Fierce Fighting Rages On The Border Between Somali region And Oromia


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
What makes the lands within Somalia more Somali than the ones colonizers gave to the habeshis? Its all our land. Oromos have their own. Have this brain numbing convo in another thread with someone else, I'm sure @Cognitivedissonance is up for it.
This aint about qabil every tribe lives in k5 and i support oromo i stand with my muslim oromo brothers and sisters and their jihad against somali aggressors this aint a dictatorship if you don’t like it that we support oromo you can’t call the mods to delete our posts

This aint about qabil every tribe lives in k5 and i support oromo i stand with my muslim oromo brothers and sisters and their jihad against somali aggressors this aint a dictatorship if you don’t like it that we support oromo you can’t call the mods to delete our posts

I'm not interested. Go argue with someone else and stop ruining a serious thread.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I'm not interested. Go argue with someone else and stop ruining a serious thread.
This is a public forum not your personally group to be frank I don’t care what you are interested in the topic is about the war between oromo and somalis and I support my oromo brothers and sister and I stand with them against the somalis
This is a public forum not your personally group to be frank I don’t care what you are interested in the topic is about the war between oromo and somalis and I support my oromo brothers and sister and I stand with them against the somalis
You're only saying this because you are looking for an argument. You can enter any other thread and ruin it or even start a new one so you can type viciously at your keyboard and feel bad. Don't ruin this one, last response to you.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
You're only saying this because you are looking for an argument. You can enter any other thread and ruin it or even start a new one so you can type viciously at your keyboard and feel bad. Don't ruin this one, last response to you.
Abaayo macaan this aint a dictatorship may Allah bless the people of oromia this is a just jihad :salute:


I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
@embarassing Baabil and Mooyaale are the front lines and Oromo paramilitary militias freely enter and exit the towns. It's obvious that Liyuu police don't operate or have no control over those towns.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Historically most of Somalia used to be inhabitated by Oromos.

By your logic we should all just pack our bags and return to Ceerigabo.
Masha Allah today i heard oromo mujahideen have slaughtered hundreds of somali terrorists may Allah bless oromia i would give my blood to defend oromia :salute:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Her relatives are being violated by Oromo's and you wanna say viva Oromia? Stop being insensitive. If these guys were Kablalax or Harti you wouldn't be singing the same tune :drakewtf:
Im entitled to my opinion i dont care what clan they are i support oromia even if oromo were fighting against mareexan i still support oromo
A lot of people are spreading awareness on social media we need the international community to condemn these acts, the PM is a warlord trying to make "peace" while his people are killing somalis.
A lot of people are spreading awareness on social media we need the international community to condemn these acts, the PM is a warlord trying to make "peace" while his people are killing somalis.

The PM hasn't condemned it yet. Shows his true colors. Somalis will be under attack in the foreseeable future in the k5 unless they come together as one. Ogadens need to boot iley and work with other Somalis to install a leader who can work with everyone. It is up to the Ogadens to extend the Olive branch.

