FGS Blocks Jubbaland MPs from Kismayo Visit


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Galbeed is developing way faster then puntland because we have more capital and resources.
You are trying to compare a private subdivision development which isnt even completed yet to wide amounts development happening in ogaden galbeed. Youre just flexing future disparities with the rich diaspora being closed off in gated neighborhoods while the others suffer. Thats not development, with the amount of land they have those houses will be considered town homes the way they will be packed together anyways.
Galbeed is under occupation 😂
Galbeed is under occupation 😂
If Amxaaro or Oromo see this kid in Galbeed they will piss on his head in broad daylight like they did the statue of the sayid
Peeing Fran Healy GIF by Travis


On a break
Darood went from ruling elite to political prisoners in Somalia. Every last one of them.

The politicians unable to travel are just the best example of this phenomenon.
Galbeed is under occupation 😂
@Step a side Yeah Yeah like ur comment when you litteraly support your people joining oromia, you Folks are Messed up in the head. Keep flexing puntland everytime make a whole 20+ minute video over a stretch of road slap some music keep having a superiorty complex every single damn time. You guys are moving like ethiopians just doing this rage bait to keep me occupied and further myself from the goal of somali unity. Its not working and let me tell you one thing you idiots are the minority. Who even made this @Itsnotthateasy kid so bold, im 99.5% sure he is not isaaq and u doqomo fall for his authentic ethiopian bait every time. Its just like that Habarsteven dude although that guy was some sort of Agobo new comer to harar who claimed everything somali. You people are insignifcant somalia will prosper if you like it or not or if step aside does 10 million dna studies to find out which clan is more langaab while hes people are under oromo voluntarily, dotn even take this as a jab cause Im trying to fix this problem. But youre litteraly always pro your qabil, youre are the person who once was, we once was near addis, we once had this, we once had holds in eritrea, we once had a trade route, Its only you you. The qabil dosent even matter cause your mother could be a whole different clan but you hate everyone and primatively pledge alliengence to your qabil for god who knows. You gotta categorize it too somali. And Libaax Joore, you know who Libaax Joore reminds me This guy reminds me of Magan Joseph while he was around. You say galbeed is under occupation, all of somalia is under occupation if we dont have a strong state. We need to support a strong state but of course you wont support it Why because of silly stupid qabil. At least people like @DR OSMAN supports a strong somali state.
@Step a side Yeah Yeah like ur comment when you litteraly support your people joining oromia, you Folks are Messed up in the head. Keep flexing puntland everytime make a whole 20+ minute video over a stretch of road slap some music keep having a superiorty complex every single damn time. You guys are moving like ethiopians just doing this rage bait to keep me occupied and further myself from the goal of somali unity. It’s not working and let me tell you one thing you idiots are the minority. Who even made this @Itsnotthateasy kid so bold, im 99.5% sure he is not isaaq and u doqomo fall for his authentic ethiopian bait every time. It’s just like that Habarsteven dude although that guy was some sort of Agobo new comer to harar who claimed everything somali. You people are insignifcant somalia will prosper if you like it or not or if step aside does 10 million dna studies to find out which clan is more langaab while hes people are under oromo voluntarily, dotn even take this as a jab cause Im trying to fix this problem. But youre litteraly always pro your qabil, youre are the person who once was, we once was near addis, we once had this, we once had holds in eritrea, we once had a trade route, Its only you you. The qabil dosent even matter cause your mother could be a whole different clan but you hate everyone and primatively pledge alliengence to your qabil for god who knows. You gotta categorize it too somali. And Libaax Joore, you know who Libaax Joore reminds me This guy reminds me of Magan Joseph while he was around. You say galbeed is under occupation, all of somalia is under occupation if we dont have a strong state. We need to support a strong state but of course you wont support it Why because of silly stupid qabil. At least people like @DR OSMAN supports a strong somali state.

STFU you langaab. Your people sold K5 long time ago and here you are chatting about unity and strong Somali state:wtfdis:

10 different clips of you praising Amhara and Oromo overlords all composed in 1 TikTok video :pacspit:

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STFU you langaab. Your people sold K5 long time ago and here you are chatting about unity and strong Somali state:wtfdis:

10 different clips of you praising the your Amhara and Oromo overlords I composed in 1 TikTok video :pacspit:

Youre the last person to be calling anyone langaab, you spent your entire living existence on qabyaalad while living outside your country like a total bum.
I have no clue what that tiktok was about but How do you know they are Somali with a bunch oromo in the background.

You have a problem of taking a clip then just running around with labeling everyone just qabilist. Every somali including OG do not want to be apart of ethiopia.

What do you mean Sold K5, you are projecting. Why you always have an insistance on saying YOUR What is the difference are they not somali to you or do you think your clan is a different standard then us?

You mustve gotten very hurt by comment but im telling the truth, somalia would be better off when people like you go away.

Send all the clips of ME praising amhar and orom overloards subanallah you filithy liar.

This is litteraly just coping and cuqdad from you , a whole entire miserable life you have.

I will always talk unity and for strong somali state wallahi


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Found the right video where your uncles are praising their Amhara and Oromo overlords. All on 8k. Once a slave always a slave!

This is their reality a bunch of Oromo and Kikiyu worhsippers. You can never trust a mentally enslaved fifth column.