Fighting breaks out in Ceerigaabo between SSC and Somaliland troops

This war is not going to end anytime soon.

How do I know that? The Warsangeli gurmad coming from Dahar passed through Jiidli and did not evict the Isaaq living among Harti there. What does that mean? Harti Sanaag fully expect to be back in Ceerigaabo by force of arms.

We are at the beginning of a long conflict.

At this point Warsangali are what I call "Tikniko models" they show off their technicals, take a photoshoot with a strong hanjabad, than go back to whatever dusty tuulo they came from. All bark no bite.
Lol.. How are you gonna celebrate your grandma fleing from her home? What a stupid retard..

Why are you guys so shocked? In the full video she said I'll take care of my grandma's house and no one will take anything.

Dhofaar Ismaciil literally attacked the city with Aks and Bazookas and killed a little girl bit wanna act all shocked and melodramatic when their houses get sacked. This is how ungrateful minorities like the Dhoofar behaves. Sifiican ba la idin karbashy.
You remind me of an insect, they all have great time until winter comes..

Game Of Thrones Winter GIF

And suddenly, there are no insects in Ceerigaabo. Well said Cabdisamadow, Harti are indeed like cockroachs qiiq Laga ma maqlo they all got stepped on.
To resume, so many maxabiis aya la qabsaday. They were even made to say which Guuto disarmed them.


Another prisoner being interviewed by his M.I cousin, apparently the SSC brought reinforcement but when they were defeated in battle the commanders ran away and over 20 people were killed jn yesterday's battle.

Where are the Darood members xagaad uu caraartiin . Jabkii Ceerigaabo ee Labada Aya meesha ka dacay.

I have brutal videos but I can't share them here. Men who throat is visible and moving, eyeballs hanging. There was even a ladys body on the ground.
SSC chat groups in panic mode they're blaming Black Magic on Jabkii labad that had been inflicted upon the Naylee Axmed. Another person says there is 5th column amongst (which is true or else how we got this voice note) the movement of their militia has been recorded crossing Xudun and the great Jab toke place around Kulaal not far from Fuqfulyi.

Glorious time for the Iidoor nation, 2 victories in less than a week. ✌️
It's the name of the Telegram Group doqon yahow, take your head out of your ass he's in Ceerigaabo hospital check the background hoyada Wa$$e
I don’t care about your Futo Jeclo makhnuud groups kid tii futadeeda kaaso xaartey was