Flights to boosaso airport cancelled


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
So Mx liberated Gaalkacyo but couldn’t librate Galinsoor and Dhuuso mareeb where odeygii dalal ahaa is buried😂. HG are taxing the shit out of you in 2024 and there is nothing you can do about it reer falastinoow😂
Gelinsoor hada qarka loo saaranyahay Dhuusomareebna MX weligiis ma lahayn.
So Mx liberated Gaalkacyo but couldn’t librate Galinsoor and Dhuuso mareeb where odeygii dalal ahaa is buried😂. HG are taxing the shit out of you in 2024 and there is nothing you can do about it reer falastinoow😂

Isn't it hilarious how these Daarood sub-clans act like they 'saved' us or are the 'bravest', but they can't ever save themselves. The biggest propaganda on planet earth. At most they could have given us some weapons that they stockpiled because their uncle was in charge.

They better thank Allah day and night, that Majeerteen, the giant with amnesia, is forced under the same umbrella as them. We all know, who really needs who.
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Flight to bosaso workin fine 🇸🇱🙏🏽 the 1 meter bunker aminson bunker is powerless
#Boosaaso: Diyaaradda Daalo Airline ayaa saaka ka degtay garoonka diyaaradda Boosaaso, iyadoo sii qaadi doonta rakaab ku wajahan Xamar iyo Nairobi. Xili shalay ay ka baaqatay safarkeeddii Boosaaso iyadoon cadayn sababta.
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Puntland is the heartbeat of Somalia what were they thinking
Isn't it hilarious how these Daarood sub-clans act like they 'saved' us or are the 'bravest', but they can't ever save themselves. The biggest propaganda on planet earth. At most they could have given us some weapons that they stockpiled because their uncle was in charge.

They better thank Allah day and night, that Majeerteen, the giant with amnesia, is forced under the same umbrella as them. We all know, who really needs who.

Both Mx and Dhulus dedicated all their available forces to defend Balanbal and Buuhoodle where SNA had stockpiled their weapons. The only time Daroods fought along side each other was in Jubooyinka which was a disaster😂


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Both Mx and Dhulus dedicated all their available forces to defend Balanbal and Buuhoodle where SNA had stockpiled their weapons. The only time Daroods fought along side each other was in Jubooyinka which was a disaster😂
Brother jubbaland was defend by beesha majerteen joore under general Morgan until Ogaden and marehan sided with hawiye


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Both Mx and Dhulus dedicated all their available forces to defend Balanbal and Buuhoodle where SNA had stockpiled their weapons. The only time Daroods fought along side each other was in Jubooyinka which was a disaster😂
Go ask your grandparents what occured during Nus Qiyaamo wars. You cannot rewrite history.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Diyaarada Itoobiyan Airline iyo Garoonka Diyaaradaha Bosaso Maanta

Aaway warqadii kooxda ayax gaajeysan ee fashilmay. boowe Boosaaso waa Nabad


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
@FBIsomalia laandhere
The fact that a qabil is putting out statements is honestly kind of ridculous just goes to show kw unstable we still are. In the coming decades the federal governments number 2 challenge after alshabb Will be bring the federal member states under control. They will eventually have to be demilitarized. If it was up to me I'd probaly make the governor of the gobols stronger that would probably weaken the autonomy of the federal states.