Feminist Wants To Kill All Male Babies

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cismaan maxamuud
Sxb just say she is not allowed sex, she will go nuts. Denying a feminist halimo that is like denying them a cake. :pachah1:
wallahi i may just stick with your approach,i tried to reason with these deranged beings and i get labeled as a weak man that is sexist and is hell bent on controlling women smh.I might just go on back to the why are you out of the kitchen days :chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah:


Queen of the light
wallahi i may just stick with your approach,i tried to reason with these deranged beings and i get labeled as a weak man that is sexist and is hell bent on controlling women smh.I might just go on back to the why are you out of the kitchen days :chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah:
We just want men to leave our bodies alone, stop telling us what to wear or how to behave. And justifying all these control methods as safety and protection. Rape has to be prosecuted not justified through the lens of 'modesty'. I would rather my children respect their bodies and control it themselves educate them, I will not start shouting and telling them to cover up ! your a woman so I have to protect you. Whilst in a civilised society her freinds are enjoying their feminity the poor child has to be wrapped up for 'protection' potrayed as a sex object.


cismaan maxamuud
We just want men to leave our bodies alone stop telling us what to wear how to behave as well as wrapping all these control methods as safety and protection. Rape has to be prosecuted not justified through the lens of 'modesty'. I would rather my children respect their bodies and control it themselves, I will not start shouting and telling them to cover up ! your a woman so I have to protect you. Whilst in a civilised society her freinds are enjoying their feminity the poor child has to be wrapped up for 'protection' potrayed as a sex object.
Until the rape crisis is properly rectified i will advise my daughters to wear hijab,furthermore i would generally advise them to wear hijab and raise them in an environment that adheres to our beautiful religion.And protection is vital,the rate of rape in westernized countries is extremely frightening and until it is rectified i will promote cautiousness ,as i commonly say prevention is better than cure.
Food for thought


Queen of the light
Until the rape crisis is properly rectified i will advise my daughters to wear hijab,furthermore i would generally advise them to wear hijab and raise them in an environment that adheres to our beautiful religion.And protection is vital,the rate of rape in westernized countries is extremely frightening and until it is rectified i will promote cautiousness ,as i commonly say prevention is better than cure.
Food for thought
So a peace of cloth will prevent rape ? My god why not publish this in every physiology and psychology journal site. This is amazing embarkment of the human mind. Rapists fear the covered up women so they will not rape no more. Besides are you saying it's the women's bodies fualt and that these poor women have to be covered up due to rapists ? Why even create a woman at all if she's to be raped. I believe it's the harsh penalties in the muslim world wich detract Rapists from raping. However why are covered up jilbaab women being raped then ? Aren't they modest enough should we just lock women up in their homes, this should prevent any woman from being raped. Oh however this already happends in a few patriarchal households. But let's protect them anyway I say women be banned from public spaces until these rapists stop raping ???


cismaan maxamuud
So a peace of cloth will prevent rape ? My god why not publish this in every physiology and psychology journal site. This is amazing embarkment of the human mind. Rapists fear the covered up women so they will not rape no more. Besides are you saying it's the women's bodies fualt and that these poor women have to be covered up due to rapists ? Why even create a woman at all if she's to be raped. I believe it's the harsh penalties in the muslim world wich detract Rapists from raping. However why are covered up jilbaab women being raped then ? Aren't they modest enough should we just lock women up in their homes, this should prevent any woman from being raped. Oh however this already happends in a few patriarchal households. But let's protect them anyway I say women be banned from public spaces until these rapists stop raping ???
this world is a test and i hate to break it to you honey but this world is filled with rapists,murderers,dictators and all of the above.There are sick individuals in all societies and reasons for rape are different for every individual.And to your first question as i said earlier no however i believe that it will drastically limit the amount of rapes occurring .


cismaan maxamuud
So a peace of cloth will prevent rape ? My god why not publish this in every physiology and psychology journal site. This is amazing embarkment of the human mind. Rapists fear the covered up women so they will not rape no more. Besides are you saying it's the women's bodies fualt and that these poor women have to be covered up due to rapists ? Why even create a woman at all if she's to be raped. I believe it's the harsh penalties in the muslim world wich detract Rapists from raping. However why are covered up jilbaab women being raped then ? Aren't they modest enough should we just lock women up in their homes, this should prevent any woman from being raped. Oh however this already happends in a few patriarchal households. But let's protect them anyway I say women be banned from public spaces until these rapists stop raping ???
I am an advocate for women's rights as i stated earlier,limiting their movements is not a proven practical solution,rather they should all be equipped with the adequate safety mechanisms that it takes to drastically reduce the possibility of rape.Hate me or not laakin i believe that hijab is a proven practical solution to the predicament we are currently experiencing.


Queen of the light
I am an advocate for women's rights as i stated earlier,limiting their movements is not a proven practical solution,rather they should all be equipped with the adequate safety mechanisms that it takes to drastically reduce the possibility of rape.Hate me or not laakin i believe that hijab is a proven practical solution to the predicament we are currently experiencing.
No rape is a psychological disease a rapist will rape regardless of what the woman is wearing, he doesn't give a rats balls about a pious 40 year old woman wearing a niqab he wants something he will get it. I believe to give a woman choice on what they want to wear, instil harsh punishments for rapists and let society frown about rape rather than hide it in shame. Becuase in our culture sex is shame and it's time we changed that.


cismaan maxamuud
No rape is a psychological disease a rapist will rape regardless of what the woman is wearing, he doesn't give a rats balls about a pious 40 year old woman wearing a niqab he wants something he will get it. I believe to give a woman choice on what they want to wear, instil harsh punishments for rapists and let society frown about rape rather than hide it in shame. Becuase in our culture sex is shame and it's time we changed that.
evidence please,stop excusing the wrongdoings of people as a disease.:comeon::comeon::comeon:


Queen of the light
evidence please,stop excusing the wrongdoings of people as a disease.:comeon::comeon::comeon:
It's a problem within their psychy no normal person would rape a woman for no reason. Yes some men love the power, some are perhaps horney b***** which every woman probably turned down, therefore are resorting to force to get their needs. Some men do it to shame the family or the woman herself... there are a thousands of reasons why men want to have sex with women in a force manner. But this doesn't justify covering her up ? We should teach women to be able to report rape and create thougher sanctions in order to prevent it from occurring. Rape is an unfortunate disease a cancer in our society but men will be men and sex is always a base instinct which some men cannot control. Soldiers woud rape women as a sign of triumph for having conquered their land, their iligitimate offspring's were signs of humiliation and defeat to their families who look by helplessly.


cismaan maxamuud
It's a problem within their psychy no normal person would rape a woman for no reason. Yes some men love the power, some are perhaps horney b***** which every woman probably turned down, therefore are resorting to force to get their needs. Some men do it to shame the family or the woman herself... there are a thousands of reasons why men want to have sex with women in a force manner. But this doesn't justify covering her up ? We should teach women to be able to report rape and create thougher sanctions in order to prevent it from occurring. Rape is an unfortunate disease a cancer in our society but men will be men and sex is always a base instinct which some men cannot control. Soldiers woud rape women as a sign of triumph for having conquered their land, their iligitimate offspring's were signs of humiliation and defeat to their families who look by helplessly.
In most cases there is no evidence to strongly conclude without a shadow of a doubt that the perpetrator in fact committed the rap,hence the fact that convictions regarding rape are pretty rare.You cannot deny statistics,in America a woman is sexually assaulted every 8 seconds,ironically this is a quote and quote civilized nation that preaches sexual liberation and overall shamelessness.You cannot deny that by promoting modesty(again it's the choice of the individual to observe the hijab) the statistics regarding rape decrease dramatically decreases.I agree with you that their should be tougher laws on rape but the solution goes both ways,seeing that it is highly evident that men will rape regardless ,it is ultimately up to the woman to protect herself from the threat rapists may pose on her.It's a dark world out there and you better be safe than sorry.


cismaan maxamuud
It's a problem within their psychy no normal person would rape a woman for no reason. Yes some men love the power, some are perhaps horney b***** which every woman probably turned down, therefore are resorting to force to get their needs. Some men do it to shame the family or the woman herself... there are a thousands of reasons why men want to have sex with women in a force manner. But this doesn't justify covering her up ? We should teach women to be able to report rape and create thougher sanctions in order to prevent it from occurring. Rape is an unfortunate disease a cancer in our society but men will be men and sex is always a base instinct which some men cannot control. Soldiers woud rape women as a sign of triumph for having conquered their land, their iligitimate offspring's were signs of humiliation and defeat to their families who look by helplessly.
Nobody should forcefully impose covering up on any female,but the female should understand that by displaying her body she is in fact increasing her chances of rape.You can be mad at society but this is just the way things are :manny::manny::manny:


Queen of the light
Nobody should forcefully impose covering up on any female,but the female should understand that by displaying her body she is in fact increasing her chances of rape.You can be mad at society but this is just the way things are :manny::manny::manny:
Well let their be a safer society, lets build a safer city for women to be free to live their lives without harm, lets disscuss issues on rape in an open manner. Not state to just cover a woman head to toe, essentially claiming it's the woman's fualt these men are rapists. You know muslim countries reek of rapits to ? men see these women as lustfull objects due to sexual repression, yes in the west it's sexual liberation, however at the other end of the pendulum muslim men are more prone to commit rape due to segregation of the sexes and lack of sexual contact. These men are ultimately perverts, have you been to Pakistan ? Or heavy muslim populated areas as a woman? I used to get cat called even when wearing the hijab. or suadi ? rape is common everywhere around the globe but to just pin it on the west and sexual liberation is bias and ignorant. As muslim nations have the same problems as well.


cismaan maxamuud
Well let their be a safer society, lets build a safer city for women to be free to live their lives without harm, lets disscuss issues on rape in an open manner. Not state to just cover a woman head to toe, essentially claiming it's the woman's fualt these men are rapists. You know muslim countries reek of rapits to ? men see these women as lustfull objects due to sexual repression, yes in the west it's sexual liberation, however at the other end of the pendulum muslim men are more prone to commit rape due to segregation of the sexes and lack of sexual contact. These men are ultimately perverts, have you been to Pakistan ? Or heavy muslim populated areas as a woman? I used to get cat called even when wearing the hijab. or suadi ? rape is common everywhere around the globe but to just pin it on the west and sexual liberation is bias and ignorant. As muslim nations have the same problems as well.
I am with you on that,but the benefits of covering needs to be promoted,the way we handle rape cases has to be drastically reformed as well to fit the needs of both parties.If you do not yet know many men have been convicted of rape and spent time in jail due to he said she said statements,neligence and racial profiling by authorities and contamination of DNA evidence to then later be found innocent.#justiceforall
They also build and invent things like everything that you enjoy right now, including the internet and this very forum were you are able to express yourself.

The motivations are different, men have the desire conquer and dominate, that's why wars happen, and destruction/death are collateral

The women have no such desires, they bring tremendous other goods in the social/community spheres, I don't doubt that, but they have the potential of evil like no men has, and if left unguarded that deadly propensity will destroy everything, we see this today.

Even the institutions that support them have been decimated and their sanctity desecrated (marriage), nothing is safe as you can see, even calling out for the killing of innocent heart softening babies is on the agenda.

"Hell hath no fury then a women scorned" came about for a reason.

What you savages built isnt going to matter on judgement day nor will it lessen the evils you devils have sowed for yourselves. What you are saying about women, is just IFs because you dont know what they will do if Allah gave women the same power, but we can determine what women would do by observing how they try to fix every society you bloodthirsty maniacs have destroyed thus far. That woman all she did was call for the killing of babies but last I checked, it was you male savages who not only murder babies with the inventions you're bragging about but also taking their innocence forcefully by raping them. You can keep that fictional quote.
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