deni and madobe are the ones that voted for Suban Sabriye. So where is the room to complain? Calling Marxum and diyaano house negros when they themselves are field negros. Cajiib.
The only one who’s stance is consistent is deni regarding madobe’s election.
sharif himself is someone who has shown non caring attitude about qabil with his opposition. Yesterday he was against dictatorial farmaajo today he’s in front of his own clan exposing right from wrong
So fucking basedTrue man, I see you get called out on a lot of your takes. The thing is they never try to reason , or debate your idea. Its just that your an idiot or something like that because you are not celebrating the fact that there might be another state - fgs conflict or whatever topic is at hand.
Their all edging for a battle and constant exposure to qabil fkd definitely does that to people.
In fact you got people like @TheLand talking about how I will soon join them since im around them so muchTrust me, I will never be parading some failed state over somaliweyn, sure I will talk about regional matters and stuff like that, but these guys just take it too far.
Each region needs to split up into 3-5, I use to say 1-3 but Honest to god I dont even think that will work, needs more splitting. With a federal government, or central man we just need a government at work..
But with this current dysfunctional system, you have states out here acting like their own countries. Thats totally wrong and theyve gotta be subdued. At the same time, this HSM guy is terrible aswell.
More wadanis![]()
34 тыс. просмотров · 986 реакций | Marqaati waxaa kuu ah Doomanka Ciidanka Jubbaland ee lagu buufiyay Magaca iyo Calanka. | By Mohamed Hussein Daacad | Facebook
Marqaati waxaa kuu ah Doomanka Ciidanka Jubbaland ee lagu buufiyay Magaca iyo
More JL soldiers arrive to hand themselves over to the national army in raskambooni
Smart people. Why fight your own brethren for this dictator disliked by all the population of JL. Dadka internetka ka tageeraayo blackie oo ka soo jeedo garissa, dhagaxbuur iyo garowe bal ha tagaan kismaayo Iskadhaaf qaxootiga dhadhaab degan oo ubadan cagdheer aan xaduudka ka soo tilabeynin![]()
HSM illegal constitution will only result in civil war and the disintegration of Somalia, while madoobe's reelection will does not led to the same outcomeFahad Bin Yasin criticizes the hypocrisy of those who are against Hassan Sheikh’s constitution, but are for Madobe’s election which is historically illegal and still claiming they want the betterment of Somalia.
What parts of the constitution are you against exactly ?HSM illegal constitution will only result in civil war and the disintegration of Somalia, while madoobe's reelection will does not led to the same outcome
Qoslaye decided to extend his period after it expires, beside he wants to empower himself to appoint a governor for each state, beside how's it possible to hold an election when you don't even control 25% of the country? Can't you see it's all wrong? In principle Qoslaye could keep extending his term endlessly, he can just keep doing the same trick of changing the constitution over and over again.. But hopefully PL won't be part of his circus.What parts of the constitution are you against exactly ?
it is not about what is in the constitution, but that many FMS don't recognize it, and HSM is taken the stance that he doesn't care if FMS leaders accept the contituion or not. 'qofna ma loo joojin maayo'What parts of the constitution are you against exactly ?
Sxb this wish wash nonsense between madoobe & Sabriye should be kept political and just that. SNA warbihintood waha laga maalmay inay JL ka xoraaynayan khawarijta iyo JL midnimadiis keenan . Odawa xoray wuhu yiri aragtiiyo ka gaar ah SNA wahba ma ka qaban karaan. Wah kale ma uu yaalo JL. SNA ma raaci karaan kooxo. Dalka iskugeyntiis uun bey uu jeedan.HSM illegal constitution will only result in civil war and the disintegration of Somalia, while madoobe's reelection will does not led to the same outcome
How is this Nigga calling an entire Qabil Spies or slaves when he supports politicians doing sujud to Bantus and calling them " the Lions of Mogadishu"?its both ways people in somalia snitched and turned in onlf members to please overlords ethiopia whole country slave to outsiders
You're another naive diaspora somaliweynist kid. Soo barbaar adeer, harsh reality will hit you soon
Too big for his britches. It’s a shame, I like madobe, but these cancer FMS have held Somalia back 12 years. It’s enough now.Isgaarsiintii Raaskambooni ayaa hawada laga saaray, warar hordhac ah ayaa sheegaya in Jubbaland ay amartay in lajaro.
Blackie has cut comms for all of ras kamboni including citizens.
This is old, I posted it yesterday morning. Haven’t heard anything since.Isgaarsiintii Raaskambooni ayaa hawada laga saaray, warar hordhac ah ayaa sheegaya in Jubbaland ay amartay in lajaro.
Blackie has cut comms for all of ras kamboni including citizens.
Isgaarsiintii Raaskambooni ayaa hawada laga saaray, warar hordhac ah ayaa sheegaya in Jubbaland ay amartay in lajaro.
Blackie has cut comms for all of ras kamboni including citizens.