way. They ain't my hooyo and aabo. But if I have to judge - the guy is in the wrong.
You should take your own advise and I don't appreciate your condescending tone naaya :ufdup:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I don't see what lovely, fantastic thing is being missed out on.

If you don't want to marry, and you're interested in nothing but surface relationships, you're absolutely free to it.
I agree marriage ain't for every female some are only good for ku dhuufo ka dhaqaq :mjpls:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
If you're not willing to help move furnitures, change the tire of your car, carry heavy load shipments then don't fucking try to be equal to a man. Feminists are hypocrites. They use the woman card when it benefits them. I'm a proud girly girl. I will let men carry all my heavy stuff, let me cut in line, move my furniture, change my tire and spoil me dahling!
Wallahi I have the utmost respect & admiration for women who know their role in a marriage, for example if some people decide to break into the house to steal something & we're both in bed I wouldn't ask my wife to go & deal with it likewise she should play her role.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane

The male and female body are designed for sexual coitus, regardless of if coupling occurs within or outside the confines of marriage.
You sound like a robot wallahi you remind me of data from Star Trek :lolbron:


You sound like a robot wallahi you remind me of data from Star Trek :lolbron:
I love Data.

Your point is to degrade the very function of the vagina. What u fail to realize is, in doing that, you're degrading it whether the vulva has a ring on it or not. Perhaps you don't yet understand the mechanics of sex, and that your balls are literally giant receptacles protruding rather awkwardly from your body in the form of actual sacks.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I love Data.

Your point is to degrade the very function of the vagina. What u fail to realize is, in doing that, you're degrading it whether the vulva has a ring on it or not. Perhaps you don't yet understand the mechanics of sex, and that your balls are literally giant receptacles protruding rather awkwardly from your body in the form of actual sacks.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
@VixR you sound like you don't have a soul is sex purely a mechanical reproducing tool for you? Are you devoid of the ability to bond, compassion, affection? What does sex mean to you?


@VixR you sound like you don't have a soul is sex purely a mechanical reproducing tool for you? Are you devoid of the ability to bond, compassion, affection? What does sex mean to you?

It could be all those things...or none. Sex can be for sport, bonding, reproduction, etc. It can serve a smorgasbord of purposes. That is the closest answer to the truth.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I think it's all these genetically modified foods & all the aluminium, barium, strontium that they're spraying into the atmosphere that's changing women into something altogether different from their natural primordial human nature :ohhh:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane

It could be all those things...or none. Sex can be for sport, bonding, reproduction, etc. It can serve a smorgasbord of purposes. That is the closest answer to the truth.
Have you ever fell in love? Have you ever bonded with someone?


I think it's all these genetically modified foods & all the aluminium, barium, strontium that they're spraying into the atmosphere that's changing women into something altogether different from their natural primordial human nature :ohhh:
Conspiracy. Lemme guess, you're also anti-GMO? :francis:

Women have not "changed", and neither have men. Aside from reproduction, which is biological and automatic unless contracepted, and the natural drive (libido), the motives and purposes for sex have always been practically as variable as the ppl who engage in it.
Have you ever fell in love? Have you ever bonded with someone?


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Conspiracy. Lemme guess, you're also anti-GMO? :francis:

Women have not "changed", and neither have men. Aside from reproduction, which is biological and automatic unless contracepted, the motives for sex have always been practically as variable as the ppl who engage in it.
I might aswell be speaking to a robot wallahi there's nothing tangible there you're stripped of any humanity, are you a humanist miise a transhumanist :susp:
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