Fighting has started in Bosaso


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
The troops are winning time to let the people evacuate. Tomorrow or day after, PL will use heavy weapons and show its strength. This is light weight
The troops are winning time to let the people evacuate. Tomorrow or day after, PL will use heavy weapons and show its strength. This is light weight
This is bad for the economy of your state which depends on the port the only right thing to happen now is if both sides withdraw from the area put their weapons down and sit in the table and have talks.
This is bad for the economy of your state which depends on the port the only right thing to happen now is if both sides withdraw from the area put their weapons down and sit in the table and have talks.

Waa Xasid Cumar Mahmoud, he wants reer Bosaso Osman mahmouds to kill each others using heavy weapons and destroy their Infrastructure especially their Port so that all of Reer Puntland can use his weak Garacad Port.

Basically he is saying, who cares the lives of others in far-away land Bosaso when you can make BANK in Garacaad of their misery.;
Waa Xasid Cumar Mahmoud, he wants reer Bosaso Osman mahmouds to kill each others using heavy weapons and destroy their Infrastructure especially their Port so that all of Reer Puntland can use his weak Garacad Port.

Basically he is saying, who cares the lives of others in far-away land Bosaso when you can make BANK in Garacaad of their misery.;

That is life. Everybody has to look after their own interest. If reer Bosaso are stupid enough to destroy their own town than reer Garcad can benefit. Notice the ones calling for war are not reer Bosaso.
Deni haa ruined his legacy all those gains like voting etc have been ruined Abdullahi Yusuf would be ashamed.
Even the voting, he used force and tried intimidating people to vote for him. His rule is full of violence, use of force, dictatorism and emotional decisions.

AY wanted to fight jamac but he listened to the isimo and they had a ceasefire. Deni never learns.
This is really sad, we welcomed first displaced persons from Bosaso in Burco this morning, This nonsense war must stop immediately and without a condition. Ilaahay shacabka masaakiintaa haka badbaadiyo.
Puntland will remain fully autonomous from the fake FGS after this crisis ends so why are Farmajo fanboys going all weak at the knees celebrating this tragedy


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Puntland will remain fully autonomous from the fake FGS after this crisis ends so why are Farmajo fanboys going all weak at the knees celebrating this tragedy

PL is coming out of this stronger than ever. PL will flush out any weaknesses which were strong military forces that weren’t under the command of the PL forces.

This shows that unlike the south, PL only has one authority. In the FGS you have ministers that are anti-Farmaajo and organize anti-Farmaajo demonstrations, a PM that used clan politics that made sure Farmaajo couldn’t use state owned media outlets like SNTV.

We’ll survive this easily.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Deni is now willing to accept talks after he lost the battle PSF said we will listen to the esteemed elders. This all couldve been avoided if Deni listened to Boqor Burhaan I guess only the bullet made him understand

Waa Xasid Cumar Mahmoud, he wants reer Bosaso Osman mahmouds to kill each others using heavy weapons and destroy their Infrastructure especially their Port so that all of Reer Puntland can use his weak Garacad Port.

Basically he is saying, who cares the lives of others in far-away land Bosaso when you can make BANK in Garacaad of their misery.;
Sometimes I really wonder why there's so much rivalry between the three jiffos since they are all the same sub :hmm:


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Deni minister begs for peace :mjkkk: Walle walaga adkaadatay

