Fighting breaks out between FGS & Jubbaland forces in Ras Kamboni

One way you can tell somalis are the same. Is that both darods and haiwyes will support hsm and ahmed madobe regardless of what they did in the past solely to spite the other.
One of the few real worries I have about somalia is the fact that so many of you guys take such glee in ahmed madobe winning because it means your rump clan states can be independent. Like I'm not even hawiye and I despise hsm but I can see the bigger picture that ahmed madobe winning is not good at all.
I only care about my clan and laugh at the misery of others sxb. If OG lost today you can bet your bottom dollar I’d still be going in on them. But they won so they are safe.
Donald Trump Applause GIF by PBS News
I only care about my clan and laugh at the misery of others sxb. If OG lost today you can bet your bottom dollar I’d still be going in on them. But they won so they are safe.
Donald Trump Applause GIF by PBS News
No disrespect . I don't even know your qabil but this is the legitimate mooryan mentality I was talking about. Hopefully in the next generation we can erase this backwards savage mentality so many somalis have.
I have no agenda. This is what it looks like when somebody is not obsessed with their qabil winning . But unless a person can evolve pas the primitive tribal mindset. My worldview will always remain incomprehensible.
Keep pretending. We all see you sxb. Come out of the closet.
Season 1 Episode 3 GIF by Rick and Morty
Keep pretending. We all see you sxb. Come out of the closet.
Season 1 Episode 3 GIF by Rick and Morty
Like I said before, I have very little interest in this qabil or that qabil. But trying to explain my worldview to somebody who sees everything through the lens of qabil is like trying to explain believing in God to an atheist.
No disrespect . I don't even know your qabil but this is the legitimate mooryan mentality I was talking about. Hopefully in the next generation we can erase this backwards savage mentality so many somalis have.
I don’t like losers sxb. I like winners.

Donald Trump GIF by Election 2020
We have Kismayo. Nuff said
Raxanweyn are pro darood we should move the capital into baraawe at a minimum hawiye know that without the capital they can’t become president do to not having good enough politicians the entire strategy of hawiye rests on Unkaleh.
Darood wetdream to change the capital. Never will happen lol. At least your one of the smart ones that realise the importance of holding the capital rather than cope like the others on here.
Darood are the majority of Somalis both land and population are bigger than Hawiye, By 2030 the population of darood will be bigger than isaaq and hawiye combined. Somalia is nothing without darood 9/18 provinces are darood majority.
Are you slow or something sxb. What'd you expect me to say? :williamswtf:
Nothing if I'm being honest. Trying to get primitives to understand anything beyond their little tribe is frankly impossible. But I can't help but try to give some understand of civilization to the savage.