What a shame.

What kind of Muslim woman would want to participate and how do you wear a hijab but want to compete in a beauty pageant, that is the epitome of tabaruj.

Beauty pageants are degenerate and disgusting.
Sad that she had to join this with such a special magac.
What a shame.

What kind of Muslim woman would want to participate and how do you wear a hijab but want to compete in a beauty pageant, that is the epitome of tabaruj.

Beauty pageants are degenerate and disgusting.
It’s the times we’re living in...May Allah guide the sister.
You girls call any woman beautiful. There are tons of Somali girls in Toronto 10x prettier then her
Did i say she was the most beautiful? I just said she’s great representation-fits the beauty standards almost perfectly and seems confident. We Somali women will always ride for each other.

Go tell the yusuf7ns and Barkhads to stop embarrassing ya’ll :hillarybiz:


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
everyone is mid to you? do you live in a city with nothing but supermodels? she looks better than the average person and is quite beautiful. 🙄
Random unknown somali girl passport picture mogs them to oblivion


Entitled uppity East African
What a shame.

What kind of Muslim woman would want to participate and how do you wear a hijab but want to compete in a beauty pageant, that is the epitome of tabaruj.

Beauty pageants are degenerate and disgusting.
Sad that she had to join this with such a special magac.

It’s the times we’re living in...May Allah guide the sister.
Go dm her then tf :ileycry:


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
This isnt some tiny beauty pageant this is miss universe a well known pageant and she does NOT come up to standards this is a repeat of the somali female olympic runner disaster :damn: they have to give her surgery or get her on braces ASAP or its over.


Entitled uppity East African
This isnt some tiny beauty pageant this is miss universe a well known pageant and she does NOT come up to standards this is a repeat of the somali femalr olympic runner disaster :damn:
She’s clearly beautiful don’t be a bully.
Go dm her then tf :ileycry:
Why would I do that? If I’m gonna advise, it’ll be to those closest to me first. Besides she’s a grown woman who knows better. You’re 17 so you may not understand but we have a right to not stan everything and everyone. Don’t take my comments personally.


Entitled uppity East African
This isnt some tiny beauty pageant this is miss universe a well known pageant and she does NOT come up to standards this is a repeat of the somali female olympic runner disaster :damn: they have to give her surgery or get her on braces ASAP or its over.
That is not going to work stop being so negative


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
She’s clearly beautiful don’t be a bully.

This is her type of competition the best ones have prominent cheekbones and straight pearly white teeth 0 gaps it will be a miracle if she passes preliminaries.