Fighting breaks out between FGS & Jubbaland forces in Ras Kamboni


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Reer Muqdisho urge the arrest of Tuug Madoobe for the violation of our honourable SNA. He has only earned the anger of every Somali citizen who loves their nation

Reer Muqdisho urge the arrest of Tuug Madoobe for the violation of our honourable SNA. He has only earned the anger of every Somali citizen who loves their nation

Get Over It GIF


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
BREAKING: Taliye Fanax the leader of FGS forces speaks and says they are on the outskirts of Raaskambooni busting another lie that he was captured by Huwanta Madoobe! @Jungle seems like the fight continues and says they will recapture Raas Kambooni! Guul!


Dalac Bilaash

☠ Emperor of The Horn ☠
Madoobe supporters were celebrating fabricated Kenyan photos that were later deleted. Haramcad commander Fanax has now stated that they are currently based in Raskamboni, with reinforcements expected. Jubaland claimed they captured both Ciraaqi and Fanax this morning, but lies won’t serve as a coping mechanism

Madoobe supporters were celebrating fabricated Kenyan photos that were later deleted. Haramcad commander Fanax has now stated that they are currently based in Raskamboni, with reinforcements expected. Jubaland claimed they captured both Ciraaqi and Fanax this morning, but lies won’t serve as a coping mechanism

Get Over It GIF


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Madoobe supporters were celebrating fabricated Kenyan photos that were later deleted. Haramcad commander Fanax has now stated that they are currently based in Raskamboni, with reinforcements expected. Jubaland claimed they captured both Ciraaqi and Fanax this morning, but lies won’t serve as a coping mechanism

Hahah they thought they could capture an elite trained soldier of Haramcad. I told you it was all propaganda. Of course SNA were told to stand down but are ready to fight if ordered to do so.
Ha Ha Smile GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon


Taliye Ciraaqi says he is doing well and that the fake news by Madoobe goons that he was captured in battle was a lie.

BREAKING: Taliye Fanax the leader of FGS forces speaks and says they are on the outskirts of Raaskambooni busting another lie that he was captured by Huwanta Madoobe! @Jungle seems like the fight continues and says they will recapture Raas Kambooni! Guul!

Dadka la lahaa kismaayaa lagu soo bandhigaa saan miyaa gacanta loogu haayaa 🤣
After they got naked and their asses were handed to them, the feeble entity that calls itself the federal government of Somalia in Mogadishu accused the Jubbaland govt of sending their gallant defense forces through the UGUS (aka Al-Shabaab) controlled territory. However, the victorious Jubbaland government & Jubbaland defense forces published photos and videos showing these gallant forces arriving through the ocean and launching a blitzkrieg offensive that crushed the feeble entity's (aka FGS) forces and shocked the world.

The captured militiamen from the feeble entity in Mogadishu complained that it was Hassan Dhiiqo who set them up and they had nothing against Jubbaland and its steamed President Ahmed Mohamed Islaam. 👇



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